Chapter 561 Argument and resolution

"Bang!" Danny's fork reaching for the barbecue was knocked aside by Erin's knife. The two glared at each other, and the table suddenly smelled of gunpowder.

"Are you two going to have a fight, like you did when you were kids? This is a weekend dinner, not an open-ended fight. Please maintain table manners." Frank Regan glanced at the two of them calmly.

"Let us hear what the assistant prosecutor has to say. Are you ready to stand on the moral high ground and judge us low-level police officers?"

Danny's words made Jack cast a thoughtful look at him. This guy was really rough but also subtle. The underlying meaning of these words was obviously to dig a hole for his sister.

Erin didn't notice anything and rolled her eyes at him, "It sounds like you're quite proud of slapping people in the face and stuffing their heads into the toilet?"

"Dad, Dad, did you stuff someone's head into the toilet?" Danny's youngest son shouted with excitement and curiosity.

"Shut up." Danny turned his head and glared at the troubled baby son, silently threatening with his lips, and then gave his sister a "ferocious look" on his face, "What do you want to express?"

"In my opinion, you should enforce the law impartially instead of acting randomly according to your own temper, which will only do bad things." Erin showed off the barbecue she snatched from her brother's hands in a demonstration, and started chewing slowly.

"You don't understand what happened at all, it's just a subjective assumption." Danny took the roast meat that his father gave him again, and returned the favor to his sister not to be outdone.

"You should respect the procedure, the law always has its reasons for existence." Erin tried to reason.

"That's right, protect criminals." The old man Henry chuckled and started a violent discussion. Obviously, his granddaughter's argument made the old-school police officer a little unhappy, or maybe it was because of Danny's previous words of hatred, which directly caused the only person on the scene who was not a police officer. Irene was isolated.

"Grandpa!" Eileen couldn't believe that the old man was so biased in helping her brother, unaware that she had been led into a trap before.

She turned to look at her father, "Dad, what do you think? If you allow the police to use excessive force and violent torture, what will New York look like?"

"Uh" Frank Regan hesitated for a while before speaking, but he also didn't mean to stand on his daughter's side.

"No one likes physical torture, dear, but some things are not purely legal issues, but a matter of deciding when to do it. Let me give you an example.

There is a time bomb outside, people's lives are at stake, and you have an informed suspect. Are his rights more important than those of the innocent victims? "

At this point, he seemed to feel that it was inappropriate for everyone to help his eldest son. His eyes swept across the people on the long table and landed on the younger son. His eyes lit up and he quickly diverted the fire.

"Jimmy, what do you think? You have a law degree and now you're a patrol officer."

It seems that the youngest child in every family is the most favored by his parents, but he is also the one who is bullied the most by his older brothers and sisters.

James Regan graduated from Harvard Law School, but resolutely chose to follow his father and brother into the police station. He was not a character without independent opinions, but that was outside, and that was another matter at home.

He knew that he couldn't escape now, but he really didn't want to offend either of the eldest brothers and the second sister, so he just started talking straight to the point.

"When I picked up the gun, I realized how important the discretion in my hands is. If it is not controlled well, it will cause catastrophic consequences as Erin worried."

The eldest brother Danny sneered at the younger brother's remarks, "Wait, my dear little brother, wait until one night you chase the criminal into a dark alley, but you can't tell what the little thing in the other person's hand is." At that time, maybe it was a gun, maybe not, haha."

Sure enough, James' position turned to his elder brother again, "Indeed, I can express my opinions casually during the discussion, but I don't know what I should do when I encounter this kind of thing."

Even though Irene is almost 40, she used to act like a strong independent woman. Perhaps it’s because she is at home and surrounded by her doting father. Seeing that she doesn’t even have a supporter, she directly sets her sights on Jack.

"Hey, Jack, tell me what you would have done if you were Danny."

"Jack was at the scene at the time, and of course he was on my side." Before Danny finished speaking, he saw Frank Regan slam the knife in his hand on the table, and the two brothers and sisters who were still arguing suddenly became speechless. On fire.

"Eileen, you have crossed the line. Jack is a guest. This behavior is so rude." Erin also realized that she had gone too far and quickly apologized to him, "Sorry, Jack, I'm just"

Seeing her admitting her mistake so straightforwardly, and thinking of the quarrel between the siblings in the parking lot, Jack became interested in talking about it.

"Actually, I think your point of view is not wrong. Danny's behavior did cause trouble for the prosecutor. It is also true that Donald Bence may be acquitted now."

"Jack?" Danny didn't expect that he would capsize with Jack, looking hurt as if he had been betrayed by a good brother.

"Let me finish." Jack signaled this guy to calm down, "Actually, in my opinion, you two brothers and sisters should have the same purpose, and both hope to bring criminals to justice.

But your location determines your different ways of thinking. You all have mistakes in this matter, and they are conceptually wrong. "

He deliberately spoke slowly to give the audience time to think.

“The police and prosecutors have never been opposing parties, but the reason why you have conflicts is because each other is shirking responsibility.

The public prosecutor believes that the police must be meticulous and conscientious when handling cases, and hand over a perfect case to themselves, thus ignoring the various objective problems that the police will encounter during the actual handling of cases.

The police rarely regard prosecutors as people on their side, thinking that the other side is always nit-picking and ignores the fact that the prosecutor's job is to send the criminals they arrest to jail. "

Jack's words silenced everyone. For a while, only the children were left at the table, looking at the adults who were meditating in confusion. They stabbed the food with their forks in boredom, making a squeaking sound.

Danny's wife Linda scolded her two troublesome sons in a low voice, and then gave Jack a sheepish smile.

"You're right, Jack." Frank Regan sighed, looking at the brother and sister with a rather angry look.

"I hope your words can make these two idiots wake up. And I know that Irene has never been a holy mother. She wants to give that beast a bullet in the forehead more than anyone else."

As expected, the old father still favored the little cotton-padded jacket, and at the end he still explained something to his precious daughter.

Although there were some arguments during the meal, Jack still liked the family atmosphere of the Regan family. It could be seen that the family had a good relationship and each had its own division of labor and position. It was not an upper-class family that was fighting against each other.

Perhaps this is really related to the traditional family-oriented concept of people of Irish descent, just like the Catholic faith they insist on, which seems incompatible with the Protestant country of the United States.

After lunch, the women began to clear the table again. The men, including Jack, were called to the living room. Frank Regan solemnly took out a wooden box and opened it. There were six neatly arranged "cannons" inside.

"Wow, this one belongs to me." Danny quickly grabbed one and put it in his mouth.

"Don't smoke in the room. Also, this is for your celebration." Frank handed one to Jack, turned to look at his youngest son's eager eyes, hesitated, and handed him one as well.

"When did you learn this?"

"I didn't learn it, but next time Danny bullies me, this will be my amulet." James took the cigar and put it into his pocket solemnly.

"It seems that you are very confident that we can successfully send Donald Burns to prison." Jack also put away his cigar and teased with a smile.

"I've heard about BAU's reputation for a long time. I have collected every biographical novel by David Rossi." Frank winked at him.

Jack thought of a request from a certain writer, "Speaking of novels, there happened to be a famous novelist who wanted to ask me to ask you a favor."

He talked about Cassel's request, which sounded outrageous, but he didn't expect Frank to show interest.

(End of this chapter)

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