Chapter 526 Banquets and Travels

Varenyky (Varenyky) is a Ukrainian specialty dumpling, and it is also their national dish. It is made in the same way as the ordinary dumplings in Seris, and the shape is somewhat similar. The difference is that cheese is added when making the dough, and of course the filling is inside. The materials are also different.

Jack tried several different fillings, including potatoes, minced meat, fried cabbage, and replacing cabbage and potatoes with mushrooms and olives. This stuff is also dipped in yogurt when eaten. It seems a bit cult, but he got used to it. It actually tastes pretty good.

The more outrageous ones are those with sour cherry filling. In order to balance the sourness, a lot of extra sugar has to be added. It is considered a standard sweet dumpling. This thing can make any dumpling lover in Seris commit suicide on the spot.

The preparation of pork skin jelly is much simpler. A whole pig leg is stewed for a whole day, the bones are removed, and only the remaining part is torn into pieces, and then placed in the refrigerator to wait for solidification. Jack's hometown in Jiangnan in his previous life also had a similar method. The difference is that the pork is replaced by mutton, which is called mutton cake.

The preparation of Kiev fried chicken is a little more complicated. After mashing the chicken breast, add vegetable fillings stirred in butter, then coat the outside with flour and bread crumbs and fry it. Although the origin of this dish is somewhat controversial in Eastern European countries, Whether it is these former Soviet countries or other European countries, they are all very famous delicacies.

The same is true for red cabbage soup. This soup can be seen in Russian-speaking countries, and even in the East, you can also see a variant of this dish - borscht.

Beetroot is used as the main ingredient, carrots, cabbage and large chunks of soft stewed beef are added. In Ukraine, an extra tablespoon of rich sour cream is added, which is a unique local flavor.

There are also cabbage pancakes, which are made with cabbage leaves wrapped in meat stuffing mixed with other vegetables, and then stewed in tomato and red pepper juice. It tastes very good and is a taste that is easier for most people to accept.

This was the night of the third day after the case ended, and it was also Jack’s first big banquet since he came to New York. Hannah, the rich woman, booked the entire small Chongqing noodle shop and entertained all the analysts in the operations center. As well as Danny Regan and several of his colleagues from the NYPD.

Of course, there are also the rescued girls, who are the real protagonists. Under the arrangements of the federal marshals, these girls will soon go their separate ways after their bodies recover.

Most of them cannot even speak English and lack any skills. They are tortured both physically and mentally. It is foreseeable that their future life will be very difficult.

It is not that no one chooses to return to their hometown and relatives, but most girls still choose to stay in the United States and this sad place.

Silver-haired Brooke pushed Hailey, who was still sitting in a wheelchair, and appeared in the restaurant. The two sisters solemnly expressed their gratitude to Jack and Hannah. Fortunately, this girl did not have red eyes, otherwise the sense of sight would be too strong.

"You are an excellent cooking master. I never knew there were so many delicacies in Ukraine." Dana Moge walked up to Jack with a glass of wine in her hand and said with a smile.

The reason why the United States has become a food desert is largely due to the industrialization of food. The further south the country goes, the slower the pace of life and the richer the variety of food.

Although the richness of food in a traditional agricultural producing area like Ukraine is not as rich as that of Italy, it is not much different.

"So, are you doing this to implicitly advise them to go back to their hometowns and their relatives?"

Jack laughed dumbly. Dana Moger had obviously over-interpreted it. Why should she persuade these girls to go back? Although the world line has changed a lot, the general direction has not changed much. Who knows if Da Mao and Er Mao will be there next year? Really pick it up.

“It’s just because they are the protagonists of this banquet, so of course I choose their hometown dishes as the main ones, just like I often cook Italian dishes in Los Angeles.

These girls are still young, the oldest is only just 20 years old. I hope that the previous experience will make them stronger after it heals into scars. At least Hailey is such a fighter. She has never given up hope. Is not it? "

Dana Moger nodded in agreement, and added, "We should also be lucky that Stepan Tshako and his gang did not use poison to control them, otherwise even if..." Jack sighed, this is the only way. To comfort myself, the country's own statistics show that one in five women has suffered sexual assault to varying degrees. Compared with being forced to become an addict, these unbearable experiences will eventually fade away with the passage of time.

After all, being woken up by nightmares in the middle of the night is nothing compared to enduring the torture of drugs.

After the case was over, Jack and Hannah got a small vacation. There were five days in total including weekends. They discussed it and felt that there was nothing interesting in New York, so they might as well go see the surrounding areas.

Compared with bar nightclubs and the like, the two were more interested in natural landscapes, and finally set their destination at Niagara Falls on the border of the United States and Canada.

Niagara Falls is a transnational waterfall, half of which belongs to the United States, at the junction of New York State and Ontario, Canada.

It’s not too far to drive from New York. It takes about six or seven hours to drive 400 miles. However, Jack didn’t plan to drive there in one go. Instead, he chose to take a detour in the middle and go camping in the Finger Lakes for two days.

The Finger Lakes are not a single lake, but a collective name for fourteen long and narrow lakes of different sizes. These lakes are scattered and arranged longitudinally from north to south, resembling fingers, which is the origin of their name.

In Native American legend, these lakes are the imprints left by a god who blessed the land with his hands, but the god seemed to have a few more fingers.

Fourteen lakes eventually merge into Lake Ontario through various rivers. It is the birthplace of the water system. It is a pure land in the Great Lakes Basin. It is also the most famous fruit wine and wine producing area, gathering all the top wineries in the United States.

Yes, Jack came here to eat fish. After some research, he found a freshwater fish production area in New York State where he could safely feast.

Seneca Lake is the largest and deepest cold-water lake among the Finger Lakes, with very good water quality. It is also the lake with the largest trout population in the United States.

Although the area is also faced with the problem of the invasion of Asian carp, for Jack, he also welcomes these spiny fellows. He has been craving for the minced pepper fish head and crucian carp soup for a long time.

The nearby Seneca Lake State Park is an excellent place for hiking and biking, especially as the temperature gradually rises, even at night, you don’t need too much clothing to keep out the cold, and the annoying mosquitoes have not yet appeared. There are not too many tourists.

After confirming that there was no small lake called Crystal Lake nearby, and there were no strange legends about masked monsters, Jack set up his tent in a secluded forest clearing with peace of mind.

He was here to travel, not to fight monsters. Although Hannah often expressed regret for not experiencing life-and-death crises like ogres with him, Jack very much suspected that this chick was just jealous of Jie Jie.

After setting up the tent, Jack used stones to surround a bonfire, and the surrounding area suddenly became warmer. He set up an alcohol stove next to the bonfire.

Although rainbow trout can be eaten raw like salmon, and he doesn't have to worry about parasites because of his healing skills, he prefers grilled fish on paper to sashimi.

Hannah is good at setting up tents, but when it comes to cooking, except for barbecue, which everyone in Texas seems to be good at, she is basically at the level of eating.

But she likes to watch Jack cook. When she is at home, she likes to stand quietly aside (mostly lying on Jack's back) and watch this handsome man busy in the kitchen.

In her opinion, Jack was most attractive when he was busy in the kitchen, and of course it would be better if he could only wear an apron.

(End of this chapter)

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