Chapter 610 Jack on the stage

The three of them entered the strip club before the gunman. Both Jason and Sonny only brought a Glock 19. This pocket model of the Glock 17 can be tucked into the back waist and is very convenient for concealed carry. .

Jack also had a MK24 stuffed into his right ankle in case of emergency. Compared with women, especially in summer, it is much more difficult for men to hide guns on their bodies. Girls only need to wear skirts and hide two Uzi submachine guns. Not a problem.

Walking through the dimly lit corridor, Sonny glanced at the various "artistic" posters hanging on the wall and whistled, "Welcome to the Promised Land."

"What?" A whistle came along with the dynamic music. Jason, who was walking at the front, didn't hear his words clearly. He was about to turn back when he was blocked by a sexy Latina beauty.

"American, right?" The Latina beauty twisted her waist and pressed her whole body up, tightly fitting 360 degrees to deliver benefits without any blind spots.

Jason was only wearing a T-shirt, and his strong chest muscles fell into the hands of the Latin beauty. With a single stroke of her slender fingers, a clear bean shape was outlined.

"Oh, let him go, he is a married man." Seeing that Jason was about to be raped, the veteran driver Sonny quickly came to his rescue.

"Really? I happen to be the same." Knowing that she was politely rejected, the Latin beauty didn't get too entangled. She straightened her height with force, twisted her waist and turned around to leave.

Jack stretched out his hand to block Jason and made a respectful gesture, asking Mr. Sonny to lead the way.

"Bravo1, how's the situation inside?" Ray Perry's voice came from the channel.

"The show time is over, everyone, get down!" Jack pulled out the Glock 19 from his waist with his left hand, touched his ankle with his right hand, and the MK24 fell into his palm.

I saw him jumping directly onto the pole dance stage in full view of everyone. He had already put on a triangle scarf on his face before he knew it. He raised his feet and turned on a dancer who had reached the key point of the performance and was swinging two small bells on her breasts. Kicked him down.

"Sonny, control Vega!" Before Jason could finish his words, three menacing gunmen appeared in the entrance corridor.

At this time, Sonny had already taken the two of them to find a booth to sit down. The location was chosen very cleverly. The line of sight could pass through the stage with vertical steel pipes and observe Dantin Vega, who was already hugging him from left to right, but also from a distance. The entrance is not far away, so you can immediately spot uninvited guests walking into the club.

"Is it possible that those guys are planning to block the door and take action while Vega is leaving?" Sonny took out a few small dollar bills, stuffed them into the beauty's little panty on the stage with a laugh, and turned around to ask road.

"Wait a minute." Jason had been observing the internal structure of the club. "If it doesn't work, just take him away from the back door."

"Bravo2, that guy didn't notice anything and was enjoying the moment. Keep an eye on the gunmen and let us know if anything happens." Jason picked up a bottle of beer, took a sip, and gave the order with the gesture of drinking.

Obviously the three gunmen outside were not as patient as them. Just when Sonny was about to use up all the five dollars in his pocket, Ray Perry's voice sounded again on the communication channel.

Amid the exclamations, Jack fired his bow left and right, and there was a loud sound of gunfire.

"Bang bang bang!"

"It's hard to say, I think they may not have the patience to wait for so long." Jack's eyes seemed to be staring at the stage without blinking, but in fact he had been observing Dantin Vega in the booth opposite.

"Be careful, three people came in together. It seems they are impatient to wait."

The three gunmen walked into the club with murderous looks on their faces. As soon as the leader raised his hand to raise the M1911 in his hand, he was knocked to the ground one after another by the oncoming metal storm.

Jason was also startled by Jack's sudden move, but he had to admit that although this guy's approach seemed reckless, it was the best choice to avoid accidental injury.

The stage in the center of the club was much higher than the surrounding area. After Jack kicked down the only dancer who blocked his view, he became the most conspicuous one with the best view. "Juan 'Machete' says hello to you!" Just as Jack killed three gunmen in one go and was still shouting loudly in Spanish on the stage, Jason and Sonny in the audience were already being attacked on the left and right. Dantin Vega, who was so frightened that he was lying on the ground, held him hostage.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Jack fired the remaining bullets from the magazine toward the ceiling, jumped off the stage, and followed the two of them out the back door.

"It's so crazy!" After the two SUVs drove back to the military camp after making several circles to confirm that there were no followers, Sonny jumped out of the car and shouted excitedly.

"That kick of yours was so cruel. Damn it. I don't think I'll ever go to a strip club again. What's that term you psychologists always use?"

"Negative associations?" Jack read out two words.

"Yes, yes, negative associations. From now on, every time I see the pole stage, or even think of those enchanting bodies, especially the little swinging bells, the scene just now will appear in front of my eyes. God, you ruined it." One of my great hobbies.”

Sonny complained with a wink.

"Sounds like a good start. Maybe you can make eating breakfast on time every day a new hobby." Jason pushed the cuffed Dantin Vega out of the car.

In another car, Clay Spencer escorted the Latina girl who had regained consciousness.

"It looks like you got a good harvest." Colonel Martinez, who was dressed in military uniform, had been waiting at the door early, with his arms folded, waiting for everyone. Behind him stood two eldest sisters with equally happy faces, Mandy Ellis and Rita. ·Alfaro.

"What I said before, there will always be a way. I'll leave it to you, but don't mess it up, Mandy." Jason's smug expression didn't last long and froze on his face.

On the other side of the parking lot, Lieutenant Lopez was unloading several large bags of luggage from the trunk of a car. Next to him were two half-grown men having fun and a short Mexican woman, who should be his wife. .

The two people's eyes just met, and Jason froze on the spot. The lieutenant's cheek twitched, and he gave him an expression that didn't know whether he was crying or laughing.

"I have a story that is somewhat similar to Jack's last night." Colonel Martinez walked up to everyone in Team B and looked at his subordinates and family members from a distance with an inexplicable sadness on his face.

"A few years ago, I once had a subordinate who was as outstanding and as strong and brave as Lopez. After an operation, he received death threats, so he left the front line. The people who attacked him couldn't find him, so they His wife and daughter were killed by cutting their throats.

Doza then sent out those 'Muerta' death posters to his parents, his sister's whole family. "

"What happens next?" Jason already had a premonition that this was not a story with a happy ending.

"He had no choice. If he wanted to save his family and stop Doza's subordinates from continuing to massacre his family, his only choice was to surrender himself."

The seals looked at each other, already guessing the final outcome.

"He was the last." Sonny, who had always been carefree, said in a somewhat astringent voice.

"So he turned himself in and was hanged on a bridge, right across the street from his parents' house."

(End of this chapter)

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