Chapter 608 New Action

"Why are you still standing here? Bring someone to get your family here, now! Now! Go!" Colonel Martinez roared, which brought the lost Lieutenant Lopez back to his senses.

Then he shouted a few more orders in Spanish, and several soldiers on duty on the roof followed him downstairs. Not long after, seven or eight Humvees and armed pickup trucks roared out of the military camp, which was converted from an old factory.

"What a damn first day." Mandy Ellis muttered to herself as she looked at the burning car not far away.

In the early morning, Jack stretched out and walked up to the roof again. As expected, he saw Jason standing there on the edge of the rooftop.

"Didn't you sleep well last night?" he asked knowingly.

"You should ask me if I slept." Jason's eyes were red and his face looked haggard.

Of course Jack knew why he couldn't sleep. "Lopez's family is fine. I just contacted him. He will send his wife and two children back to the military camp later. I hope this news can alleviate some of your burden." Guilt.”

He was still wondering before. It was clear that Colonel Martinez and Lieutenant Lopez were wearing black masks when they acted together before, so how could the latter still be recognized.

Later, after asking Sonny, I learned that when they went up to the second floor, an armed man fired a shotgun through the wooden door, and the flying wood chips entered Lopez's eyes.

He then washed his eyes with water but pulled down his mask, and then came face to face with Gonzalez while cleaning the last room.

After a round of shooting, Gonzalez jumped out of the window and escaped under the desperate cover of his two men. This is what happened next.

"Go and get some sleep. There will be new operational deployments soon. I don't want my commander to be unconscious because he didn't get a good rest all night, and send us all under the enemy's gunfire." Jack half-joked. said.

Jason's eyes lit up, "Do you guys have any clues?"

"We have a direction, but it still needs some time to confirm, so now you have two choices. One is to go to bed on your own, or be knocked unconscious by me and find someone to throw you back to the room."

"OK, you only defeated me once in the boxing ring. There is no need to mention it every time. I will win it back sooner or later." Jason waved his fist not to be outdone.

In fact, not only Jason needs to rest, but Jack himself also needs to rest. Although there is support from the intelligence systems of various departments, he, Mandy Ellis, and Rita Alfaro of the Mexican intelligence department all bear the responsibility. A heavy workload.

In essence, this operation is still a joint operation, but the difference from the last time is that this time other departments, including the DEA, teamed up first and then joined forces with the CIA.

In other words, Mandy Ellis only needs to answer to the CIA, while Jack alone has to face a lot of federal departments such as the FBI, DEA, IRS, ATF, ICE, etc., and even has to submit a separate submission to the Joint Special Operations Command A report.

After taking a hasty hot bath, Jack slept for less than two hours before he was woken up from bed.

The members of Team B all changed into casual clothes, wore sunglasses, and hung cameras around their necks. They dressed themselves like a traveling Yankee and went out in two SUVs.

"We have combed through the information on the mobile phones seized in yesterday's raid and all the valuable numbers in them were switched off less than two hours after the raid ended, except for the one we are tracking now."

While driving, Jack introduced everyone to the situation of this undercover operation. "No matter who this number belongs to, he was careless. Find him, find out the identity of the owner of this number, and see if we can find Doza's whereabouts through him."

"I hope this operation goes smoothly." Jason shrugged.

Forty minutes later, Jack slowed down the car, and by this time they had entered the historic center of Mexico City, which was once an artificial island in the center of Lake Texcoco, formerly known as Tenochtitlan.

After conquering the Aztecs, the Spanish rebuilt the destroyed city and used Indian labor without restraint to completely fill Lake Texcoco.

Therefore, the architectural styles here are very different, from the gorgeous Spanish-style Catholic churches to the remaining temples of the Aztec temples.

Mexicans also particularly like to paint murals. Many important buildings have large and exquisite murals carefully carved by famous masters, which are very beautiful.

"Bravo1, this is the combat center. Continue heading due north. We are still 400 meters away from the target."

Everyone in the team is equipped with positioning devices and concealed in-ear headphones, and can clearly hear the instructions from the operations center. The rear commander is still Major Blackburn.

"Roger, the combat center is waiting to enter visual distance, over." Jason replied.

"The location positioned by the mobile phone should be a market. The HVT (high value target) moves slowly. It is judged that it is walking. Pay attention to observation." The major reminded.

"Sorry, pay attention to your surroundings." Jack looked at the increasingly dense crowd and slowed down the car.

"There are people around, how do we know which one is the target we are looking for? Any tips, Jack?" Jason and the team members looked around, feeling a little headache.

Jack didn't know whether the person using this number was a man or a woman, old or young, or if he could give any hints, but he still had a way.

"Get as close to the target as possible, surround him in the middle, and then let the command center estimate based on the relative position between us and the target. After everyone gets off the car, all disperse. The first priority is not to expose ourselves. This is the only clue we have at the moment. "

As he was talking, the car had already arrived next to the market. This was a small square where various vendors, tourists and locals were crowded around. However, there were advantages to having too many people. A group of big, tall and sturdy men got out of the car without attracting too many people. of attention.

Mobile phone positioning technology is achieved through triangulation, which uses the signal strength of three signal towers in the area where the mobile phone is located, and then uses an algorithm to determine the location of the mobile phone.

By positioning in this way, the error of less than 1 meter is naturally far inferior to that of GPS (military use). At this time, except for the deputy Ray Perry who was sitting in the cab on standby to replace Jack, the other six people all got out of the car. scattered around the square.

Under the guidance of the combat center, everyone quietly adjusted their position and formed an irregular circle, surrounding the target signal in the middle. However, there were still at least twenty or thirty people within this range.

"That's almost it. Give him a call. The rest of the team will keep an eye out for anyone who picks up the phone or acts suspiciously." Jason ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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