Chapter 437 CSI Support

Boston has a typical temperate continental climate, and the nighttime temperature in early November was already close to freezing, which made the BAU people who had just gotten used to the bright sunshine all year round in California quite uncomfortable.

With Jack's current physique, he suddenly came out of the warm conference room and was shaken by a gust of cold wind. He finally understood why Finlay always wore a tweed suit.

It would be a pity not to have hot pot on such a cold day, Jack thought, and opened the map on his phone to search for nearby restaurants.

At first glance, this case seemed to be the type that required a long-term effort. There was no need to work all night long on the first day. Everyone also listened to Jack's suggestion. After going over the case, they went out to look for food together.

Jack had no intention of asking Finlay at all. At least when it came to eating, this guy didn't have any taste, so he couldn't be expected to provide any advice in this regard.

Perhaps when some people hear the name Boston, they think of the tea leaves poured into the sea, which are lobsters. However, in fact, Boston does not produce lobsters at all.

Just like there is no wife in the wife cake, Boston lobster is even more extreme. Not only is it not produced in Boston, but strictly speaking it cannot even be considered a serious lobster.

The original name of the so-called Boston lobster should be called American crayfish, which belongs to the genus Crayfish under the family Langoustidae. The real origin of these guys with big pincers is the neighboring state of Maine and further north.

Because in the early days, Boston was the largest transit port in the surrounding areas, so lobsters exported overseas took off from Boston's airport. Therefore, lobsters shipped by air from here to Asia were labeled "originating from Boston."

Over time, Asians called these lobsters Boston lobsters. In fact, they are called "Maine lobsters" on the east coast of North America.

Unfortunately, it was getting late, and after looking around, only a few fast food restaurants were still open. After barely filling their stomachs, everyone in the BAU said goodbye to Finlay and returned to the hotel to rest.

Early the next morning, Jack was woken up by a phone call. He kissed Jiejie in his arms and found out that it was a video call from Garcia. Then he lazily got up, walked into the bathroom and connected the video.

"Ahhh!" Seeing the half-naked handsome man in front of him, Garcia was speechless, clutching his chest and speechless.

"What's the matter?" Jack was already accustomed to this eldest sister's behavior, and he dipped in toothpaste and brushed his teeth.

"Oh, that's it." Garcia subconsciously wiped the tears that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, as if he had just remembered the purpose of the call.

"I can't find that George Foye."

"Huh? He's missing?" Jack moved his hands.

"I don't know, he disappeared. I mean, he evaporated from the world. I can't find any trace of him on the Internet." Garcia looked a little haggard, as if he had been busy all night.

"How is this possible?" Jack rinsed his mouth, picked up a towel and began to wash his face.

"Really, the last record I could find was nine months after he was discharged from the hospital, he quit his job, sold his car, canceled his bank account and credit cards, and his cell phone.

I can't find any documents or records of his. "

Jack wondered, "Do you think he did it on purpose?"

"Not only that." Garcia bit the tip of his pen anxiously.

"You know, even if you are a dead person, your records will be kept for decades. It is very difficult and requires a lot of determination to erase all your whereabouts like this. To do this, you need to communicate with everyone you have known in your life. Cutting off all ties between people and things is like social suicide. I have to say I admire this guy very much."

"No wonder, this guy is the only survivor who has seen the true face of the 'Boston Death'. I will go to Hodge to find a solution. Anyway, since the murderer took out the glasses that once belonged to him, there must be a reason. We still have to think about it. Find a way to find him."

After Jack finished speaking, he stood at the door of the bathroom and smiled at Jie Jie, who had just sat up from the bed due to being woken up, revealing her beautiful figure. He put his index finger to his lips, but did not make a hiss.

"I will continue to investigate." Garcia was unaware of this, and the two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

"Is there anyone else that Garcia can't find?" Jiejie asked curiously while pulling her blond hair into a bun after hearing the general idea.

"Maybe he was too scared. After all, there were more than a dozen victims after him, and the murderer was never caught. But I am curious why he didn't just move to other states, at least not to the extent he did now."

When Jack spoke, he looked at the beauty in front of him and couldn't help but twitch his index finger, "Since we are all woken up, why not take a bath together?"

"What?" Jiejie was suddenly picked up before she could react.——
"Sorry, the queue for breakfast was a little long." Jack hurried into the conference room and explained awkwardly.

Rossi looked at the coffee cup LOGO in his hand, then looked at the one in Jiejie's hand, shook his head and said nothing.

Hotchner, who had been bowing his head in thought in his seat, raised his head and saw that everyone had arrived and began to arrange today's tasks.

"Jack went to the airport this morning to pick up DB Russell from the Las Vegas Crime Laboratory. CSI's laboratory in New York is still under construction, so this time CSI-LV still needs to be responsible for the forensic work on this case."

Jack nodded in acknowledgement, and Hotchner continued, "Garcia failed to find George Foye. I will pay a visit to Roy Coulson. He has interviewed all the victims' families, and perhaps the sole survivor." Connected."

Everyone else also had their own arrangements. Jack sat in the office for a while, then drove to the airport with several local FBI agents to pick him up.

The last time I saw Russell was the last time. It was a weekend when Jack went to LV to play, and by the way, he helped the Las Vegas Crime Laboratory solve a child kidnapping case that was hampered by a power outage.

Russell didn't come alone this time. He brought almost half of the lab's people. They also packed a bunch of portable equipment and would start working in the local medical examiner's office.

Russell seemed to be very interested in this "Boston Death" and got into work as soon as he arrived. They will work with everyone in the BAU to advance the investigation of the case.

After Jack settled the forensic researchers, it was already afternoon when he returned to the office. Before he could take a breath, he received another call from Hotchner, informing him to meet at a certain location.

"How did that reporter find him?" Jack asked after finishing a burger in the passenger seat.

At this time, the two people's cars were parked in an alley, and Hotchner looked at the street opposite without blinking.

"Roy interviewed Foye many times in order to write a book. They had always been in secret contact and were probably his only friend after his accident.

But Foye never gave him his phone number. He only provided the address of an apartment where he rented under a pseudonym, which is here. "

(End of this chapter)

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