metaverse evolution

Chapter 253 Kill me

Chapter 253 Kill me
At this moment, if you look down from a high altitude, the picture is like this:

The city wall with a height of more than 200 meters collapsed to the outside of the city. The width of the upper part of the city wall was about 10 meters, and the width of the root was more than 30 meters. Even if the city wall collapsed, it formed a huge slope.

However, at the root of the collapsed city wall and the uncollapsed city wall, there are a large number of cement fragments, etc., forming a relatively soothing gap, which is convenient for strange beasts to rush into the city.

But on the whole, humans still have a bit of a high ground advantage, and they can't break through the charge of the alien beasts under the city wall.

However, the situation quickly reversed after a large number of bugs and bats appeared, and humans began to retreat.But the humans immediately counterattacked with air-burst bombs, temporarily suppressing the bugs' attacks.

But during the time when humans retreated, the strange beasts took the opportunity to rush up the city wall, and there were still a lot of them.

At this moment, Chu Fei took the lead and came back, taking the lead.

With a loud roar, Chu Fei raised his knife and chopped down a mutated weasel, and continued to chop at the second weasel.

Someone from the rear fired with a machine gun, but they couldn't hit the mutated and flexible yellow leather.

After these little guys mutated, their size didn't change much, but they became faster and more agile. Ordinary people couldn't hit these little guys with machine guns.

However, before Chu Fei slashed for the second time, two weasels in front of him suddenly made a volley turn, their butts facing Chu Fei.


A turbid yellow "fog" gushed out, enveloping Chu Fei in an instant.

Stinky beyond imagination!

Especially as an awakened person, Chu Fei's senses are more sensitive, and he only feels the unbearable stench rushing straight to his forehead, his whole head is a little groggy, and his thinking seems to be sluggish.

Not only does this stuff stink, it also has an anesthetic and paralyzing effect.

Almost at the same time, Chu Fei felt something biting his right leg.The sharp teeth seemed to have pierced the leg bones.But I don't know whether it is the effect of anesthesia, and I can't feel the pain.

All this happens in an instant.

Chu Fei suddenly closed his eyes, blocked his breath, and his mental model suddenly entered the overclocking mode.

In the blink of an eye, the mental model took over the body, forming a kind of "big data overwrite" - the executive ability of the cosmic brain overwrote the control ability of the flesh and blood itself.

In an instant, Chu Fei's face suddenly became emotional, and his whole body seemed to be turned into a machine.

I saw that Chu Fei didn't even have to lower his head, the knife in his hand flew out like lightning, and the weasel that bit Chu Fei's right leg hadn't reacted yet, its neck had been cut off, leaving only one head hanging on Chu Fei's calf.

Another intense vibration flashed across Chu Fei's right leg, and the weasel's head exploded directly, and the teeth pierced into the bone flew out, and then the right leg squirmed rapidly, with dark brown blood flowing out, and the wound on the leg disappeared quickly.

Chu Fei used the wind of perception, the vibration control method derived from the wind of perception, and the healing wound of the butterfly transformation spell.

All this is done in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Chu Fei's body surface had a faint fluorescent flicker, which was the energy protection layer flowing on the body surface.And on the surface of the skin, dirt is gradually discharged.

Under the scouring of energy in the body, coupled with the actively activated rebalancing ability, as well as the butterfly transformation spell, plus the ability of the awakened person, especially the unimaginable computing power of the universe brain, Chu Fei directly discharged the toxins in his body come out.

In less than two seconds after the cosmic brain took over his body, Chu Fei's state had returned to its peak.

Afterwards, Chu Fei actually closed his eyes, completely relying on the wind of perception to lock the surrounding area within ten meters.

Within a range of ten meters, the resolution of the wind of perception can reach 1.8mm; borrowing the ultra-high frequency of ultrasonic waves, the actual refresh rate of the wind of perception can exceed 1000hz.

10 meters is Chu Fei's absolute domain.

Only the wings of the dragonfly behind Chu Fei trembled slightly, his figure was erratic like a ghost, with a long knife in his right hand and a long whip in his left hand, Chu Fei rushed directly into the beast tide like a humanoid meat grinder.

At this time, there were as many as three hundred strange beasts, large and small, rushing up the city wall. There were many third-level strange beasts equivalent to the awakened level, and there were even many fourth-level strange beasts.

However, as Chu Fei sprinted, a vacuum quickly appeared around him.

In less than three seconds, a total of 12 strange beasts fell under Chu Fei's killing.Until a bear stood in front of Chu Fei.

"Roar..." The majestic bear stood up, more than four meters high, like an iron tower.But there was no sound during the sprint, and the roar did not erupt until before the sprint.

It slapped Chu Fei's whip and long knife away with a single slap, and ran towards Chu Fei. At the same time, its two bear paws slapped Chu Fei's shoulder and chest respectively, as if it wanted to pinch Chu Fei into a pie. .

The bear appeared quite suddenly, or its sprinting speed was too fast, and the surrounding awakeners didn't even have time to intercept or rescue it.

But the corner of Chu Fei's mouth slightly raised.The cosmic brain took over the body and used the wind of perception to perceive Chu Fei, who had already discovered the bear's sprint.

The blocked whip and long knife were also deliberately done by Chu Fei.

Just before the bear hit him, the dragonfly wings on Chu Fei's back trembled violently, hovering in mid-air without any force;

At the moment of contact, Chu Fei even retreated rapidly with the help of the reaction force, and lightly completed the release of force, while rolling his body sideways, avoiding the bear's paw that was slapping his chest.

At the moment the bear attacked, Chu Fei dropped the knife with his right hand and punched the bear in the eye.

Almost at the same time, the bear slapped Chu Fei's shoulder.

Chu Fei's shoulders shook violently, and he continued to release force using the sonic technique, but with more force, Chu Fei crashed to the ground and rolled back a long way.

But the bear was even more miserable. It screamed, its left eye had become a hole, and blood flowed out crazily.

It turned out that Chu Fei's fist changed at that moment, and a magical weapon condensed into a dagger—because the time was too short, he could only condense the dagger, but it was a dagger with a barb.

Chu Fei coughed up blood and got up, but proudly raised his right hand, grabbing a fist-sized eyeball impressively.And the bear is screaming.

"Well done!" The middle-aged Li Shaorong shouted, picked up the oversized submachine gun on his waist, and aimed at the bear with a stream of bullets.

The screaming bear forgot to dodge, and the bullets fell crazily.

The first few bullets could only barely penetrate the defense, but when more bullets fell, the crazy bullets tore through the bear's defense, tore its chest, and then blood and flesh splattered.

The submachine gun fired a magazine of 1 bullets in just 50 second.By the time the bear reacted, it was already too late.

At this moment, a flash bomb fell on everyone's heads, and Chu Fei saw it clearly.

If the bear keeps moving, the bullets cannot land in the same position, and naturally cannot break through the defense.But when fifty reinforced bullets fell at the same time, a 10-centimeter steel plate could penetrate, not to mention the bear skin, and the chest was already bloody.

The bear only had time to let out a louder scream, and pushed the Jinshan toppled the jade pillar, crashing to the ground.

And because the collapsed city wall itself was slanted, the chubby bear's body rolled out of the city even more, smashing many strange beasts into the air.

"Such a big mutated bear!" Some awakened people exclaimed, with fear in their astonishment, "I'm afraid this thing has level [-], right? It was silent during the sneak attack!"

Li Shaorong nodded, "Such a huge body with such speed and agility, it is definitely a fourth-level beast. But this guy is also unlucky, he dared to sneak attack Chu Fei."

Li Shaorong also reacted at this time, Chu Fei should use the wind of perception to lock the mutant bear in advance.

As Chu Fei became famous, the wind of perception was also widely spread, and everyone knew some characteristics of the wind of perception.

But looking at Chu Fei coughing again, Li Shaorong couldn't help but said, "Chu Fei, you should take a rest first."

Chu Fei shook his head slightly, "It's okay, I've recovered."

It's not that easy to shape the character of a hero.Taking a step back, if things were so easy, it would be my turn.

And it's still relatively easy now, if you don't take the opportunity to kill more alien beasts, it will be dangerous to wait for more alien beasts to come.

Chu Fei knew exactly what he needed and what he needed to do now.

Whether it's fighting, making a show, or creating a hero's character design, you shouldn't back down at this time.The most important thing is that I really slowed down.

Although the bear's slap just now was very powerful, Chu Fei himself has used vibration skills, flying hovering and backing techniques to complete multiple unloading, and the actual damage has been reduced to within the body's tolerance range.

He even used the Butterfly Transformation spell to repair the damage, allowing his body to fully recover.

So Chu Fei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, the wings of the dragonfly vibrated, and he flew into the sky again, rushing forward.

Then he roared angrily, "Come with me! If you don't want to be overwhelmed by the beast tide, you must kill the strange beast first.

Tonight, the high wall suddenly collapsed, we were surprised, and the strange beast was also surprised.

In contrast, we are more prepared, so tonight is the best chance to hunt the beasts.

Now every time one more beast is killed, the power of the beast tide will be reduced by one point.

All the strange beasts tonight must not let any one go. "

With Chu Fei taking the lead, some tired semi-awakened people gritted their teeth and roared, "Kill!"

They roared angrily, followed behind Chu Fei and sprinted forward.

The semi-awakened ones rushing to the front now agree with what Chu Fei said.Many of them have experienced the beast tide more than ten years ago.

On the other side, Li Shaorong looked at the direction where Chu Fei was attacking, and shouted in another direction, "Come here, let's kill a wave in this direction."

Then he shouted at Chu Fei: "Chu Fei, how about we compare?"

"Okay!" Chu Fei responded casually, but he had already killed more than 30 meters, driving off the strange beasts that charged up the city wall little by little.

Half Awakened followed behind and soon cooperated perfectly with Chu Fei.

The guns roared, blocking the attacks of the alien beasts, or disrupting the formation of the alien beasts.Although the damage caused by the gun was limited, it created an excellent lore opportunity for Chu Fei.

Pushing smoothly all the way to the edge of the city wall, Chu Fei stopped suddenly, his face suddenly changed.Suddenly shouted: "Run! Run!"

Everyone had no time to react, only to hear a buzzing sound, and countless poisonous bees, flying ants, and more mutated bugs that could not be named, flooded the sky and covered the sky.

These things are all part of the culprit that corroded the city wall, and now they finally gathered together from under the collapsed city wall and began to erupt.

Each bug is not powerful, but when thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of bugs break out, it will be a doomsday natural disaster.

The screams sounded instantly.In the blink of an eye, someone was gnawed to the bone.

At this moment, Chu Fei was helpless, and the only thing he could do for the time being was to wave his whip into a ball to form a protection zone with a diameter of about five meters, try his best to protect as many people as possible, and retreat quickly.

And more people outside the protection range, either run fast, or have been surrounded by bugs.

Even if Chu Fei is here, it is not completely safe, there are still many bugs breaking through the defense.But Chu Fei has a faint energy protection layer circulating on his body, as well as a new battle suit protection, which can defend against bugs in a short time.

A siren blasted from the rear, and the siren contained simple Morse code.It may be difficult for ordinary people to analyze this information in a panic, but for semi-awakened or even awakened people, it can be easily analyzed.

However, the alarm sound mode is fixed, and you can recite it if you listen to it too much.

Chu Fei heard the content: the incendiary bomb attack is about to start.

Amidst the shrill siren, Chu Fei led 12 people back to the second half of the city wall.

However, before the second half, there was also a humming sound at the root of the broken city wall, and a cloud of insects like a dark cloud rose into the sky.This worm cloud is seven to eighty meters thick, truly covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

In just a split second, hundreds of elites rushing up to fight on the city wall were pinched by the overwhelming bugs, putting them in danger.

"Oops, I fell for it!" Li Shaorong, who had rushed over just now, couldn't help shouting, with a hint of panic in his voice, "The alien beast wants to wipe out those of us who are rushing to the front line!"

Everyone's faces were solemn.

However, at this time, the bugs on both sides were squeezing towards the middle, the sirens in the rear became more intense, and the incendiary bombs and so on were ready.

In order to protect the city and prevent more bugs from entering the city, it is necessary to attack before the bugs disperse.

There is not much time left for everyone.To be exact, only 12 seconds!
With such a short time, there are very few choices for everyone.

Under the crisis of life and death, some people began to complain that Chu Fei and Li Shaorong took the lead to die, and began to complain in a low voice; and because more and more people complained, the complaints became louder and louder.

At the critical moment, Chu Fei was extremely calm, the wind of perception quickly scanned the surroundings, and immediately took the lead to rush to the left, his voice was loud, but his attitude was very casual: "Trust me, follow me!"

"I'm in charge of the defense on the left side!" Li Shaorong immediately followed behind Chu Fei without saying a word, waving the long knife in his hand and splashing water.

Some of the rest were hesitant and some decisive.

The 12 people who were previously protected by Chu Fei followed behind Chu Fei without hesitation and cooperated in defense.

Chu Fei chose a direction with fewer bugs, and everyone rushed to the edge of the collapsed city wall in only five seconds—this is the middle of the collapsed city wall.

The thickness of this section of the city wall is more than 20 meters - at this time it is more than 20 meters high, and there are broken steel bars on the broken city wall.

The city wall has been around for hundreds of years, and many steel bars are severely corroded, which is one of the reasons why the high wall collapsed.

In addition to the unevenly broken steel bars, there are also broken cement blocks, which is extremely dangerous.

Pausing on the edge, Chu Fei shouted, "Who still has grenades, I need two."

Immediately someone sent a grenade, Chu Fei calculated and threw it out forcefully.

A grenade exploded halfway, collapsing the loose cement and rolling down, and at the same time buried a wave of faintly moving bugs below.

Then put a grenade on the root, which exploded the faint bugs and scattered the loose cement fragments to form a buffer slope.

At this point 9 seconds have passed.

"Rush in my direction!" Chu Fei roared and rushed down.During the sprint, Chu Fei kept using the wind of perception to scout around and avoid danger.

Li Shaorong, a master, followed closely behind Chu Fei, not daring to overtake him.The people behind followed suit.There were a total of thirty people left, and everyone followed Chu Fei's footsteps and quickly descended the city wall.

Almost at the moment when everyone descended the city wall, bright flames exploded behind them, and then pale but extremely gorgeous flames splashed, falling on the concrete floor and burning crazily.

"White phosphorous bomb!" Li Shaorong looked at the flames behind him, his face pale.

Even if it is an awakened person, it is very dangerous if it is really going to be rubbed against by white phosphorous bombs.The awakened ones are still flesh and blood, and still cannot withstand the high temperature burning.

Chu Fei didn't answer, but silently glanced at the people who were following him, there were 33 people in total.Count yourself 34.

There were hundreds of vanguards who sprinted earlier, and two-thirds of them were gone in the blink of an eye.These people can be said to have been completely eaten alive by bugs.

Of course, the vast majority of people who have been bitten by bugs are low-level semi-awakened people.Although the remaining people are only one-third of the original, their fighting power is probably two-thirds of the original.

Chu Fei glanced quickly, and finally looked at Li Shaorong, "Captain Li, we are outside the city now, what should we do next?"

Li Shaorong thought for a while, then suddenly said: "I listen to you, Si! Master! Brother!"

Four brothers?

Chu Fei pondered for a while, and immediately said loudly: "My suggestion is to take the initiative to attack! Alien Beast didn't expect us to escape, and this is our advantage.

Those who are willing to follow me, come with me.

If you don't want to, you can try to return through the city gate. "

(End of this chapter)

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