Chapter 466 Departure (two chapters in one)

Rossi had a winner's smile on his face, "All the intelligence on Doyle, and all the support needed for operations overseas."

"This is impossible, you know, Doyle is very deep in Mexico, he is connected to at least three large cartel groups, and they use each other.

To dig him out, it will take at least half a year to lay out and an elite commando team on standby. Do you know how much this means?This isn't fair. "

Dreher's excited voice changed, and he didn't realize that he had missed the point. Since CWS knew Doyle's movements so well, it couldn't have just started paying attention to him.

Obviously there was something wrong within them, otherwise how could we explain that Doyle found those retired employees so accurately.

Of course, these are no longer important, because Hotchner has already issued an ultimatum on behalf of the FBI. The CWS must bear the blame or not.

"Agent Tavole lost his newly purchased car and the house he had lived in for less than three years, and he still has to continue to make loan payments to the bank just because you did not report your knowledge. Do you think this is fair? ?”

Jack secretly applauded Rosie's ability to take the shit out of the basin.

Rosie paused and offered a sweet date, "Of course, our FBI will endorse this operation, and with the cooperation of the CIA and DEA, they have recently planned to crack down on some unsettled DU trafficking groups. , which happens to overlap somewhat with our goals.

To this end, we are discussing the formation of an inter-agency joint action team. At that time, there will be funding from the Treasury Department. Of course, the specific amount you can get depends on your lobbying team in Washington. "

Dreher lowered his head and thought for a long time. He raised his hand to stop the two people beside him who were about to say something. He suddenly raised his head as if he had made up his mind and looked directly at Rossi.

"I only have one condition. The action plan must be initiated by your FBI and supervised by your people throughout the process. I cannot trust the CIA. After the operation is over, I don't want to hear any more news from Doyle."

Rosie turned to look at Jack. Of course Jack understood what he meant. Even if he didn't assign it, he would definitely participate in this operation personally. As for silence or something, that was the unanimous goal of both parties.

After he nodded slightly, Rossi's eyes returned to Dreyer's face again, "Deal."
"Take it with you. When the time comes, remember to throw it next to Doyle's body." In the elevator, Emily put a necklace into Jack's hand.

"What is this? Doyle gave you a token of love? You actually still keep it?"

Jack curiously looked at the exquisitely crafted necklace in his hand. The pendant on it was very strange. It was a pair of gold rings that could be spliced ​​together seamlessly.

"This thing is called a double ring. The bride and groom will wear one of them respectively at the engagement party and wedding ceremony." Rossi explained at the side.

Of course, Jack knew that Emily could not have kept the necklace because of her lingering love for Doyle. It was more likely that she saw it as a testimony of her youth and frivolity.

This move now can be seen as her having successfully defeated her inner demons.

"You said, if Doyle really regards me as your new love, then when he sees this necklace appear on me."

Jack wanted both shrimp and pig heart, but before he finished speaking, he received an elbow from Emily. Seeing this, Rosie silently mouthed to him, "You deserve it."

The elevator door opened, and Jiejie stood at the door of the elevator holding a cute little black cat.

"Sergio, God, I actually forgot about you." Emily took the little black cat in surprise and kissed it intimately.

Jiejie glared at Jack, seeming to blame him for forgetting such a cute little thing, "Chris found this poor little thing on the tree in your backyard this morning, and Garcia just washed it." bath."

Jack felt that he had been wronged to death. Even if he thought about it last night, it would be a bit ridiculous to find a frightened little black cat in the ruins in this dark night.

Shouldn't this kind of thing be left to professional rescue teams, especially those who don't rescue people at disaster relief sites but specialize in finding kittens and puppies?
A few days passed, and after compiling intelligence from all over the place, Rossi and Hotchner called Jack into the office alone.

Rossi first pushed him a pile of thick information, as high as two or three dictionaries stacked up. "The three main trafficking groups that provide funds and shelter for Doyle are the Sonora Group and the Matamoros Group. Gang and the Reyes Group.”

Jack picked up the documents and saw that the two of them were looking at him without saying anything. He was a little confused and asked, "Can't these documents be taken away?"

It would take a whole day just to look through such a thick material, how long will it take to read it here?

Rossi and Hotchner looked at each other, coughed slightly and asked, "Tell me what you think about capturing Doyle?"

"Ah this?" Jack was even more confused. Didn't he already reach a tacit understanding during the secret meeting with Dreyer from CWS?
"Organize a joint operations team to fight against the DU trafficking group, force them to hand over Doyle, and then kill him. Are there any questions?"

Rossi looked at Hotchner with a constipated expression, motioning for him to explain.

"The CIA and DEA do have plans to crack down on these three drug trafficking groups in the near future, but they are just ideas at the moment."

In the next 10 minutes, Hotchner gave Jack a detailed introduction to the real current situation of drug addicts in this country.

Once in Colombia, there was a big drug lord named Pablo Escobar, who established a drug trafficking group called Medellin.

At its peak, Medellin had more than 2 drug dealers and 3000 "drug escorts" and controlled 80% of the drug sales market in the United States.

In the end, this super-trafficking group was jointly attacked by the federal and Colombian governments. Pablo Escobar was killed, and the Medellin Group declined.

However, what is ironic is that with the collapse of this drug kingpin, the anti-drug situation in the United States has become increasingly worse. After all, drug dealers are easy to eradicate, but in this fat country, the drug addict population cannot be eradicated. There will be more and more.

As the world's largest developed country, the United States is also the world's largest drug consumer. Today, the domestic population of DU addicts exceeds 3500 million, and this does not include those who abuse drugs.

Such a huge market demand will inevitably lead to a result, that is, when a big DU hawk falls, countless small DU hawks will emerge.

In order to compete for territory, these traffickers are fighting for territory all the time, causing smoke to spread along the US-Mexico border.Not only in Mexico as a manufacturer and transshipper, but also in the United States where terminal sales occur, conflicts caused by competition between distributors and even street vendors are becoming more and more intense.

In recent years, while DU trafficking groups have been trying their best to smuggle drugs into the United States, they have also started a human smuggling business. After all, smuggling a person is also transporting people, and they can make two money together by transporting drugs on their backs. , isn’t it beautiful?

Such a chaotic situation can't help but give both the CIA and DEA a headache, and they begin to miss the old Medellin era. After all, there was at least order in that era.

The big DU gangsters will take the initiative to eliminate those disobedient small forces. It is also simple and convenient to pay protection fees to the CIA and even all the congressmen. Through channels such as the Brazilian consortium, the laundered money goes directly into the pockets of each family.

So someone came up with the idea of ​​first instigating the already chaotic DU drug trafficking groups to fight among themselves, and then choose and support an obedient person to come to power, dominate the world, and make the drug trade viable again. Get in order.

Of course, Hotchner couldn't speak so straightforwardly. While listening, Jack combined some of his experiences in his previous life.

For example, although the American drama "DU Xiao" brought in a lot of private goods and presented itself as innocent as a white lotus, it also showed part of the history of that era in some aspects.

After hearing this, Jack almost understood that the inter-agency joint action team and the so-called special appropriation from the Ministry of Finance that Rossi mentioned at that time were all things that he didn't even mention.

Of course, it cannot be said that Rossi was just deceiving. The CIA was indeed preparing relevant actions, but as the FBI, which was responsible for domestic affairs, it was originally lacking in interest.

The various reasons are very complicated, but in short, they are nothing more than the issue of profit distribution and taking the blame.

Of course, these things are not something that Jack needs to be concerned about. All he needs to know is that the FBI has now relented and is willing to cooperate in making some preliminary attempts to endorse the legality of some of the CIA's actions.

Of course, everything depends on a master. The FBI plans to start in the country first and unearth some cases related to drug dealers. Then it will be logical for them to take the lead with their younger brothers, the DEA and the CIA, to raise funds to form a joint action team.

However, the old fox Rosie is obviously not optimistic about this plan, and Jack can also understand. Who was the president back then, and who is the president now? Do you know who doesn't have the ability?

Although the process of this world is obviously different from the original world, I don’t know if it is because of the butterfly effect triggered by Jack’s appearance, or if it is due to the integration of so many American TV series that it has caused some deviation.
The golden-haired president on stage was miraculously re-elected this year, but this kind of plan that is implemented in units of years or even ten years still has a high probability of failure.

But this is not important. The purpose of everyone in the BAU is to use the early actions to get rid of Doyle and solve the threat. Neither Rosie nor Jack care about other things.

Jack's identity has been confirmed. First of all, he needs to be promoted. To participate in an operation of this level, the title of Senior Special Agent is essential. This is a matter of course. This is a little ahead of schedule. moon.

The second step is to temporarily transfer from the current BAU action team. As a field agent, he joins an anti-kidnapping team jointly formed by the FBI, DHS (Department of Homeland Security) and DEA in the name of a BAU dispatched psychological consultant.

The work of this anti-kidnapping team is aimed at the new business recently launched by some DU trafficking organizations, which use illegal immigrants as mules to carry drug drugs.

They would even take them to the border on foot, kidnap them as hostages, and extort their property. It can be said that they eat three things with one fish.

The purpose of Rossi and Hotchner's arrangement for Jack to join the anti-kidnapping team is obvious, because this team will soon launch a sweep operation targeting the villa where Diaz, a DU trafficking leader under the Mexican Sonora Group, lives.

If Jack can get some information from Diaz, or find some evidence involving the Sonora Group from the villa where he lives, then the CIA can naturally intervene, and a joint operations team may be formed accordingly.

Of course, this is just the first step, and the specific plan needs to be taken step by step. No one knows what is hidden in Diaz's villa now, but even if there is no harvest this time, there will be a second and third operation until Obtain enough evidence to get the nod from above.

For Jack, there is no need to think so much. As an executor, he only needs to follow Rossi's baton. All those transactions in front of and behind the scenes have nothing to do with him.

The rest of the BAU team became Jack's backing. Although dealing with these drug gangs and even terrorists is not their expertise, behavioral analysis is not really useful for serial killers.

After all, psychological profiling is also an important part of intelligence analysis, and it is also the guarantee that Jack will have a certain say when he joins the joint operations team in the future.

Jack spent a week dealing with the aftermath. The damaged building will be demolished, and a two-story masonry building will be built on the site.

Although the construction cost was more than twice as expensive as the wooden houses favored by Americans, future maintenance would be less troublesome and labor-intensive. Jack entrusted the supervision work to John, after all, it was his old profession.

Not long ago, Chris almost reached the highest point and sold all his 30 Bitcoins, leaving almost US$150 million after paying taxes.

Jack also signed an authorization document and left 50 to Chris to build a house. The remaining money was all converted into gold. Together with the gold bars obtained previously in New Mexico, it was all deposited in the bank, and then handed over the key. Got Jie Jie.

He also found a lawyer and left a will, stating that all his shares would be divided equally between Hannah and the two royal sisters. After all, he was going to fight with the DU cartel and terrorists, so even if he was incarcerated, he would still do it. Prepare for the worst.

A week later, Jack traveled lightly and drove a Saber belonging to the BAU team to Phoenix City, which is not too far away from Los Angeles. The FBI office here is much simpler than that in Los Angeles. It is located in a building that occupies a small area. In a large six-story building.

"Why are people from the BAU here? Are you giving us psychological counseling? It's better to wait for a few more days of vacation after the case is over." A very young African-American agent with slightly bulging eyes confirmed Jack's identity. , took him to the office of the anti-kidnapping team.

A paper ball flew towards him and hit him on the head, "Shut up Reggie, he has killed more bad guys than you have ever seen."

"Jane, long time no see." Jack smiled, opened his arms, and hugged Jane Banner who came forward.

After not seeing her for a few months, the "Scarlet Witch" looked a little haggard, her originally round chin had become a bit sharper, her body smelled weird, and the shirt she wore looked like it had been worn for more than a day.

"It's great that you can come. We are really short of manpower. Cases come one after another. Those damn snakeheads are like gophers that keep popping up. They can never be finished."

Jane noticed something was wrong with Jack's expression, so she pulled open her collar and sniffed it suspiciously, then showed an embarrassed smile.

 After deleting, deleting, and revising for a long time, there are some things that I want to write but don’t dare to write, so let’s leave it at that.Interested book lovers can go and watch the American TV series mentioned in it, which is quite interesting. There is also a TV series of the same type, "Zero Zero Zero".

(End of this chapter)

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