Chapter 180 Legionnaire

The addition of Titus did not reverse the situation on the battlefield. The army of elves had already filled the narrow area of ​​100 meters in the middle.However, the five desperate black shadows kept rushing forward, so the knights guarding under the laurel tree had to concentrate in this direction.

The blood bar dropped faster and faster.Unlike the Forest King, although the Wild Hunt army obviously had thicker blood bars, any damage to all the elves present would weaken the army's common blood bars.Every time an elf falls, the blood bar will faintly slide back.It's just that the front line is still advancing, and it seems that there are still some unknowns in the future that have not been revealed.If all the humans present can be wiped out before the health bar runs out, the elves can still be the winners of the game.

【Tsk, I'm afraid Irodai just realized that the offensive and defensive situation has reversed, and now they are the only ones who are limited.The gas trainers present could not be killed, and neither could the Dragon Tooth Soldiers. Titus and the 'Hydra Troops' could not be killed by their own abilities. 】 Apollonia sighed.

This is also the case.Because except for the Qi practitioners who came in from the main body, neither the Dragon Tooth Soldiers nor the Hydera troops really put their "main body" into battle, and only the main body is truly afraid of death.Dragon Tooth Soldiers are fearless spirits with very weak self-awareness and don't care about death at all.As for the Hydra army, as long as Titus himself does not die, the other 5 people can "refresh" back no matter how many times they die.

Killing the Qi trainers is the only way to contain the human side. In fact, the physical strength of those Wang Tingjun riders has reached or exceeded that of ordinary Qi trainers, and they can indeed do it.At least if an ordinary Qi trainer is hit by a deflagration gun, he will almost certainly die.Because after all, Qi practitioners are still people in the sense of not breaking away from the mortal body, and people will die if they are killed.

However, as a human Qi trainer, there are almost unlimited possibilities, physical strength is not all, and everyone still has some useless cards.At least there is still a 40-meter sword in Shangluo, and he doesn't draw it now because he can't swing it.If that thing is really extended to 40 meters, it is quite dangerous, and a large area can be knocked down if you accidentally sweep it over.And judging from the current situation, it seems that he doesn't need to do it.

With a "咻", a huge arrow brushed past his head.

"Ah, are you really okay? Don't you need me to do it?" He asked Titus next to him.

"Wait a minute, I'm just worried that you have something to do, so I came in early. The army is behind - after the lighthouse system is online, coupled with your positioning, the army can directly rush in."

While speaking, he suddenly pressed his earphone, and there was a call coming in:
"Understood, I see. Let's unfold now."

He opened his arms to signal Shangluo to step back, stretched out his hand and pulled out the dagger worn at his waist, and touched the ground with the tip of the sword to depict a symbol: a cross.

Although Christianity exists in Rome, this cross is not a Christian cross, but a symbol of the celestial pole, the relatively immobile pole center when the night sky rotates in the four seasons.There are many ways to draw Tianji, and it can be drawn as ten thousand characters, rice characters, well-shaped characters, circles, or Jiuyao. Cross is the simplest way to draw.

After drawing the cross, he half-kneeled on the ground and inserted the Roman dagger in the center of the celestial symbol:
"Omnipresent, omniscient. Invincible Mithras Helios, please protect us through your trials and bask in your light."

After whispering, he held the sword in place - the symbol of the cross was also lit at the same time, the four corners extended outward into eight poles, and eight rings were lit at the end of the eight poles.In the eight rings, white light and shadows descend from the sky, revealing eight human figures.

Eight half-squatting Roman guards emerged from the light, all half-kneeling in their own circle holding swords like Titus.Not just poses, their phlogiston stealth gear was the same as Titus's, only the cloak and clothing were ivory white.

The surrounding light dimmed, Titus and 8 others stood up at the same time.

"Thanks for your hard work, everyone in the Sphinx Army." He pointed to the front, "Let's start to act. The King of the Forest is right there."

The "Sphinx" closest to the front turned around and walked out of the front line, standing in front of the dragon tooth soldiers brought by Han Xingzhi.

The front of the Yongquan Great Elf is still advancing.He flung back his cloak, revealing a row of glass test tubes beneath the cloak, each containing a dragon tooth.Flicking the different test tubes with his fingertips, he selected the dragon's second fang, which he slammed into the soil.The ground in front of it cracked fan-shaped cracks, like the roots of a big tree extending forward.At the end of the root system, an ivory-like hand broke through the ground and clenched into a fist.

One by one, the Dragon Tooth Soldiers crawled out of the ground.Unlike the Dragon Tooth Soldiers summoned by Han Xingzhi, these Dragon Tooth Soldiers were not differentiated, they were all Roman Legionnaires holding daggers and shields.There is a white silk thread attached to the back of each legionnaire, and a whole group of silk thread is gathered into bundles and connected back to the soil, all the way to the dragon's tooth.The inner guard from the Sphinx troops kept holding the dragon tooth, knelt down in the original posture, and held the dragon tooth body that gave rise to all the dragon tooth soldiers.

The first row breaks out of the way and the second row follows.Row after row, the Dragon Tooth Soldiers broke out of the ground and formed a classic Roman tortoise shell formation, facing the suppressed "Wild Hunt Army".The Dragon Tooth Soldiers with silk threads attached to their backs did not show any self-awareness, they were lined up neatly as if they had only one brain.

The rushing Wild Hunt army was like the tide hitting the rocks, helpless in front of the tortoise shell array.

At the same time, the "Sphinx" that detoured to other directions also released the same legionnaires and completed the encirclement in eight directions.The silk threads extending to the rear are still intertwined, branched, and spread. The 8 parts are gradually integrated into a whole, and the command function is distributed in 8 nodes.The movements of the entire legion began to gradually synchronize, and became coordinated, and there was only one rhythm left in their steps.

With a "boom", the legionnaires surrounding Jin Zhi smashed their shields to the ground, leaving only one voice.

"Synchronization complete." The first "Sphinx" in place breathed a sigh of relief.

He stood up and shook his hands.After the command network is integrated, it only needs to have more than three "Sphinx" accesses.As the commander, he can temporarily withdraw to help the entire team process external information.

He looked back at Titus, and first confirmed his identity through the badge.

"So, what happened? Why was the lighthouse suddenly activated?"

"I don't know, this is an order from Her Majesty Victoria."

"Forget it, let's ask later. So who does the glory of breaking a branch belong to? I want to get to know you, after all, you are the one who needs to make the last cut. Although I don't know what you think, anyway, I have opened my eyes tonight. "

(End of this chapter)

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