metaverse evolution

Chapter 265 Let's get excited

Chapter 265 Let's get excited

Chu Fei was suspended in mid-air, silently watching the scene of countless wailing insects, and continued to fall with the falling brood.

The current scene certainly made Chu Fei feel a little indescribable, and the bug also had feelings; but more, it was a warning.

This is the first time Chu Fei has seen the real brood, but the strength and fragility of the brood is shown at this moment.

A brood can control the boundless cloud of insects. There are countless kinds of insects in it. These insects cooperate with each other and add an unimaginable number. The destructive power is beyond imagination-the high walls have collapsed;
However, such a powerful brood, its body only needs two bullets to completely solve it.

Let's say it is powerful, it is indeed powerful beyond imagination, those bugs are in danger of destroying Flying Tiger City.

However, the body of the mother nest is fragile beyond imagination.

Chu Fei thought of many possibilities, but he didn't expect that it was only a matter of two shots in the end.

However, reflecting on the entire battle process made Chu Fei think of more.

These two shots are not as simple as they seem.This is because I flew at an altitude of four kilometers and passed through the obstacles of bugs before finally succeeding.

It seems to be a problem of two shots, but it is actually the strength of the body and the tyranny of technological weapons.

And behind this is the application of science and technology - including big data practice.

So, strictly speaking, this brood is dying under science and technology.

Similarly, no matter how powerful the external means are, the combat power and defense of the "noumenon" cannot be ignored.

To say that the shell of this brood is also very hard, it is difficult for ordinary guns to break through the defense.However, Chu Fei used an electromagnetic sniper rifle, and the warhead was still an armor-piercing bullet.

After a battle, Chu Fei thought too much.

Looking at the "mount" that surrounded him and had no self at all, Chu Fei returned to the back of the poisonous bee again, and controlled the poisonous bee to fall slowly.

In this battle, he was quick to develop his wits, and unexpectedly realized a method of applying "computing power". For some people or beasts with insufficient IQ or computing power, they can even forcibly overwrite their brains.

Sure enough, with the improvement of practice, many seemingly inconceivable or even unthinkable abilities of ordinary people will gradually appear and become the norm.And this kind of appearance even has a sense of success.

Amidst the wailing of the worm, the crisis caused by the worm was gradually lifted.Although the remaining bugs are still a little dangerous, after all, their instincts are still there, but the impact is not great, at least there is no need for Chu Fei to worry about it.

After saying hello to the ground, Chu Fei landed little by little.

But in the process of falling, Chu Fei saved his mind, let the mount fly alone, left the bracelet on the back of the mount, and opened the positioning; but he flew far away, hiding in the chaotic insects and falling quietly.

After testing, Chu Fei can barely control it from 100 meters away. A little magic or life energy control method is used in it, which is similar to the remote curse control method.

After falling for a moment, the light of the searchlight came from the ground and shone on the mount.

In the brilliant light, Chu Fei controlled the new mount and landed with the most ostentatious posture.The wings are spread as far as possible, the posture is as elegant as possible, and they fall along the beam of light, always keeping in the high light environment.

Fortunately, there were no problems along the way, such as dark guns and the like.

Looking overly cautious?But ah, after living in the last days for a long time, the guard is very strong.Well, I always feel that someone is trying to hurt me.

This is not because of Chu Fei's wild imagination, but because the rift between the city lord and the Dawn Academy is irreparable.It's just because of the beast tide and for the common survival that everyone has to unite.

In this case, Chu Fei didn't dare to bet on whether there was a hidden gun or not.

Especially when everyone was shooting guns and cannons at the scene, it was completely impossible to lock and identify everyone.The best way, of course, is to avoid it.

Be careful and make no big mistakes, your life is your own.

When he was getting close to the ground, Chu Fei asked the ground to turn off the lights, and slipped in front of his new mount.

At the same time, Chu Fei's wind of perception found several strange figures retreating quietly.

The scene was a mess before, and it was difficult for Chu Fei to lock down everyone.But after the mount fell for as much as 1 minute, Chu Fei had already locked everyone within a kilometer of the scene.At this time, someone quietly left the field, and Chu Fei naturally found out.

I know that there are always people who want to hurt me.

The reason why these people didn't do anything was probably that on the one hand it was inconvenient to do it in public, and on the other hand they might have found themselves absent.

But Chu Fei didn't want to let these people go.

The wings vibrated, and Chu Fei shuttled rapidly, piercing the target's shoulder with a sniper rifle from a distance.In a blink of an eye, all four of Chu Fei's locks were knocked down.

Then Chu Fei directly ordered the four guys to be brought here as the fourth senior brother.

Although this is the end of the world, there are still many technological means.At least, there are always ways for people to reveal information.

But when the four of them were brought in front of Chu Fei, they were all dead.

Chu Fei tugged and snorted softly, "Cyanide. Hang it on the flagpole."

The people who brought the four people over carried out Chu Fei's order silently, but these people looked at Chu Fei with awe.

After Chu Fei was able to fight at high altitude and win a decisive victory, he still found four "spies" when he fell.

At first everyone didn't understand why Chu Fei shot, but after seeing the four people swallowing cyanide one after another, everything became clear.

After a while, the four people were hung on the flagpole, and a cloth strip was hung underneath to explain the reason, and a reward was issued to find the heels of the four people.

If something goes wrong at this moment, you will have to eat cyanide after being caught, and this matter will never end.

After a while, the second senior brother Gao Haifeng also sent a message on the public network, asking to find the footsteps of the four people, and he will never forgive them lightly.

The incident caused some uproar, but it was quickly covered by new news—the beast horde has attacked the city!
It turned out that when the bugs were raging, a large number of strange beasts were ordinary beasts and other beasts, and they had already approached the city wall—although the city wall had already collapsed.

At this moment, Chu Fei was chatting with Huang Gang, Zhao Hongyue and others.

After hearing the news, Huang Gang couldn't help but sigh, "This time the beast swarm is a bit too clever, and they even used the cover of insects to get close to the city wall. It avoided the normal artillery coverage.

That Hong Qingxin may not be the real 'Beastmaster', but it's what makes him even more irritating. "

Chu Fei also nodded silently.Under normal circumstances, before the beast horde attacks, at least a distance of five kilometers must be covered by artillery fire.During these five kilometers, the strange beasts may lose [-]% or even half of their number.

However, this year's beast horde used bugs as a cover to pass through the most dangerous stage.As a result, the strange beasts, etc., appeared in front of the collapsed city wall in a nearly undamaged posture, and crossed the city wall like a tide, approaching the defense line.

Zhao Hongyue sighed leisurely, "I'm afraid that the one who arranged for this bug attack behind the scenes... well... the wise man may not necessarily be Hong Qingxin. He has already predicted that the bugs will not be a big deal, and they are directly used as consumables."

Chu Fei couldn't help but nodded, but finally sighed: "It's a pity that there is a brood. If I have such a brood under my command, I will definitely cultivate it."

"I'm afraid this kind of brood is out of control." Zhao Hongyue was very calm and said coldly, "There are so many bugs, what do they eat?"

Chu Fei: ...

Sure enough, although the brood is good, it can only be used as a consumable in the end.

Huang Gang sighed, "Now I understand why the worms are so obedient this time. It turns out that there is a brood behind them. It's a pity that the IQ is not enough, and it is used as a consumable."

A few people talked about the bugs, and then turned the topic to the imminent arrival of the beast horde.

Suddenly, flares lit up on the front line, clearly illuminating the swarming alien beasts. When the beast swarm passed the city wall, the artillery began to roar.

But there are too many beasts, and the number of artillery is relatively small.Even if the artillery kept blowing away pieces of alien beasts, they were still powerless to face the flood of alien beasts.

Moreover, these alien beasts are so smart that they know how to charge stragglers.Moreover, a large number of ordinary beasts were driven away at the front.

When the distance was even closer, the beasts began to accelerate in twos and threes, and sprinted towards the new line of defense.

At this time, the machine guns began to roar, with 1.5 bullets per minute, and some crazy ones could even reach [-] bullets per minute, forming a terrifying metal storm.

A large number of wild beasts fell, but the beast tide that had already launched a sprint did not stop at all. Instead, it became more and more crazy.

The front line gradually began to use rockets.But it still couldn't stop the attack of the alien beast.

Compared with cannonballs, rockets are more expensive and relatively less powerful, and they focus on convenience and portability.But in a battle of this scale, it's a bit stretched.

Fortunately, there is still room for defense.Rows of rocket cars, ready to start.

When more alien beasts appeared, the rocket car finally started to launch.

In an instant, tens of thousands of rockets were launched into the sky, and the ground was instantly covered in flames.The billowing flames are like a carpet of flowers.

However, this tumbling carpet was soon trampled by more beasts.

In less than 10 minutes of the decisive battle, a strange beast finally broke through the barriers and jumped onto the five-meter-high defense line.

A reserve team had already entered the field, with their guns pointed directly at the beast's head.

The brutal close combat has begun.

The rocket car is very fierce, but it is a 3-minute fast guy, and it disappears after a wave of explosions.

Without the suppression of the rocket car, plus the excessive consumption of machine guns and shells, the logistical pressure could not keep up for a while, so that more alien beasts broke through the "line of fire", jumped onto the line of defense, and began to attack the gunners and gunners etc., even sabotaging weapons.

At the same time, eagles chirped high in the sky, and flying figures appeared in the night sky.

Lights and flares are nice, but night always reigns supreme.At this pre-dawn moment, it was cloudy and extremely dark.

The flickering lighting, coupled with the flashing figures of various mutated birds, brought even more panic.

There are anti-aircraft guns fired, but the hit rate is less than half.

The speed of the swooping eagle exceeded [-] kilometers. When everyone found these things, it was already too late.

In a blink of an eye, an eagle rushed into the crowd and passed overhead.

The mutated eagle had a wingspan of more than three meters and directly grabbed a person.

"Boom..." The grenade exploded in the eagle's belly, and the man and the eagle died together.

Huang Gang saw this scene, and said to Chu Fei indifferently: "Chu Fei, the most tragic scene has begun. The first wave of attacks has lasted for a week, and now it has less than 20 minutes!"

The faint words made Chu Fei's heart shrink uncontrollably,

The critical moment of the week has only started in less than 20 minutes.

There are still... 10 and [-] minutes!

This is a desperate number.

And one thing Chu Fei knew very well, in the first 10 minutes, 4% of the ammunition in stock had been consumed!

According to the current attack frequency, the ammunition can only last for another 480 minutes, that is... eight hours, and there will be no ammunition for the remaining 160 hours.

Two 10 minutes... Ten thousand and six 10 minutes;

Eight hours... 160 hours!

These two sets of data made Chu Fei feel a little out of breath.

No way, the difference is too great.

Unable to bear it, Chu Fei thought that on the first day of traveling through this world, he was caught in the attack of living corpses, and eventually ran out of ammunition and exhausted physically. If Huang Gang and Zhao Hongyue hadn't appeared at the right time, the first day of traveling would have ended. up.

But Chu Fei was thinking, but Huang Gang smiled, "Do you want to have something exciting?"

"Ah?" Chu Fei was a little dazed.

Huang Gang pointed to the distance, "Motorcycle rider. If we want to fight against alien beasts, especially in such a large-scale confrontation with alien beasts, we must give full play to every advantage.

The locomotive allows us to have the strength of steel and the speed beyond the flesh and blood. "

Chu Fei's eyes lit up, "Okay!"

"Haha, I have prepared a locomotive for you a long time ago, let's try it!" Huang Gang glanced at the front line and said, "We still have 10 minutes to prepare."

Coming to the rear, Chu Fei saw three dark gray locomotives with a little camouflage design.

Zhao Hongyue simply explained: "Dark gray is the most inconspicuous color, and it can be regarded as a protective color."

While speaking, Huang Gang and Zhao Hongyue stepped onto two motorcycles respectively.There are some differences in the size of the two locomotives, which are obviously customized.It can also be seen that the Shuguang team is in good condition now.

The last one left was obviously Chu Fei's.The size of the locomotive is between Huang Gang and Zhao Hongyue.

Chu Fei tried it, and it was very smooth.

Quickly put on the helmet and protective clothing, check the weapons and equipment, check and get familiar with the performance of the whole machine.

With Chu Fei's computing power and learning ability and his own good foundation, he basically mastered the situation of the locomotive in just 3 minutes.After turning around a few times in situ, I was basically familiar with [-]% of them.

Ready, Chu Fei nodded to Huang Gang and Zhao Hongyue, Huang Gang immediately waved and gestured.

From now on, there are two ways for everyone to communicate: gestures, or the headset in the helmet.

The specific method depends on the actual situation.Sometimes gesture communication is simple, precise and efficient, but when the distance is far or the environment is dark, headset communication is required.

The locomotive roared, and Huang Gang took the lead.After rushing less than 20 meters, the speed of the locomotive soared to 80 kilometers per hour, rushed directly onto a "road" full of debris, and rushed out of the front line like lightning.

When the locomotive rushed out of the front line, its speed had soared to 160 kilometers per hour, and then it directly hit the beast tide.

Seeing this crazy scene, some kind of emotion in Chu Fei's heart burned instantly. When the accelerator was turned to the bottom, the locomotive gradually surpassed Zhao Hongyue and rushed out at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour.

180 kilometers, Chu Fei is confident that it is within his control!
The flight speed can reach 380 kilometers, and the speed of 180 kilometers per hour is drizzle.

[Recently, my work has entered a peak period. I work in a power plant. Recently, the equipment has been intensively debugged and I often work overtime.Updates are not fully guaranteed.Please understand if there are interruptions during the period.This book will continue to be written. 】

(End of this chapter)

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