Chapter 582: Unexpected arrest

Danny, who didn't know anything about sympathy, grabbed Sylvia's left hand covering her face, "It's funny, when David died in my arms last night, I noticed that he had the same bracelet as you."

Jack looked at the girl's wrist that was grabbed by Danny, and was quite dumbfounded. It was a leather bracelet, just like a watch, but unlike the watch, the part that should have been the dial was replaced by a Taoist yin-yang fish.

This can be regarded as the result of Chinese traditional culture being misinterpreted by Europe and the United States. When white people and black people fall in love, they regard the Taoist yin and yang fish, which represents harmony and balance, as a symbol of love.

Of course, no matter what, this is much better than some Asian women having spades tattooed on their ankles.

"David gave this to you? Are you with him?"

The two men in the car understood clearly, and it now made sense why Raimundo Salazar, as a gang leader, would choose to take action himself, because it was a matter of a man's dignity.

Danny let go of her hand, "Either tell us now, or we take you back to the police station and explain slowly."

Seeing that Sylvia was just crying silently and still didn't say a word, Danny turned around and was about to start the car. Jack put away the photo noncommittally, "Let's go back to the police station."

"No, don't." Sylvia's eyes were full of tears and she quickly tried to stop her with a trembling voice.

"No, no, no, go back to the police station and tell him." Danny fiddled with the car keys and looked ready to start the ignition, but he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, finally making a breakthrough.

"Just a few months ago, I met David at a party held at his brother's house." Sylvia straightened up anxiously, reached out and grabbed Danny's arm, her eyes pleading.

"We chatted for a while and I said I wanted to complete a 'GD' certificate course (Bachelor's Diploma) and we started seeing each other regularly and he started tutoring me. He was really nice, sweet and funny."

The expressions of the two men were frozen. They didn't expect it to unfold like this. Regardless of the girl's background, this sounds like a pretty positive love story.

People who want to make progress are always awe-inspiring, especially when she is still stuck in the quagmire. Danny's stern face relaxed slightly, and his tone became slower, "What then?"

Sylvia smiled with tears in her eyes, seeming to recall that sweet past, "Have you ever met such a person? A lover who makes you want to be with them day and night, a person who can temporarily forget the cruel reality. people."

"." Jack didn't answer. It wasn't because he didn't answer, but because he was in a special situation.

"Of course, my wife, what happened after that? Your relationship was discovered by Raimundo Salazar?" Danny's tone was still stiff, but it no longer had the sarcastic tone before.

"Yes, he asked me something about David, and I told him that David was just tutoring me, and then he asked us not to meet again." Sylvia said, tears welling up in her eyes again.

"So you broke off contact after that?" Jack probably understood why Raimundo Salazar only killed David Terry and not her as well.

"Yes, I thought all this was over. Maybe one day he will get tired of my body. Maybe there will be a day." Sylvia looked out the car window with empty eyes, as if she had become a corpse. The Walking Dead.

"Hey, come on, you're still young, why don't we make a deal, tell us where to find Raimundo Salazar, and we'll provide you with asylum."

Danny's words shocked Sylvia, and she subconsciously hid behind her, "If I do this, do you know what he will do to me?"

"The handsome guy sitting next to you is an FBI. He can put you into the WPP (Federal Witness Protection Program). This is a good opportunity, isn't it? Since you have wanted to get rid of that bastard Raimundo Salazar for a long time, why not Work with us.

The FBI can provide you with a new identity and a monthly living allowance. Don’t you want to continue your studies? You will have a new life, do whatever you want, maybe find a good man, and live an ordinary life. "In order to increase the persuasiveness of Danny's words, Jack took out his FBI ID again, showed it to Sylvia in full, and continued.

"You don't have to worry about Raimundo Salazar and his men. As long as he is caught, Detective Danny Regan will personally testify against this guy and send him to prison. And this is just the beginning, Ai The Elmar gang will go back to Peru and no one will come to trouble you again.”

Seeing that she was still hesitating, Jack had no choice but to use moral kidnapping, "Think about David, what did he do wrong? Falling in love with you? Don't you want to do something for him?"

Sylvia took a deep breath, with hatred in her eyes, and gritted her teeth and said, "One of his subordinates named Lupino called me today and said that Salazar would come to the store at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning and demand I set aside time.”

"OK." Danny was relieved, "You don't have to do anything tonight, just like before, stay normal, don't pack your things in advance, wait until tomorrow is over, and then I will arrange a safe house and manpower to protect you. "

The next morning, Jack and Danny were sitting in the Dodge Hellcat, observing the beauty shop across the street. Standing at the door of the shop was a strong thug who looked like a young man, looking around, as if no strangers were allowed to enter.

Through the floor-to-ceiling glass window of the beauty shop, you can see a stocky middle-aged Latino man lying comfortably on the beauty chair, enjoying Sylvia's facial shaving service.

"It looks like it's almost time." Danny said and opened the car door. Jack also unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car with him.

"There are a lot of people in the store. Are you sure you can handle the gatekeeper without alerting the people inside?"

Jack was speechless when he heard this. He had only rarely partnered with this guy. Did he really think he only knew how to play with guns?

Of course, it was impossible for them to be the only two people who came to arrest Raimundo Salazar. There were also some plainclothes policemen lurking around just in case, but the smaller the noise, the better. This kind of desperado carries a gun with him. Seemingly safe in large numbers can easily lead to chaos.

Jack pulled on his thin coat to cover up the gun under his arm and waist. He bounced on his heels and strolled toward the door of the store like a gangster.

Just as he was passing by the janitor, he suddenly took action and hit the opponent's carotid sinus with a knife. The janitor's body went limp, and before he could fall down, he grabbed his arm and helped him into the side. In the alley, not a single passerby was disturbed the whole time.

Two plainclothes police officers who had been waiting here quickly stepped forward to take the thug who had fallen into a sweet sleep, took out the handcuffs and cuffed him. Jack casually took the baseball cap from the guy's head and put it on himself, and returned. Where the thug stood before the door.

A few minutes later, Raimundo Salazar got up from the beauty chair, pinched Sylvia's cheeks and kissed her red lips, shook his collar, and walked out of the beauty shop in high spirits. Without looking at the "little brother" standing at the door, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, signaling for the latter to follow.

Danny, who walked towards him with his head lowered, raised his hand and greeted him, "Raymundo Salazar!"

As if this guy was a public figure, he smiled subconsciously, but his expression froze in the next second, and a pair of cold handcuffs had been put on his hands.

"What are you doing?"

"Raymondo Salazar, you were arrested for the murder of David Terry. Don't you remember me? Fortunately, your marksmanship was bad enough and you didn't kill me too."

Danny handcuffed the guy firmly and pushed him towards a police car that had just turned the corner.

Raimundo Salazar instantly understood who had betrayed him, and glared fiercely into the beauty shop, but his sight was blocked by a figure.

"I'll leave him to you. We'll meet you at the police station later." Jack and Danny said hello, then turned and walked into the beauty shop.

(End of this chapter)

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