Chapter 604 Raid (Part )

Deplo is certainly not an existence similar to the small Afghan village that Jason described. It is a chaotic place with a population of hundreds of thousands, a huge small commodity market, and 9 blocks.


This statistic is still based on the fact that most people are under pressure from gangs and do not dare to call the police at will, and the local police station is fully bribed and almost completely inactive.

If Gonzalez, their target this time, was hiding in the small commodity market, Jack might have given up. It was so crowded during the day that even a motorcycle couldn't pass smoothly.

The traffic situation might be better at night, but there are gang members patrolling with AKs everywhere, making it impossible to get in.

Fortunately, according to information from CISEN (Mexican Center for Investigation and Security), Gonzalez's hiding place is a two-story building located in the far west of Depro, close to the edge of this chaotic land.

It seems that gang members don't like living in the central area of ​​the chaotic land, perhaps because in addition to Doza's forces, there are also dozens of gangs of various sizes scattered here.

With the guidance of Lieutenant Lopez, a local who grew up here, they were able to set up the nearest safe point less than 800 meters away from the target location. This safe point will also be the 1st safe point after the operation is completed. No. evacuation point.

After a lot of twists and turns, the two SUVs stopped at a street corner. As soon as they got out of the car, the two Mexicans nervously pulled on their black masks, which aroused questions from deputy team member Ray Perry.

"Are we here to rob a bank or are we here to capture Gonzalez?"

"Everyone who opposed Doza was killed." Colonel Martinez's face hidden under the mask had no expression, but his tone was very serious.

"Hey, FBI boy, I know you know Spanish, do you know what they will say in Spanish before they act?" Sonny patted Jack on the shoulder and asked curiously.

"May the Force be with you." Jack began to ramble in Spanish seriously.

"OK, may the Force be with you." Sonny turned around and patted Lieutenant Lopez again, imitating Jack's words and repeating them to him, making the latter almost freeze.

Everyone was back to back, forming a defensive formation. At the same time, the voice of intelligence officer Mandy Ellis came from the channel, "Bravo Two, this is the combat center. Your target is a pink two-story building. At a straight line distance of 500 meters on the east side.”

The sight of a drone in the sky was reassuring. Jack subconsciously looked up at the sky. Unfortunately, the drone at an altitude of a thousand meters was already invisible to the naked eye.

"Roger, Operations Center, over." Deputy Ray Perry, who called code B2, finished replying and looked at Captain Jason, waiting for his order.

"Quickly move forward, come on, guys." After Jason finished speaking, he patted the back of B6 Clay Spencer who was hitting his head. He and B5 Brock Reynolds were assigned to be the assault vanguard. There is no need for dogs today. Cerberus was dispatched and it was left at the base.

Jack then followed, and he and Jason followed closely behind the two leading men. Except for the two Mexicans, today's Team B rarely unified their main weapons. Everyone used the 10.5 with a silencer installed. inch barrel version of the HK416D assault rifle.

Straight through the wasteland at the corner of the street, the team moved forward in a search formation of two columns side by side. After passing through the narrow alley, a public courtyard covered with rubble and piled with debris and garbage appeared in front of them.

A skinny young man happened to meet them. He was so frightened that he turned around and ran away. He got into a small door and hid.

The tapping sound of "哐哐哐" suddenly sounded, accompanied by loud yelling in Spanish, making the atmosphere suddenly tense.

As Jack walked, he observed with his peripheral vision. Under the eaves of a house, a young Mexican man who had lost a leg was sitting on the steps. He was holding a baseball bat in his hand and hitting the gasoline barrel next to him. Shout a loud warning.

I don't know who he is informing, but the rules of engagement were very clear before. You are not allowed to open fire first when entering Depro. They are here to arrest people, not to massacre. There is nothing they can do against such little minions. When passing through the public courtyard, the two columns split into two, avoiding the open space in the middle from the courtyard walls on both sides, and merged together again when they entered another alley.

"Bravo6, go faster." Jason urged, and the entire team's speed suddenly increased a few points.

Someone's warning did not surprise them. The advantage of the chaotic land is that although they alarmed the birds in the entire forest, the birds did not know which one of them was the real target of the hunter.

What Team B has to do is to throw the net out before the birds are completely alarmed and they fly around.

"Bravo1, this is the combat center. We saw five armed adult males appearing one thousand meters north of you." Major Eric Blackburn's voice came from the channel.

It seemed that the opponent's response was very fast, but Team B moved forward faster. After passing through an alley full of clothes hanging, the two-story pink building appeared in everyone's sight.

"Roger, combat center, the golden retriever has been approved." Jason replied.

"Roger, approved Golden Retriever," Major Eric Blackburn repeated.

The small building was surrounded by a cement wall to form a small semicircular courtyard, and a rusty iron gate blocked everyone's way.

"Blow it up," Jason ordered.

B5 Brock Reynolds took out a small pack of C4 and stuck it on the door lock. At the same time, the rest of the team members stood guard against the wall, pointing their guns at the buildings opposite and to the side.

"Bang!" After a small explosion, the iron door was blown open. Jason entered the courtyard first, followed by Jack. There was a wooden door locked here, and the two of them leaned against the wall, one on the left and the other on the right. .

The rest of the team members spread out in the courtyard, with one person guarding the balcony on the second floor in front of them and the rooftop of the building behind them.

B2 Ray Perry took off the M870 shotgun hanging from his waist, inserted two rounds of door-breaking bullets, and fired two shots diagonally at the door lock. The moment the door opened, Jack threw away the shock bombs in his hand. Go in.

Almost at the same time as the explosion sounded, Jason entered the building first. There was a staircase at the entrance to the first floor. An armed man holding an Uzi submachine gun heard the sound and went out to check. As soon as he reached the top of the stairs, he He shot him three times and knocked him down.

Jack, who was following him, raised his gun and pointed it at the stairs on the second floor. There was someone in front of him. His warning range could not overlap, so he kept walking but kept looking up to pay attention to the movement above.

Sure enough, with the sound of subtle footsteps, a figure appeared. Jack directly pulled the trigger. With several gunshots that were slightly muffled due to the effect of the silencer, the body rolled down the stairs.


So when Jason continued to break into the room, the 9-man team automatically split into three. Sonny went up the stairs to the second floor, and the other group opened the cover of the stairwell to the basement and went directly to Two shock bombs were dropped below.

It was fun to work with the army, and he could completely ignore the principle of minimum force. Whenever there was a room suspected of being occupied, Jack would throw a shock bomb without saying a word to make the other party open their eyes.

The three people in charge of the first floor took less than 5 minutes to clear all the rooms. Except for two more corpses, they found nothing. They could not find Gonzalez, whose head was covered with tattoos.

Suddenly there was a loud shotgun blast from the second floor, and then Lieutenant Lopez's accented curse came from the communication channel, "My eyes." This was followed by continuous shooting from HK416 and AR-15 assault rifles. Gunshots.

(End of this chapter)

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