Chapter 450 Smell
In the evening, Jack stewed two pots of broth and invited everyone to have a dinner.

The advantage of working on a local case is that you don’t have to squeeze into those temporarily vacated offices and open blind boxes to taste local fast food that tastes indescribable.

A pot of milky white mutton soup, sprinkled with fresh garlic leaves picked in the backyard, and a little salt, is a rare tonic in winter. Of course, the winter in Los Angeles is not very cold.

There is also a pot of curry beef and potatoes. People who are not used to mutton soup can choose this. There are also greedy guys who want to have both fish and bear's paws, and end up like Rhett, who is so full that he crouched on the sofa and trembles. Burp.

Jack's house had not been so lively for a while. Not only was Hotchner, who was still in a wheelchair, pushed to the door by his wife, but he also called Hannah and called a certain beautiful reporter.

Eating today is not the main purpose. The main purpose is to facilitate everyone to get together and talk about work. I reported the progress of the case during the day to Hotchner, who frowned habitually.

Hotchner also couldn't guess the murderer's motive. It was both methanol and chloroform. This was the first time for everyone to see such a strange serial killer.

However, he also agreed with Jack and Red's judgment on the murderer's method of committing the crime. His suggestion was to make the results of the profiling public as soon as possible, and not only to the police, but to the whole society.

At this point, Rosie, Hotchner, and Jack all wanted to go together, which is why Jack asked Hannah to call Taylor Kelly on. It was the Tool Man beauty host's turn to play her role again.

Fortunately, Taylor Kelly has not watched "The Biography of Women", otherwise she would definitely say to Jack, "Zhong Wuyan has nothing to do with her, but Xia Yingchun has nothing to do with her." As for whether she is Zhong Wuyan or Xia Yingchun, that is another matter. .

Tyler Kelly's ability to observe people's emotions is absolutely top-notch. When he sees a room full of FBI, he knows there is a big case, and his ears prick up when he eats soup.

After working together for so long, she also knows when it's her turn to speak and ask questions, and when it's her turn to just listen quietly.

After everyone was full, Jack simply cleared the table, and a group of FBI sat at the table to profile. Taylor, who was sitting next to him, began to write furiously.

“We believe the killer was an adult male driving an unregistered gypsy taxi which he used as a vehicle to anesthetize and abduct women using atomized chloroform in the back seat of the vehicle.

We tend to believe that he committed the crime alone, so we estimate that this person is between 20 and 40 years old, has excellent physical fitness, and can independently carry the body of an adult woman.

The murderer had a high IQ and may have received higher education or was self-taught and became an expert in chemistry. Judging from the three corpses discovered so far, the cause of death was suffocation caused by methanol, which shows that the murderer was addicted to the release of chloroform. The dosage is very precisely controlled. "

Jack was holding Emily's little black cat, petting the cat, and talking to Taylor, while the others occasionally added a few words.

Hotchner's wife Hallie saw the BAU team working for the first time, holding her little son who had been put to sleep, with eyes full of curiosity and admiration.

"We can see from the randomness of the place where the body was dumped and the murderer's attitude towards the body that he didn't care about the police's response, so he wouldn't pay attention to the progress of the police investigation. He didn't even care whether he would leave clues for the police."

"Question!" Taylor recorded this and stopped writing.

"According to what you said, does it mean that the murderer will be caught soon?"

Rhett, who was nestled on the sofa beside him, explained, "That's not the case. Due to the murderer's method of committing the crime, the victim was soaked in methanol for a long time, resulting in all traces of physical evidence that may have been left behind during the crime. .

Then the murderer used plastic sheeting to wrap the body when dumping it, so... hiccup"

Rhett didn't finish his words, but his meaning was made very clear.

"So we need the public's assistance." Rossi continued Reed's words.

"The murderer is an extreme anti-social psychopath. In daily life, he is withdrawn and inconspicuous, but in fact he has a very bad temper. When he meets someone who is not in line with his expected target group, the two parties may have arguments.

Someone will definitely notice him, and there may even be friction between the two parties. He will not commit murder in public, but he should have an unusual reaction. "OK, the taxi driver has a withdrawn personality and an unusual attitude. He may have had disputes with others. I have written it down. But if it is announced in this way, will it cause public panic or cause protests by the entire taxi driver group?" ? "

Taylor's question made Jack raise his eyebrows in surprise. This girl has made progress now. She actually started to consider the problem from the perspective of the police.

"So you should emphasize in your report that the murderer is a black taxi driver. Regular taxi drivers already hate these guys who take away their business. Maybe someone among them will take the initiative to provide information about the suspicious person.

Moreover, the victim group is women traveling alone, which is very important. "

Jack looked at everyone. Under his suggestion, the BAU team's behavior was to keep a low profile as much as possible, requiring everyone to stay out of the public eye.

Therefore, in previous cases, the work of speaking to the public was usually done by people from the local police or the local FBI office. Thinking of this, he made a suggestion.

"How about letting Hannah speak on behalf of the FBI, just like holding a press conference."

Hotchner and Rossi both nodded and expressed no objection.

"No problem, I will organize a press conference as soon as possible, and the public will see this information during the morning news time tomorrow."

Taylor nodded seriously and put away the notepad. This girl was quite cute when she was in working mode.

After finishing the serious chat, Jack stood up and took out a big glass jar from the kitchen. This was the bayberry wine he made from some bayberries he got this spring. It had a different flavor than the previous prune wine.

Pour a little for each person and put some ice cubes to lower the temperature. The aroma of bayberry evaporates as the alcohol evaporates, making everyone full of praise.

Seeing Red looking at the wine glass in his hand, Jack was a little amused. "Don't worry, I haven't started making wine officially yet. This is the best Red Label vodka. There is only ethanol in it. I guarantee there is no methanol."

As soon as the words came out, both of them were stunned, and their thoughts suddenly opened up, including Emily standing up excitedly.

"Smell!" Jack and Emily said in unison.

"Distillation and extraction!" This sentence comes from Red.

"Please speak English!" The question came from the others.

Jack glanced at Emily and signaled that ladies should take priority. The latter spoke directly without being polite.

"Just think about it, what is Jack's purpose for using bayberry to make wine? Using ethanol, that is, alcohol extracts the fruity aroma of the fruit itself. The murderer is probably attracted by the smell of the victim. This is the common characteristic of those girls."

"What you mean is that the murderer regarded those girls as bayberry gods. This is terrible." Harley, who had always regarded herself as an audience, finally couldn't help but exclaimed.

Rhett shook the wine glass in his hand and explained, "Methanol can also be used to purify smells and spices. In fact, its effect is better. As long as... uh... something is immersed in methanol for a few hours, its own oil will be will be precipitated”

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it, it's just too scary." Taylor, who had just finished the glass of bayberry wine, couldn't help but retched.

Jack's face turned dark. The fruit wine he had carefully prepared was actually related to the current case, in such a disgusting way. He would be reminded of this case every time he drank this stuff in the future.

Fortunately, everyone in the BAU was not paying attention to this. Rossi thought carefully for a moment and asked doubtfully, "Taxis are all equipped with partitions. How good is the murderer's nose that he can smell the specific smell that attracts him through the partitions?" "

(End of this chapter)

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