Chapter 577 Cassel’s Story (Part )

Not long after they arrived at the scene, the fingerprints that CSI helped compare with also came out. It was a guy named Kyle Capote.

Kate Beckett immediately led a team of police officers to arrest him, which could almost be said to be both people and stolen goods.

Not only did they catch Kyle Capote hiding in the closet, but he also found the bloody clothes of the second deceased Alison Tisdale, a 9mm pistol, all of Cassell's novels, and graffiti in his home. Paintings, photos of the three deceased persons, and various newspaper clippings related to Kassel.

Kyle Capote's medical records show that he suffers from PDD and a history of paranoia, which perfectly fits Detective Beckett's previous speculation on the suspect's background.

And during the subsequent investigation, the NYPD also discovered that the second deceased, Allison Tisdale, was the social worker who served him, and the other two deceased were also long-term customers of the restaurant where Kyle Capote worked.

At this time, Alexis very obediently raised her hand and asked, "Ask, what is 'PDD'?"

"'PDD' stands for Pervasive Developmental Disorder. One of the symptoms is obsession with a certain thing. Coupled with his paranoia, this explains Kyle Capote's unusual behavior towards your father. obsession."

Jubal's sudden answer attracted everyone's attention. The middle-aged man couldn't help but reveal a slightly embarrassed smile, "Recently I am reviewing some books related to criminal psychology."

Pervasive developmental disorders can actually be regarded as a general term. According to different clinical manifestations, they can also be divided into childhood autism, Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative mental disorder, and Asperger's syndrome, which accountants Chris and Justin originally suffered from. levy.

Just when everyone was thoughtful, Linda spread her hands in confusion, "So this case is over? No wonder you are envious of the FBI case. It seems too simple. Although there is a gimmick of a fanatical fan, but That’s not enough inspiration for your new story, right?”

"Aha." Cassel pointed at Danny proudly, but before he could continue, Jack interrupted.

"Let me guess, after you guys arrested Kyle Capote, he remained silent, and while Detective Beckett was about to close the case, our clever writer found the real murderer?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Jack's face, then moved back to Cassel's face, and then they were all amused by the latter's "gloomy" look.

"That's not fair. You must have deduced it from my expression, if you were there." Cassell's trick was exposed by the person who listened to the story, and he showed an angry expression.

"It seems that there is nothing difficult to guess." Hannah naturally helped Jack. "Although the clinical manifestations of pervasive developmental disorders are different, communication impairment is almost the most common manifestation."

Jack continued the words of his dear partner, "It is this that makes Kyle Capote the most suitable scapegoat, because he can't defend himself at all."

"Wait a minute, I'm confused. Why do you think Kyle Capote is the scapegoat? The evidence is clearly in his home, right?"

Linda said and nudged her husband with her elbow, indicating that he should explain to her.

Danny opened his mouth, but didn't speak. In fact, he, who was always straight-forward, thought that the case was over. He never expected that there would be twists and turns. After all, this was not a case that he was handling. His usually sensitive intuition was completely intact. Didn't work.

Fortunately, Jack continued to explain for him, "Although pervasive developmental disorder does meet the characteristics of a fanatic fan, since the NYPD did not find the suspect through physical evidence at the scene, but through the fingerprints found on the fan letter, this is It’s a bit of a cover-up.”

Seeing that everyone still had doubts in their eyes, Jack simply gave an example.

"OK, now there is such a crime novel, which starts with a famous writer. A madman begins to use the techniques in his book to kill people in reality. There is no trace at the scene, no fingerprints, no DNA.

But this pervert wrote a letter of admiration to the writer with his fingerprints all over it, which led the police to the apartment where he lived. Then the police successfully found enough evidence to convict him in his home. Do you think this How is this book? "

"Sounds terrible." "None of them will be sold."

Everyone frowned, seeming to understand what Jack wanted to express.

"This does sound suspicious, but our most common cases are exactly this. When a person stands next to a corpse with a gun, he is usually the murderer." Danny shrugged and revealed the reality.

"Since our Mr. Writer thinks this story is worth talking about, it means that this case is just an unusual one, right?" Jack opened a few bottles of dark beer that Jubal brought, except for a certain minor. , one person handed over a bottle.

"If I was asked to write this story, then I would make the great writer be the protagonist. He will definitely believe that Kyle Capote is innocent, and then continue to investigate until the truth is found."

Everyone nodded in agreement, turned their attention to Cassel, and asked him to continue.

Jack's last words were very helpful to Mr. Writer. He took a sip of the dark beer and said very proudly, "So I went to the police station again the next day, and then got the on-site investigation reports of the three cases and took them with me. Research continues in the library"

"Wait a minute." Hannah glanced at Alexis who was snickering on the side, and keenly discovered the doubts in his words.

"If the police station thinks this case has been closed, these will be submitted to the district attorney as evidence. How did you take them out of the police station?"

Seeing that the triumphant Cassel was suddenly stuck, Alexis, who was so happy, decisively betrayed her father, "He stole it. He pretended to give Detective Beckett a parting gift, and then stole it from her desk." Those reports.

But he was arrested not long after, and it was my grandma and I who went to the police station to intercede, and Detective Beckett and Superintendent Montgomery released him. "

"OK, OK, I admit that I stole those reports, but I did find suspicious points at the scene, and Detective Beckett overturned all previous judgments based on the suspicious points I found."

Cassell raised his hands in an effort to emphasize his contribution.

"Actually, I'm more interested in how you stole those reports from Kate's desk. I mentioned you when I was planning to ask her to go shopping yesterday, and she hated you so much." Hannah smiled. asked.

"Uh." Cassell's eyes rolled around several times. Seeing that everyone was staring at him with interest, he readily admitted.

"I kissed her on the cheek before I left, and she was so frightened that she didn't even notice that something was missing from her desk."

"Cough" Danny almost spit out his beer and choked himself half to death.

In everyone's eyes full of gossip, Cassel continued to tell without blushing, "I found that the variety of rose petals used by Tisdale, the second deceased, was wrong. The ones written in my book were large flowers. Rose instead of the perfumed rose used on the scene.

In addition, Fiske, the first deceased, should have been suffocated to death with a plastic bag instead of being strangled with a tie. The color of Candela's dress, the last deceased, was wrong and should have been blue instead of yellow. "

Seeing that the audience was once again looking at him with doubts, Jack continued to help explain the mystery, "If the murderer is an avid fan, then it is impossible for him to get these details wrong, because this is precisely the part that fans of suspense books are most concerned about.

Therefore, our great detective became more and more firm in his judgment. Only one of the three deceased was the target that the murderer really wanted to deal with, and the other two were just smoke bombs. "

"Bingo!" Cassell clapped his hands excitedly, "Exactly, you might as well guess which of the three deceased it is."

(End of this chapter)

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