The World of American Drama: From the Los Angeles Patrol

Chapter 463 Now it’s become a personal feud

Chapter 463 Now it’s become a personal feud
Poor Rosie for her age. She had just left the scene and was about to have a drink and go to bed when she got home and received news that Jack's house had been bombed, so she rushed here anxiously.

When he arrived, the LAFD (Los Angeles Fire Department) had just extinguished a gas fire. These firefighters, who were usually looked down upon by everyone, looked at the twelve bloody corpses on the ground.
Look at Jack standing on the side of the road with an M134 "Mini Vulcan Cannon" at his feet, standing majestically in the cold wind. No one dares to come forward to hand over the bill.

Okay, that's just kidding, Jack's house is not located in the suburbs and there is no extra charge.

But usually, these guys who exercise muscles every day and have nowhere to vent their hormones will definitely whistle and make some colorful jokes when they see Emily wrapped in a bath towel and showing off her beautiful figure.

Maybe there will be one or two gold bugs on the brain, and they will come up to ask for contact information or something.

The situation was different today. These firefighters didn't even whisper to each other in private. They quickly packed up the fire-fighting equipment, left an ambulance behind, and withdrew without looking back.

The ambulance was reserved for Riem, who was shot in the thigh. As soon as Rossi arrived, he drove the emergency personnel out of the car, got in the car and closed the door. Immediately afterwards, heartbreaking screams came from the car. Voice.

Despite Rossi's usual cheerful appearance, he seems to be just a kind-hearted retired old man, but how could a man who was all-powerful in the FBI 30 years ago be a good old man?

What happened today really pissed off Rossi. Two of his best friends were almost blown up to the sky, and even the house was demolished by RPG. The old man doesn’t sleep well as he gets older, so he doesn’t need to sleep tonight. .

Listening to the screams in the emergency vehicle, which were high-pitched at the beginning, gradually became breathless. The several LAPD officers who were standing beside the vehicle looked at each other, pretending that nothing happened, and went about their business.

John next to Jack looked like he was hesitating to speak, but he was hesitating to speak, as if he didn't know what to do.

"Terrorists have no human rights." Hotchner, who almost arrived with Rossi, explained calmly.

He doesn't like to use this method in public. After all, as the nominal leader of this BAU team, he has the obligation to maintain the image of the FBI.

As soon as Rhett arrived at the scene and confirmed that there was no danger of the building collapsing, he put on a safety helmet and gloves and went into the house to investigate in the name of collecting evidence.

In fact, the group of terrorists were wiped out without even entering the house. They fired a few RPG rounds outside and left the launch tubes in the open space. If you really want to find evidence, you don't need to go to Jack's house to look for it.

Rhett knew about Jack's secret arsenal. His so-called investigation was naturally to collect certain sensitive items first in the name of the FBI.

For example, the M134 "Mini Vulcan" that was placed at Jack's feet has now become one of the illegal weapons carried by terrorists.

Jiejie arrived in BAU's own Saber class and brought a bag of clothes to Emily.

At the other end, a Lincoln Navigator without any license plates parked silently on the side of the road. The window opened, revealing Hannah's pretty face.

Jack walked to the car and saw Zoe and Maureen sitting in the car with worried faces.

After repeatedly saying that he was fine and comforting his three beauties, Jack had already put on clean clothes and trousers when he got out of the car. He also threw away the flip-flops with glass shards on the soles and replaced them with a pair of Salomon. tactical boots.

The Lincoln Navigator left quietly again, as if he had never appeared. From beginning to end, there were no media interview cars around the scene. It was as if all the major newspapers, magazines and televisions in Los Angeles were deaf and blind tonight.

Rossi had obviously gotten the answer he wanted. He stood with Hotchner with a sullen face and was discussing something. When he saw Jack approaching, he slightly amplified his voice.

"Doyle has already left the country. He has a private plane. Riem was supposed to take the militants and smuggle them back to Mexico by boat tonight. According to him, tonight's action was his own decision. "

"Do you know where Doyle is hiding in Mexico?" The purpose of Jack's shooting at the three cars was to worry that Doyle was hiding in the car and not getting out, so he simply blew it up. Unexpectedly, this guy ran very fast. .Rossi felt a little distressed when he saw the burned-out small building. The luxurious kitchen that had been burned to an empty shell held too many beautiful memories for him.

"It's useless to know. Doyle will soon know that something happened to his men and will hide immediately."

Jack scratched his head and started to pretend to be stupid, "Is there any way? This matter seems to be difficult to resolve. It has become a personal grudge between me and him."

Rossi rubbed his face vigorously and felt a little headache. Someone just came up and asked about Doyle's hiding place in Mexico. It was not that the young man was ignorant and impulsive, he was just expressing an attitude.

The situation has changed now. Maybe Doyle doesn't know how much trouble his subordinates have caused because of their own actions, but Rossi knows that Jack's statement shows that the two sides have changed their offensive and defensive positions.

The young man in front of him seems to have been quietly doing some inconspicuous work, cooking delicious food, organizing everyone to eat and drink together, and even when solving crimes, everyone gathers together to brainstorm. Jack, as the one with the least education and experience among everyone, When there is no greater certainty, they will choose silence.

This low-key look makes him look more like an old man than he does. It seems that only in picking up girls and shooting guns can people occasionally notice his edge.

But if everyone in BAU is asked to vote on who among the six people is the most trustworthy, and who they think of first in times of crisis, I'm afraid all the votes will be unanimously voted for Jack.

For Red, since he met Jack at the FBI Academy in Quantico, the latter has naturally become his big brother.

There are two types of people Rhett meets most in his life. One is a waste of people who are jealous of him, hostile to him, afraid of his intelligence, and even try to regain some self-confidence through physical bullying.

There is another one that is relatively rare, but makes Red feel even more uncomfortable. They will treat him as a high-value resource, just like taking care of a child or even a baby, and carefully protect him for fear of getting hurt.

Perhaps some of them wanted to protect him from the bottom of their hearts, but this method made the sensitive Red even more unacceptable, but unable to refuse, because he knew that if he refused these only good intentions, he might never be able to survive in this world. Get a touch of warmth in the cold world.

The appearance of Jack was Red's greatest luck. A "peer" friend who regarded him more as a normal person than a genius subtly influenced him a lot, and even led to other people in the group.

Rhett was certain that without Jack, even the psychology-savvy friends of the BAU would probably regard him more as a child who needed protection rather than as an independent adult male.

Not to mention the other people, Jie Jie and Jack had experienced life and death trials together, and anyone with a discerning eye could see the differences between them.

Hotchner even experienced a life-and-death crisis with Jack earlier than Jiejie. If the fame of a certain "Starbucks God of War" was not convincing enough, then after the prison riot,
Whenever the BAU team needs to use force, Jack is always Hotchner's only choice, even willing to give up his command, and facts have always proven that his choice is correct.

Privately, Hotchner always believed that Jack and his friends were the saviors of his wife and children.

So when Jack made it clear that this case had become a personal grudge between him and Doyle, Rosie had to start thinking about what connections she had in the CIA and the military that she could use.

Because this means that if he doesn't take action, others will definitely join forces to poke a hole in the sky for Jack.

"I can contact the director and the attorney general. If force needs to be used overseas, this is not within the scope of the BAU's authority and requires their authorization." Hotchner said before Rossi could speak.

Hotchner's words were not a shirk, but a reminder that it would be best to take action through official channels, otherwise they would have to find a way to "take a vacation" collectively.

(End of this chapter)

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