Chapter 143 Phlogiston Stealth
"Another Titus," codenamed Dolphin, took a deep breath to demonstrate.In order to avoid being exposed in front of too many people, he did not take off the black goggles that covered half of his face when he spoke-as did most of the others in the Hydra unit.In front of people outside their knowledge, they can occasionally take off the mask to breathe, but the black goggles are never taken off.

After taking a deep breath, he folded his arms inward, squeezing the air in his lungs as much as possible.

"Everyone, different from the last time, this time you need to inhale these EITR medicines in large quantities. Instead of taking a shallow breath, try to empty all the air in your lungs first, and fill your lungs. But I want to remind you that, This is the ultimate goal. Please gradually increase the amount between inhalations, because we don't yet know what happens to Qi practitioners who inhale EITR. You are the first batch."

After finishing speaking, he paused for a while, waiting for some response from the following, because he could not force these students to participate in the experiment.

Shang Luo asked, "Are we the first batch?"

"To be precise, you are not the first batch of examples of passing through the two towers. There are cases of using EITR medicine in small doses before you, so you can inhale it directly when you go to Alexandria. A layer of protective color. But directly conducting a phlogiston sneak, this is unprecedented."

"Has there been any theoretical research before?"

"Unfortunately, there is no way to conduct theoretical research. We both talk about the same thing, because we have taken completely different paths. Only 'introductory' knowledge such as "Introduction to Occultism" can be used in general, and it can only be based on principles. Let’s get started. For example, it’s like "Sun Tzu’s Art of War", which mainly introduces some basic principles and general principles of military science, which we also learn. But you can’t go to war with only one "Sun Tzu’s Art of War", right? For military training, you have to read drills, such as "Ji Xiao's New Book."

"Hmm, so we need to try it?" Shang Luo looked at the steel cylinders.He recalled inhaling EITR, and while the chill dissipated quickly, it was still unpleasant.

But the main problem is not with him.As the main beneficiary of the branch-breaking ceremony, of course he would have no objection, anyway, it was for himself anyway.

The main thing to consider here is the opinions of several other people.
"I have no objection!" Han Xingzhi raised his hand, "My elder brother's business is my business!"

"I have no objection either." Lu Liang replied.I heard that she is looking for a place to practice.She has just gained real power through the bottled sea of ​​qi, and now everyone looks like a gopher that has just come out of a hole.

"Uh..." Wen Yuan hadn't reacted yet, and the other two didn't think about their answers at all, but he thought about it for a while.

"I have no objection." Wenyuan replied, "Aside from talking about friends and the like, judging from the last experience, the negative effects of this type of experiment are controllable. If a large dose will cause unacceptable effects, That small dose will not cause nothing. So, you can try it and increase the dose slowly. The matter of Shangluo is very important, so even if there is danger, we must try our best to overcome it."

"Okay." Titus, code-named Dolphin, nodded, "Let's get started. Please sit in the sun as you are now, so as to minimize the discomfort. Then just inhale slowly, I will account Time. You can stop earlier, but don’t exceed this time. The first time is about 10 seconds.”

"What's the limit?" Shang Luo asked.

"3 minutes and 30 seconds, this is the average time required to drown in water. Yes, the essence of this process is to drown in the water of the Styx before entering the world of night - but in fact, you will not drown, Because the mask is ventilating to the outside, oxygen is still being inhaled, and drowning is just a feeling; but this feeling is so real that it will cause some unpredictable psychological obstacles, which is a problem that everyone may have. But Qi practitioners The system is stronger, and we don't know how much to smoke. In short, just smoke until the feeling of drowning. So, let's start."

The preparations will soon be over.With the cylinders on their backs, the four of them sat in the sun and started inhaling as if they were practicing diving.

Shangluo is also among them.He took a breath first.
Sure enough, as Titus said, the first bite made him feel suffocated.He could indeed clearly feel the air being sucked in from his outer back, but the EITR potion gave him an irresistible suffocation.He could even clearly distinguish that this feeling of suffocation did not come from the lungs, but from the brain.Thinking in his mind that he was going to drown, he instinctively took off the mask.

The sun at noon in early summer shone on my body, and the discomfort began to melt like ice and snow in an instant.Although it didn't disappear immediately, it made him feel lucky like he was alive after a catastrophe.

"Sure enough, it's still a bit uncomfortable." He was about to describe his feelings to Titus, when the three people next to him suddenly took off their masks at the same time.

Han Xingzhi was the first to discover the problem: "No! The situation is wrong! This thing can't be sucked!"

1 minute later.

"Well," Lu Huaiyang put down his mask, "It's true that you can't inhale. Just like Xiao Han's description, when your EITR medicine reaches a certain concentration, it will collide violently with our aura, and then eliminate each other. After consuming our aura Before it is empty, I am afraid it will not be able to produce any effect. Are there many EITR potions?"

"Why do you ask this suddenly?" asked Titus the dolphin.

"Because this seems to be a very good interrogation tool, which can allow Qi practitioners to return to mortals in a short period of time without causing irreparable consequences. As long as the ambient concentration of this EITR agent is maintained, it can continuously suppress spiritual power and withdraw You can quickly recover after taking the potion. How about it, do you have any extra?"

"There are quite a few, but the output is fixed. If you want to share a part with you, it may require a very high-level exchange of benefits-but I can understand your words as 'unusable', right?"

"That's right. To some extent, this can be regarded as 'anti-reiki', or 'reverse aura'. They can't inhale, or else they will lose power even if they start the ceremony. Do they have to inhale these potions to participate in breaking branches? "

"It doesn't have to be inhaled. We started the Golden Branch Ceremony long before we got the EITR. The Golden Branch Ceremony started before all these magic items were born. It's just that they can't use many Roman magic facilities. It's regrettable."

"That's not a big problem. In fact, I had a premonition from the very beginning. After all, there is no way for you to cultivate. So instead, how should the ceremony be carried out?"

(End of this chapter)

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