Chapter 474 Before Action
"That is where we will live in the future. We will live here during the mission. Jack can rest assured that your things will be stored there. It will be absolutely safe."

Matt jumped out of the car and pointed at a row of dormitories in the distance.

"But I won't be able to take you there until later. The combat meeting will start soon. We plan to take action early tomorrow morning. Time is very tight."

The group of people got out of the car and followed Matt into the building in front of them, and came to a small auditorium, which was already full of people.

Jack took a glance and saw that almost all of them were rough men with big muscles and round waists. They were about 30 years old. Many of them were still wearing desert camouflage. They had assault rifles leaning on their legs. They looked like they were dusty. They should be the ones who had just left. Delta from the front line back.

Some of the others wore police badges around their waists. They were DEA agents. The two eye-catching ones were two old guys with gray beards and big bellies wearing cowboy hats. They were federal marshals responsible for personally escorting prisoners.

Next to these two old guys, Jack saw an old acquaintance, a Texas Ranger who also wore a cowboy hat, a white shirt and blue jeans, Hannah's Uncle Walker.

He also obviously recognized Jack. When they went camping at the border, if Jack and Hannah hadn't been there, something might have happened to their whole family.

Cordell Walker raised his right hand, gently lifted up his white cowboy hat and put it down again, saying hello to him. Jack also nodded to him quickly. If he wanted to be serious, he would have to follow Hannah and call him uncle. Fortunately, he always Mei generally doesn't care about this.

For some reason, every time he saw the younger brother of the Wen family (American TV series "Supernatural"), he felt weird and always subconsciously wanted to take a bottle of salt out of his pocket.

Fortunately, this is a completely materialistic world, probably, and this kind of occasion is not suitable for chatting together. Jack followed Matt and the others and found some folding chairs in the back row and sat down.

"You know those nasty mounted police? No matter what we want to do in Texas, we can't get around these guys." Matt came over and whispered.

"One of them is my friend." Jack didn't explain much because the combat meeting had already begun.

After all, even if the federal army conducts exercises in Texas, it will be monitored and watched by the Texas Rangers. This is also a characteristic of the Lone Star State.

The Texas Rangers have a special operations team, a paramilitary team, and one of the tactical teams is called the Mounted Reconnaissance Team.

They will conduct long-term covert operations against drug trafficking groups in remote areas where regular law enforcement cannot operate, focusing on collecting and intercepting intelligence and disrupting the criminal activities of traffickers.

The appearance of "Uncle Walker" was unexpected by Jack. His subsequent actions may require the assistance of the second brother of the Wen family, and he had already been contacted through Hannah.

A big-bodied old sergeant with a dog tag hanging around his neck appeared on the podium, stretched out his hand to say hello to Matt across a group of people, and started to explain the mission straightforwardly without any nonsense.

A high-resolution satellite map of Ciudad Juárez appeared on the large screen of the projector, with some additional place names marked on it. The old sergeant held a laser pointer in his hand to indicate the route and location on the screen.

"After crossing the border, the Mexican federal police will pick you up at the border and take you to the court building. Note that this is a high-level target. There are two places where the enemy may attack, the prisoner handover point and the border checkpoint when you return. .

The bailiffs are responsible for handing over prisoners, the two old guys over there, Keith and Kevin. "

As he spoke, he smiled and nodded at the two federal marshals below.

The two old men with white beards stood up, looked around with piercing domineering eyes, put one hand on the brim of their hat in front of their foreheads, and expressed their opinions to everyone.

The old sergeant pressed his hands slightly, signaling them to sit down again and continue explaining.

"I will leave the country in Laredo later, and the boys from the Texas Rangers will be responsible for picking up." Before he finished speaking, Walker raised his hand to indicate that he was the one.

"I fucking love Texas guys so much." Matt next to Jack was whispering again.

Laredo is more than 800 kilometers away from Juarez in southern Texas, also close to the border. This city is similar to El Paso, bisected by the long Rio Grande River.The one in Texas is called Laredo, and the one in Mexico is simply called Nuevo Laredo. There are many similar cities like this on the US-Mexico border, especially at the junction of Texas and Mexico.

After the Mexican-American War, Mexico lost half of its territory. On the border with Texas, the Rio Grande River, which originates from the Rocky Mountains and meanders into the sea, became the natural border between the two countries.

With the uncontrolled diversion of various water conservancy projects controlled by the United States upstream, a large amount of fresh water resources were used by wealthy Americans to water their lawns. The Rio Grande gradually dried up and often stopped flowing.

The struggling Mexican farmers downstream had no water to use. After depleting their groundwater, they went bankrupt and fled north, easily crossing the dry riverbed to work for American farmers.

The old sergeant major explained the entire course of action, turned off the projector, turned on the fluorescent lamp, and began to introduce everyone to each other.

"These are our friends from the Delta Force. They 'volunteered' to join this operation and protect the bailiffs during the handover. Please raise your hands to let everyone know who to hide behind when danger occurs."

Amidst low laughter, all the burly men raised their hands to indicate. At the end of the introduction, he cast his eyes towards the back row and said, "Matt, are you and your people going to stay with us, or go to Laredo and wait?" ?”

"Let's go together. The FBI has brought their own equipment. Just give me and Michael a few guns." Matt replied lazily.

"Great, then we are now an All-Star team."

The old sergeant major smiled and nodded, "When everything is done here, I will prepare the equipment for you. In this case, Matt and you will take the lead when we go.

Be careful when you come back. The enemies on the Mexican side will most likely attack on the way back, so the people in the Delta are responsible for opening the way. You guard in the middle, and the others press behind, okay? "

He paused and emphasized again, "Note, the most likely place for trouble to happen is at the border. Be especially careful in the middle of the checkpoints on both sides. That is the gray area.

After entering Mexico, at any time on the road, anyone who is not in this room now may be an enemy. The operation will not end before returning to this room. Do you understand? "

Everyone nodded in unison, and the old sergeant major clapped his hands, "OK, remember, be vigilant, stay awake, get ready, have a good sleep tonight, and set off on time at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning."
At night, Jack was maintaining his firearms in the room. Jane knocked on the door and mysteriously whispered into his ear, "There's something wrong with that Alejandro."

Jack's ears were tickled by her warm breath, and he couldn't help but turned his head and smiled, "What's wrong?"

Jane took a Noveske N4 from him, and while neatly disassembling and wiping it, she said, "I don't know, it's just a feeling. He doesn't look like someone from DHS or CIA."

Jack raised his eyebrows. This girl was surprisingly insightful, "So who do you think he is?"

Jane took the gun oil from him and shook her head, "I can't tell. I don't even think he is an American. Do you think he could be a CIA informant?"

Jack was a little surprised. He had just received the information from Justin, and Jane's guess was already quite close.

"He was a prosecutor in Colombia."

He hesitated for a moment, but decided to confirm first, "This is not a very interesting story. Are you sure you want to know?"

"Ah, wait a moment and nod."

Jack raised his hand and put it on her chin, "I can tell you, but you are absolutely not allowed to look at him with any strange eyes after listening, including pity, sympathy, hatred, anything with any emotion, otherwise I will I can only let you go back to Phoenix City."

(End of this chapter)

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