Chapter 425 Rhett’s Spring ([-])
"There are no signs of damage from the door to the sofa. It is possible that the suspect forced the female victim to come here with a gun. During the process, he may have said something like, 'Do as I say, and you will not be harmed.' .

Then he sat the victim on the sofa and pulled the trigger directly on her head. The death of the victim's fiancé may not have been in the suspect's plan. He was shot three times in the chest, and the shooting angle was completely opposite to before.

I prefer that after the suspect committed the murder, the victim's fiance happened to come back and found the victim lying on the sofa. He quickly stepped forward, and then the suspect who was hiding aside appeared, bang bang bang! "

When Hotchner, Red and Jack put on shoe covers and gloves and walked into the crime scene, a young, beautiful and dazzling female FBI agent was chatting with her companions.

"Hannah?" Jack was very surprised to see his girlfriend.

"What are you doing?" Hannah turned around and saw the three of them looking surprised, and then saw Angela following closely.

Tim shrugged, "Jack and the others happened to be holding a seminar in the bureau, so I stopped by to take a look."

Hannah hugged Angela and explained softly, "Natalie Lane is a promising new movie star. The District Attorney's Office had some speculations and called our head directly, so I showed up.

If I confirm their suspicions, I will contact Jiejie directly. I didn't expect that you are already here. "

Jack walked into the living room and saw the deceased woman lying on the sofa. She was wearing home clothes, blond and sweet-looking. She was only about 20 years old and had a small hole in her forehead.

On the floor in front of her, there was a man of similar age lying on the floor. He was shot three times in the chest, his mouth and nose were bleeding, and his expression was horrified. However, there was not much blood on the carpet under him. At this time, a forensics officer was checking His body turned sideways, and sure enough there were no bullet wounds in his back.

". 22 small-caliber pistol, even without a silencer, the neighbors may not hear the gunfire. This is a high-end community, and the houses are far apart."

Jack checked the wound on the forehead of the deceased. This kind of small-caliber bullet, which is slightly larger than the capsule, is cheap, high-quality and very common.

As soon as Rhett arrived at the scene, he entered the state and walked around the living room to observe the situation at the scene.

"We found the surveillance camera at the porch. The murderer was a courier wearing a motorcycle helmet and a one-piece racing suit. His identity was completely impossible to identify."

John and Tim also walked in from the door. The former was holding a USB flash drive in his hand. He was equally surprised to see Hannah and said hello.

Everyone walked around separately, but found nothing more.

"It's very clean, leaving almost no evidence. It's like a professional assassin. The district attorney suspects that this case is related to the other two. It was also a .22 small-caliber pistol, and both were fatally shot to the head."

Hannah looked particularly serious and full of aura when she entered working mode.

"We think so too." Angela nodded, "Producer Willie Melman and actress Chloe Harris, I bet there will be a tabloid linking these murders soon and then Make a big fuss.”

"So what do the BAU think?" Hannah looked at Hotchner, who remained silent. He was the boss here.

“First confirm whether there is any conflict of interest among the three victims, including their relationship with local gangs. The .22 caliber is the most commonly used weapon by gang killers.

If the above is denied, then the murderer is most likely a Category [-] Assassin, and I will call in my team to assist. "

Hearing what Hotchner said, John touched Jack with his shoulder and asked in a low voice, "What is the fourth type of assassin?"

Jack saw that Hannah on the other side also pricked up her ears, tilted her head slightly to this side, couldn't help but smile, and simply explained in a voice that could be heard by everyone present.

"The first type are political assassins, such as those who assassinated Lincoln, and the second type are egotists who hope to gain simple recognition." Before Jack could finish his words, Red, who had been robbed of his time to popularize science, couldn't wait to continue, "The third type is They are psychopaths, the kind of cold-blooded killers who leave tragic scenes behind. The fourth category is what we are looking for, a kind of psychotic patient, usually delusional.

As long as you can understand what the suspect is thinking, it will be easier to find the murderer. "

Tim looked like he had gained more knowledge and nodded, "OK, leave this to me and Angela, give us half a day."

"Uh, guys, I think we're in trouble."

Angela, who was looking directly at the door, suddenly spoke up. Everyone followed her gaze and saw that outside the yellow warning tape set up by the patrol police, there were already crowds of reporters from all walks of life, carrying long guns and short cannons. There is a click coming towards here.

Jack took out polarized glasses from his pocket and put them on, and said to John, "Looks like we need to work harder, guys."

The next day, in the long-lost Wilshire Police Department conference room, Jiejie stood on the podium where Gray or Tim usually stood, and some visual evidence was played on the screen.

Obviously, after Tim and Angela confirmed that there was no conflict of interest between the three victims and no connection with gang members, the case was directly transferred to the BAU by Hannah. She had more cases to be busy with .

"The first two victims, Willie Melman and Chloe Harris, were both killed in public. Chloe was killed while walking her dog on the beach in Santa Monica, which was her morning ritual. .

Willie Melman was killed outside a massage parlor where he went every Tuesday. "

Under the podium, people from the BAU and detectives and police officers from the Wilshire Police Department were sitting.

"It shows that the murderer probably followed and investigated the victim for a period of time before committing the crime. There were no witnesses. He surveyed the terrain in advance and knew how to disappear in broad daylight as soon as possible after taking action. He was very cautious."

Rossi, who was sitting in the audience, commented.

Jiejie continued, "Some media are already calling Natalie Lane's murder the most shocking murder in Hollywood since Sharon Tate."

Sharon Tate was a famous Hollywood actress in the 60s. She was brutally murdered by the hippie cult "Manson Family" when she was pregnant.

This case has been called the darkest moment before the end of Hollywood's golden age, and is also regarded as the last straw that broke the hippie movement.

In Jack's previous life, the genius director Quentin brought Leonardo and Brad Pitt together to film "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" to reinterpret this period of history.

People who don't know the inside story may not understand the real meaning of the ending of the movie, thinking that it is just a plot created by Quentin in pursuit of cruelty.

Nowadays, Natalie Lane's murder case certainly cannot be compared with it, but this kind of sensational headline also pushed the Wilshire Police Department, which took over the case, to the forefront.

Sure enough, before everyone could discuss it for too long, Jack saw a familiar figure appear in the police station.

"Hi, guys, long time no see, did you miss me?" Taylor Kelly, who was wearing a beautiful little dress with a charming smile, knocked lightly on the glass door.

Jack rubbed his temples with a headache and stood up, "Taylor, now is not the time. We can't be interviewed, you know."

 It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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