Chapter 497 Black Hawk Falls
In terms of comfort and sealing, the Saber class is much better than the Hummer. Although there is still a smell of sand and dust in the car, as long as Matt and Michael who were chattering on the channel had to shut their mouths, you will know. The people in the Humvee were suffering so much at this moment.

"I don't like dirt roads, they make me nervous," Alejandro said suddenly, as if talking to himself.

The convoy drove through a fork in the road, and police cars from the local police could be seen maintaining traffic. Some civilian vehicles were stopped there, waiting for the convoy to pass.

The Mexican Federal Special Police car that was clearing the way in front suddenly started to accelerate. It seemed that it wanted to pass through this section of the dirt road as quickly as possible. However, as the speed of the car accelerated, the dust kicked up became larger and larger, and it was almost impossible to see the direction of the car. situation.

Jack had an ominous premonition in his heart. Looking at the machine gunner who was being shaken left and right in the bed of the police pickup truck, he couldn't help but think wildly. What would happen if these guys suddenly turned their guns and fired at themselves? What?
Although the three Humvees driven by Matt and the PMCs were military, they were all ordinary models. Although they were equipped with a layer of bulletproof glass, there were no additional bulletproof steel plates on the bodies.

Even if the M249SAW light machine guns used by these Mexican special police are equipped with the most common 5.56×45mm NATO ammunition belts, they still pose a considerable threat, not to mention that their own convoy is in a state of pincer attack from the front and rear.

Looking back now, did Matt make the same mistake as the Neon Staff during World War II? The plan was well conceived and everything seemed to be under control, but he failed to consider what would happen if the opponent did not follow your script. Woolen cloth?
If he is Carlos Jr., and there is an experienced Northern Ireland veteran as a staff advisor, and he knows that the target he wants to get rid of will appear in the enemy's lair, what is the best way to deal with it?On the road of course!

"Matt, I feel like the situation is not good. Are you sure you can trust those Mexican police?" Jack asked on the channel.

Matt obviously noticed something strange and contacted the operations center again, "In the air, I can't see anything clearly here. What about you?"

"The road is safe," the combat center replied. "There are no moving vehicles or unknown targets on the left and right."

Jack felt a little relieved and turned to smile at Isabel who was covering her mouth. Just as he was about to say something, his heart suddenly tightened and he subconsciously raised his right foot that was stepping on the accelerator.

"RPG! Attack from the right!" The voice from the command center in the channel suddenly became high-pitched and sharp.

"Walt?" Before Matt's doubtful words could be finished, in the wilderness on the right, several white smoke trails rushed towards the convoy from a distance.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Continuous explosions sounded, and the first police car at the beginning was instantly overturned to the ground. Then the police car at the end of the convoy was also taken away by an RPG and burned into a pile of torches.

There were also a few shots that were not very accurate and hit the road shoulder directly. The exploding gravel hit the car window glass, as if everyone was brought to the battlefield in an instant.

"Ah!!!" Isabel let out a piercing scream, but then Jack held her head down and laid her down on the passenger seat.

"Get down! Get down!"

I was so scared that I saw three police cars that were originally driving the road ahead. After the first car was overturned, the second one was frightened and drove directly off the shoulder of the road.

As if the third pickup truck received some signal, the SWAT police in the truck suddenly turned their guns and fired at the Hummer that Matt and the others were riding in.

"Boom!" Two more RPGs hit, and the Humvee behind Saboban suddenly turned into a pile of scrap metal.

The four Mexican SWAT police cars behind the Hummer braked quickly, but did not fire any shots. They seemed to be at a loss.

The machine guns on the vehicle neither fired at the militants on both sides who had lifted up their camouflage cloths and carried assault rifles, nor did they attack the Humvee convoy from the rear. For a while, they seemed to be just bystanders.

"Matt! Matt!" Jack called loudly, but no reply was heard on the channel. Only the command center was still asking about the situation.

"300 meters to the west, what are you waiting for?" Feeling that if he waits any longer, he can only wait for death. He yelled, lowered his head and stepped on the accelerator. Saboban screamed and made a weird S-shaped circle to pass in front of him. A Humvee that was forced to stop due to light machine gun fire. The "ang" V8 engine made an overwhelmed roar.

The bullet-proof modified body is extremely strong. Although the bullet-proof glass of the front window was turned into a spider web by the continuous 5.56×45 mm NATO bullets, and debris and stray bullets kept flying into the car, Jack still relied on his senses and crashed headlong into the car. Got into the Ford pickup truck that kept firing.

At the same time, a Predator drone roared from high in the sky. Two AGM114 Hellfire air-to-surface missiles were fired from under the wings, exploding into two balls of flames in the Gobi. A dozen or so people standing in a line on the right side of the road The militants were instantly swallowed up.

The Ford pickup truck that was hit hard by Saboban rolled all the way down the road. The machine gunner in the truck was crushed into a rag doll without even letting out a scream.

But the crisis was far from over. A .50mm bullet struck from the left side, shot cleanly through the bulletproof glass, and embedded itself in the Kevlar material covering the roof of the car.

"Sniper! We need air support! When will the Black Hawk arrive?" Jack leaned against the car door, holding down Isabel's mouth with one hand to prevent the panicked girl from moving. The scream just now was about to stop. He was bored to death.

Saboban couldn't move now. Even if he could move, he didn't dare to raise his head and drive, betting on the marksmanship of the sniper on the other side.

"Now!" Before the voice from the combat center could finish, two Black Hawk helicopter gunships appeared behind the convoy, approaching the battlefield at a low altitude.

However, before the rockets mounted on the Black Hawk could unleash their power, two more long smoke trails rose from the ground, and two stingers followed a straight trajectory, heading straight towards the lead aircraft.

"Puff puff!"

The leading Black Hawk was caught off guard. Before he could fire a few rounds of decoy bombs, he was directly hit by two rounds, which exploded into a ball of fire and fell to the ground.

The second Black Hawk was so frightened that it pulled out a long string of decoy bombs, turned around and flew away from the battlefield.

"What the hell!" Jack almost cursed when he saw this scene. Are these PMCs so useless?And this Ian Doyle is so smart that he even equipped these DU dealers with stingers!
Alejandro, who had been sitting in the back seat and had always been very calm, finally couldn't help it anymore and reached out to pull the car door, intending to fight to the death.

"Stay still!" Jack put down the seat, climbed into the back seat quickly, opened the trunk baffle, and pulled out the equipment from the inside.

The car body was hit repeatedly, and the "dang-dang" sound was heard endlessly. Isabel looked at the bulges on the left door in horror and screamed again.

Jack impatiently turned around and put down the passenger seat so that she could lie down more conveniently, and covered her mouth again, "If you call me again, I will throw you out. This car is bulletproof, do you understand?"

As long as the opponent doesn't have the ability to use the semi-automatic Barrett as an M2 godmother, there's no way he can break through the bulletproof steel plate of the body even if his shoulder is crippled.

Jack threw his HK417 to Alejandro and a few more magazines. At this time, the militants on the right were basically wiped out by two rounds of hellfire, and the main firepower basically came from the left.

Although these militants are slowly approaching here under the cover of snipers, the current distance is at least more than 200 meters. The UMP45 in Alejandro's hand is useless at this medium combat distance.

With his hands free, Jack leaned into the trunk and pulled out a box that was as big as a cello case. After opening it, he found an LG5 grenade launcher with a tripod inside.

This thing is commonly known as a sniper grenade. The Siris army uses the 35mm version of the QLU131, and the export model LG5 has a caliber of 40mm.

 I asked for some monthly votes at the beginning of the month. One vote is enough and there will be double the amount at the end of this month. I will continue to ask for it then.

(End of this chapter)

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