metaverse evolution

Chapter 101 Chapter 100 Breakthrough Breakthrough

Chapter 101 Chapter [-] Breakthrough Breakthrough
After a moment of silence, Liu Tingyun said softly, "What do you want? Money? Resources?"

In the faint words, Liu Tingyun's originally familiar attitude quickly calmed down.

Regarding this, Chu Fei still felt a little bit uneasy.But in the end, he remained calm, calm, and believed in his own judgment——Liu Tingyun is an exquisite egoist.

She can tolerate people who are useful to her, as long as they don't go too far;

If it is useless to her, it will be discarded - this is the result of Chu Fei being treated indifferently before.

Chu Fei has personally experienced both enthusiasm and indifference.

So Chu Fei knows what kind of person Liu Tingyun is, and also knows how to get in touch with Liu Tingyun:

Show enough value.

Of course, as a student, the greatest value should be "future value" and investment potential.

In contrast, the performance of this hunting can only be regarded as a small proof.

And the value of the future, the first is the winter solstice, the dimension space, and the fruit of the spirit!
The second is the long-term goal, such as becoming an awakened person, or even a fully awakened person.

And to make the future more valuable, Chu Fei must obtain all resources as much as possible to promote his growth and practice.

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Chu Fei looked at Liu Tingyun's faintly annoyed eyes, and said seriously: "Sister Liu, I would like to ask you about your experience and feelings of breaking through semi-awakened and awakened people, as well as your practice experience during this period, etc."

Liu Tingyun was stunned for a moment, "That's all?"

"That's all!" Chu Fei nodded seriously.

Some things, especially information or knowledge, may be dismissive in the eyes of the owner, but they are very expensive in the eyes of those who need them.

Chu Fei's current practice is somewhat crossing the river by feeling the stones—but, if you want to cross the river by feeling the stones, you must first have the stones.

There are many models here at Shuguang Academy, which can indeed be used for reference.But these models are "dead knowledge", useful but not good enough.

That's fine if you don't have a choice.

But there is a beautiful woman here... Bah bah, a lively awakener, why don't you ask for advice.

Crossing the river by feeling the stones, the stones are different from the stones.

And of course the more stones (knowledge) the better.

After all, big data practice is a "knowledge-intensive" way of practice.

As for Liu Tingyun, I am sure that what Chu Fei wants is only these "useless knowledge", not money and fortune, or stepping on his nose and putting a smile on his face again, "Okay then, let's talk together, I hope It is helpful for your practice.

In the future, if there are any problems in practice, you can come here. "

Knowledge is something that can be copied and shared, which is a typical benefit without cost.Therefore, Sister Liu fully demonstrated her sister's tolerance and tenderness.

Chu Fei immediately expressed his thanks, and the two sat down and began to communicate.

Chu Fei still benefited a lot from the real communication.

After all, Liu Tingyun is an awakened person, even a few words made Chu Fei suddenly see the light.

For example, the metaphors and career parameters in the previous rolls made Chu Fei get out of the thinking trap.

Similarly, Liu Tingyun also used the knowledge and vision of an awakened person to analyze and think about the bypass system with Chu Fei, making this new auxiliary method more perfect.

As for Chu Fei, while discussing with Liu Tingyun, he used wisdom dew to speed up and calculate crazily, and unexpectedly caught up with Liu Tingyun's train of thought.

In the midst of heated discussions, it was early morning.

It wasn't until Chu Fei's stomach growled that Chu Fei stopped and offered to leave.

It's early in the morning, always pay attention to the issue of influence and manners.

It just so happened that Liu Tingyun received the team's message, opened the bracelet light screen to look at it, and said to Chu Fei, "Go back and tell Sun Xiangqing that the team agrees to his participation, but there is no special care after joining the team. Everything follows the rules, and wealth is up to you." Life, life and death are up to God.

Gather and report at the foot of the mountain at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning.The team has prepared a tactical backpack for him.

If he regrets it, it's fine if he doesn't report for duty tomorrow morning. "

Chu Fei went to the cafeteria first, and returned to the dormitory with two buckets of porridge.Then he knocked on Sun Xiangqing's door, conveyed the news, ignored Sun Xiangqing's dazed expression, and went straight back to his dormitory.

Sit down cross-legged, take a few deep breaths, and after entering the state, use a drop of wisdom dew, and the whole person instantly enters the state of super practice.

First, the temporary unit cell responsible for the energy bypass is upgraded to become a formal energy management module, allowing the energy mode of Tai Chi to run spontaneously and provide abundant energy for practice.

Then began to calculate with all its strength, crazy thinking training and practice.

Two hours passed quietly, and the dew of wisdom was exhausted. Chu Fei slowly opened his eyes and carefully felt the situation inside his body.

After two hours of crazy calculations, more than half of the energy in the body was consumed, and I started to be hungry.

But the effect is also gratifying. The first unit cell has finally been completely updated.

This is a unit cell with "part" of the vector-matrix logic written into it.

After a short rest, I drank a whole bucket of meat porridge first, and began to practice Tai Chi energy patterns to accumulate energy in my body.

Unconsciously, it was dawn, Chu Fei moved his ears, and heard the sound of Sun Xiangqing going out.Glancing at the wall clock, it was not yet six o'clock in the morning.

Chu Fei didn't get up and continued to practice.

It wasn't until 07:30 in the morning that the energy accumulation reached saturation, and Chu Fei didn't get up, and went outside to practice Tai Chi - before it was meditation, but now it's exercise.

Sit in meditation and practice, mainly to accumulate energy.

In the state of exercise, the energy will better nourish the body and promote the transformation of the body.

Although big data practice focuses on "thinking models", without a strong body, it cannot carry a strong thinking model.

Brain, body, computing power, and energy never exist in isolation.

As the Taijiquan kicked down, the saturated energy in the body began to be consumed, and a layer of dirt appeared on the surface of the body again.

By noon, the energy in the body was exhausted, and an obvious layer of dirt had appeared on the surface of the body.

But Chu Fei's eyes were exceptionally bright.

Five meters away, hair can be discerned.According to the decimal notation of vision, the vision has already exceeded 2.0, and it is estimated that there must be 10.0.

Staring for a while, you can see some obvious traces on the city wall in the distance, see the patrolling personnel above the city wall, and see them whispering.

His ears trembled slightly, and he heard the voices in the classroom following the sound of the wind—this was because he didn't have the ability to use the wind of perception.

Take a deep breath, and you can distinguish various smells in the air, the smell of various industrial pollution, the fresh smell of soil, the smell of oily smoke in the canteen, etc.

In fact, in order to break through now, Chu Fei did not rebuild the calculation model of the wind of perception.

"The current vision, hearing, and smell are much better than ordinary people.

This is still in a state of nature.

If algorithms are added in the future, and algorithms continue to improve vision, hearing, and smell, like the wind of perception, then it will be a real superpower, and it is a superpower beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

If you break through the second limit..."

Looking down at the mountain, Chu Fei was fascinated.

Half-awakened ones, I, Chu Fei, are here!
Not only do I want to break through the semi-awakened, but I also want to break through with a "more perfect" posture.

I want to have a strong body,
have a strong mental model,

Possesses a majestic energy system,
With a greater accumulation of knowledge,


When others break through, the reason why they emphasize the thinking model and computing power and ignore the rest is because they really can't get distracted.

But I am different!
In the consciousness space, the seeds of the tree of wisdom rotated leisurely, and more than 200 wisdom dewdrops circled around them.

After confirming his train of thought, Chu Fei showed a bright and confident smile on his face.

After returning to the dormitory to wash, he went straight to the cafeteria to eat and drink, and took four barrels of porridge back to the dormitory.

Run the Tai Chi energy mode first, practice for four hours, and absorb a full bucket and a half of meat porridge—it was a bucket before, so that the energy in the body can reach saturation.

Then go to the virtual center to study for an hour, consume a drop of wisdom dew, and get a lot of knowledge and more than ten drops of wisdom dew.

But in this crazy study, it also consumes a lot of energy.After returning to the dormitory, continue to accumulate energy and reach saturation again, then start thinking training, update the second unit cell, and write 'partial' vector matrix logic.

Unlike the previous construction of ordinary unit cells, in order to build a vector matrix, each unit cell must be different and cannot be copied and pasted directly.

When 16 different unit cells are combined, a complete vector matrix can be formed to form a complete "firmware".

With the support of abundant energy, plus wisdom dew, and previous experience, it still took six hours to complete the renewal of the second unit cell.

Continue to practice the Tai Chi energy model to re-saturate the energy in the body, and it is morning again.

Then I went out to do Tai Chi for a morning, exhausting the energy in my body and increasing my upper limit.

After continuing to accumulate energy and reach saturation in the afternoon, go to study, go back to practice, and renew the third unit cell.

So far, Chu Fei has formed a fixed practice law, and is fully devoted to it, keeping his ears to the outside world.

Seeing Sun Xiangqing coming back during the period, he just nodded and didn't ask too many questions.

In the next 14 days, Chu Fei completed the update of 16 unit cells, and by the way, updated his body 16 times!

According to the calculation of the previous consumption of cooking meat porridge, 24~26 barrels of meat porridge can be cooked, which is enough for Chu Fei to consume for three days now.

At this time, there are only 3 days left before the mandatory medical examination every three months.

Liu Tingyun took the initiative to find Sun Xiangqing and asked Sun Xiangqing to ask about Chu Fei's cultivation status.

Chu Fei just replied: Reach the limit and start sprinting.

As for when it will break through, it is unknown.

As for cultivation, who dares to say that there will be a breakthrough.

That night, Chu Fei combined the 16 updated unit cells to form a complete vector matrix.

Then, Chu Fei did a crazy thing again - formatting!

Chu Fei carried out crazy tests, calculations, and nitpicking until this powerful thinking model collapsed, and it was directly formatted and rebuilt.

Rebuild with ease.

Two days later, in the second half of the night, both mental models and energy reached their peak.

Chu Fei took a deep breath: Today, a breakthrough!

(End of this chapter)

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