Chapter 621 Fierce Battle ()

Sonny is fine, his machine gun is fine, and most of the B-Team members are fine, but someone is.

"Razo! Russo's been shot!"

Colonel Martinez bent over and crawled to Jason's side, turning over the guy who was lying next to him. Sonny, who was closest to the center of the explosion, was only knocked over by the shock wave. Instead, this unlucky thing had a bloody hole opened in its abdomen by the fragments, and was moaning in pain.

It was really a leaky house and it rained all night. This rocket seemed to have stirred up a hornet's nest. From time to time, a famous gunman would appear from the streets and alleys with strange screams, and then he would be knocked to the ground by the seals who reacted quickly.

Some were hiding on the balconies of buildings more than a hundred meters away, shooting randomly with various automatic weapons in their hands. Although the accuracy was extremely poor, it formed suppressive firepower, because stray bullets were sometimes more dangerous.

"Da da da da da da." When the MK46 Mod 1 light machine gun in Sonny's hand sounded rhythmically again, everyone's pressure was relieved.

With a few soft "dong dong" sounds, the two cars trying to ram into the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz were once again called out by the "pirate gun". The fuel tank was detonated, and the leaked gasoline flowed everywhere and ignited a raging fire, turning the originally dim light due to the lack of street lights. The streets were illuminated like daylight.

"Operation Center, this is Bravo3, where is the QRF (Quick Reaction Force)?" Sonny shouted while firing short bursts at the buildings on both sides.

"Operation center received, Bravo3, QRF has set off, hold on." However, this time the voice coming from the channel was no longer Major Blackburn's, but that of Logistics Support Officer Lisa Davis.

"We can't stay here any longer. We need an escape route. Russo needs treatment. We can't let him die. He is our only hope to find Doza."

The two cars that were just blown up couldn't pick up the speed at all. It looked like the compartments were filled with heavy objects, and they were originally used to block the road from the front and rear.

"The situation is difficult to judge. There may be internal bleeding. I need a foothold so that I can perform emergency surgery." Trent stuffed a ball of hemostatic cotton directly into the wound on Lasso's abdomen, causing the latter to scream in pain.

Bullock opened the trunk of the No. 1 car and took out the backpacks filled with ammunition and supplies one by one. Each team member would pick up one when passing by him. This was their support for waiting for reinforcements later.

The drug cartel prepared bulletproof cars, machine-gun pickups, and even rocket launchers for an ambush, which directly disrupted their evacuation plan. This unscrupulousness to start a war in the city was somewhat beyond their expectations.

Jack and Clay each took a smoke bomb from their waists and threw it out. Jason and Ray Perry directly smashed open the door of a roadside fast food restaurant. Colonel Martinez and Trent set up a zipper and followed Behind them, the others retreated one after another, still a classic stripping tactic.

Colonel Martinez's hands were covered in blood and he was helping team doctor Trent perform emergency hemostasis on Russo.

But the seals stepped on the trap in advance, which also caught the opponent off guard. Not only was the bait rope captured alive, but the encirclement was not completely formed.

"How's Russo doing?" Jason asked loudly.

"Bravo3, suppress the opposite floor. We evacuate eastward. We cannot stay on the street. More and more enemies will gather." Jason ordered loudly.

Unfortunately, because the No. 2 car was blown up, although they rescued a few backpacks, they still lost nearly a quarter of their supplies.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!" Bullock yelled after distributing his backpack. He leaned against the back of the car and emptied his magazine. He bent down and ran towards the fast food restaurant. By the cement pillar at the entrance of the fast food restaurant, Sonny had already set up another The machine gun fired a long burst.

"The last man standing." Sonny emptied his second 200-round high-capacity magazine and reminded loudly as he ran past Jack. Just when he was about to enter the house, bad luck finally struck. A steel-core bullet hit the cement wall next to him. After bouncing, it grazed his left shoulder and opened a deep blood groove.

"Ah!" Sonny screamed, and with steady steps, he rushed into the store and hid himself behind the cement wall.

Jack took out a smoke bomb again and threw it out, then turned and entered the store. Bullets kept chasing behind him, shattering the glass of the fast food restaurant.

Sonny's machine gun sounded again, which was particularly abrupt among the gunfire of HK417s with silencers.

"Hey, is everyone okay?" Jason stepped forward and took Sonny's place, allowing him to use a first aid kit to temporarily stop the bleeding.

"What? Oh yes, the whole body is still intact." Clay lowered his head and threw a smoke bomb at the other end. The side of the fast food restaurant along the street was temporarily obscured by thick smoke.

"We have to leave quickly!" Jack looked around nervously. He must break away from the contact as soon as possible. If another rocket pops up, everyone in the room will be wiped out.

"Follow me!" Jason took the lead and walked towards the back door of the fast food restaurant. The combat center has been trying to help them plan an evacuation route that is as safe as possible. They should not take the main road and try to stay away from the gathering points of the militants. Now they finally have a clue. .

Jason and Clay acted as vanguards. Jack looked at Colonel Martinez's shaky appearance, took the rope directly from him and Trent, and put it on his shoulders amidst the guy's screams. It just touched the bleeding point in his abdomen.

A close encounter could happen at any time during the retreat, so there was no need to waste two men on him at the same time.

The team quickly walked through the alley, and the gunshots behind them gradually became sparse and finally became inaudible. Everyone felt a little relieved, and they were temporarily out of contact.

"Operations Center, notify QRF, we are five blocks east of our original position." Jason reported.

"I see you guys. The QRF was attacked on the way. It's not a big problem, but the arrival time may be delayed. There is a church two blocks to the southeast that you can use."

The voice of Logistics Support Officer Lisa Davis was still on the channel. It seemed that the operations center was also mobilized.

Jack felt that he had underestimated Duozha before, and he actually knew how to surround the point to call for reinforcements. Of course, to a greater extent, he probably just wanted to slow down the reinforcements. After all, judging from the combat effectiveness of the group just now, they had a high chance of winning against the regular army. Low.

The drug cartel is better at bullying the local police and secretly engaging in bribery and corruption. What's more, this is near Mexico City after all. It is impossible to defeat nearly half a battalion (500 people) of regular troops.

Team B kept moving quickly in search formation, and a few minutes later, a small steeple church appeared in front of everyone.

The white chapel looks a little out of place with the surrounding dilapidated neighborhoods. The half circle of low courtyard walls facing the street, which is no more than one meter high, is more of a decorative function.

In this country where Catholics account for nearly 9% of the population, drug traffickers will not harass such religious sites at will, no matter how chaotic the area is.

(End of this chapter)

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