Chapter 408 Kill!


The old lock was knocked to the ground. Jack threw away the crowbar and rushed into the bell tower.

After a while, he came back dejectedly with his flashlight on, picked up the crowbar that had just been thrown away, and went in again dejectedly.

At an intersection across the road, among the Raptors that had turned off and parked on the roadside, the three people looking at him were speechless for a while, and the two girls with tears still hanging on their eyelashes almost laughed out loud.

After a few harsh metal twisting sounds, the iron door at the stairway in the bell tower was opened again. Jack thought for a while and ran up the spiraling stairs without throwing away the crowbar.

Why does a broken bell tower have so many doors? When he reached the top of the bell tower, he found a suitable position and squatted down. He put the crowbar aside depressedly and took off the Barrett MK22 from his back.

As Sheriff Carter said, the entire town can indeed be overlooked from the top of the clock tower. Jack used the night vision goggles on the Barrett to begin observing the situation in the entire town.

There is a 50-meter-long mini commercial street in the east of the town. Some ogres are smashing shop windows along the street and emptying the clothes, department stores and food inside. Most of them are armed with cold weapons such as machetes and iron bars. , only a few people carry bows and arrows.

There were several dilapidated pickup trucks and trailers parked at one end of the commercial street, and a few particularly strong ogres were loading the looted items into the vehicles while maintaining order.

Yes, there are people in this group of guys who are responsible for maintaining order.

Jack saw two suspected female ogres fighting over a beautiful tutu. A strong ogre put down a box of cans in his hand and punched it twice.

This made him certain that there must be something wrong with the pain nerves of these monsters. The two ogres who were beaten to the ground shook their heads and stood up from the ground, as if nothing happened.

With this kind of physical fitness, even if ordinary people have guns in their hands, they may not be able to match these monsters with the "fear aura" bonus one on one.

It is almost conceivable that with the power of ordinary Parabellum 9mm pistol bullets, one or two shots to the non-lethal torso area may not be enough to prevent these ogres from rushing forward to tear their opponents apart.

This seems to also explain why Sheriff Carter said before that he couldn't hit those monsters. I'm afraid even if he hit, she might not notice it in her panic.

As for melee combat, let alone melee combat. Even if it were Jack himself, he would not be willing to fight these monsters in close combat. Without him, it would be too disgusting.

Not only did these ogres look uglier than those he had encountered in New Mexico, but they also smelled worse. After the ambush, he had picked up some of their blood when he pulled three corpses out of the bushes. Pus.

The greasy touch and the indelible stench were simply the best nightmare material. It couldn't be washed clean with water. If it weren't for alcohol to clean and disinfect, he wouldn't even be able to peel off that layer of skin before unleashing the healing power on himself. The heart is there.

In addition to those who were busy looting, there were also some ogres wandering around other streets in the town, making shrill ghostly screams from time to time that resounded through the sky above the town.

"Hodge, there's definitely someone behind these monsters, and I suspect it's probably Jeremy." Jack said, holding on to the headset.

Those ogres were not just wandering around aimlessly. These monsters played a very effective intimidation role, so that the remaining residents of the town did not dare to go out to gather, and could only hide in their homes and tremble.

Thinking about the series of operations in which these monsters set up ambushes on the roads leading to the outside world and cut off communications and power supply, Jack had reason to believe that the command level of the person behind the ogres was at least one level higher than Principal Kaishen. "But according to the data, Jeremy has stayed away from the area near the 'Clark Proving Ground' since he became an adult. Why are these monsters living there still driven by him?"

Hotchner, who was sitting on standby in the Raptor, asked softly.

"I don't know, just catch him and ask."

Jack searched around but didn't find the guy who looked like Jeremy in a hoodie, so he changed his position with the gun in hand to observe.

While he was talking, he suddenly pulled the trigger, and a bullet flew out of the barrel, killing an ogre who was hiding at the end of the street and staring at the raptor.

"How is the situation at the police station?" Hotchner, who had a general understanding of the overall situation in the town, heard the sound and turned his head to shine a flashlight on the body still twitching on the ground, and continued to ask.

"It's... uh... a stalemate." Jack didn't know how to describe the current situation.

The area near the police station is probably the most noisy area in the town now. The ogres used their tattered pickup trucks to block both the east-west and north-south main roads.

The Meihu Town Police Station is located at a corner of the intersection in the center of the town. With the help of these temporary "barricades", the ogres pried up the floor tiles on the sidewalk, smashed the glass windows of the police station, and occasionally pushed in Shoot two arrows.

Every time a brick or an arrow flew through the window, Jack could hear a few hysterical screams coming from inside, followed by a shotgun blast or two.

This kind of random shooting has no effect except to waste ammunition. On the contrary, every time a gunshot is fired, it will be accompanied by a group of demons dancing. The ogres will dance with excitement and make a series of ghostly screams.

In the middle of the intersection opposite the police station, there was a trailer with a crane parked on it, and a body hooked on the crane.

"Let's do it, save the people inside first." Even though it was Jack's explanation, Hotchner still got goosebumps all over his body.

"Wait for my order before taking action." Jack warned uneasily, and then unscrewed the silencer of Barrett MK22.




The low and powerful sound of gunfire echoed in the night sky. In the middle of the intersection, the most arrogant and tall ogre froze. He looked down at his translucent belly in disbelief, as if he didn't understand what had just happened.

Jack's bullets were perfect, and it took less than ten seconds to send away all the man-eating monsters. Then he moved the muzzle of the gun and continued to clear the "barricades" blocking the intersection.

(End of this chapter)

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