Chapter 387 Untitled

"Do you sympathize with him?"

Under the guidance of the navigation system, Saboban hurried to the bar where Michael Genasco lived. After getting in the car, Hotchner was silent for a long time and said this sentence without any beginning or end.

Jack knew who he was referring to without having to think about it. He hesitated for a while, not knowing what to express, and finally spoke with slight hesitation.

"Maybe if Genasco hadn't killed innocent people."

But what he didn't say was why Michael Genasco was crazy. If it were them, would they be able to withstand so many consecutive blows?
"A man worked hard all his life until he was almost 50 years old. He was about to pay off his house loan and his son was about to grow up. However, his wife suddenly filed for divorce.

Maybe the relationship is over, maybe I usually ignore my wife's feelings so much that she has someone else outside. This is actually nothing, after all, this kind of thing happens a lot in this country. "

This was the first time Jack heard Hotchner talk so verbosely.

"But what kind of thing did they do? He was innocent and betrayed by his lover and friend. He was deprived of his family, his property, and even the custody of his children.

Just when he pathetically comforted himself that he could see his child at least once a week, they told this poor man that even the child he had raised for 14 years was not his, and then deprived him of his visitation rights. "

As Hotchner spoke, his expression management was a little out of control for a while, and the veins on his neck popped out.

"So, you sympathize with him?" Jack waited for him to finish and asked cautiously.

"Just now, for a moment, I couldn't stop myself from feeling this way."

Hotchner let out a long sigh and seemed a little depressed for a moment.

"I have been advising Rhett, and I have also talked to Emily, to try to distance yourself from your emotions. We will deal with too many perverts and mentally ill patients. The longer you stare into the abyss, the easier it is to fall into it.

The funny thing is, in the end, I found that I was the one who couldn't completely separate myself from the emotions. "

"Ah!" Jack deliberately looked shocked, "Why have you never talked to me about this? I also need psychological counseling."

Although he knew he was being funny on purpose to help himself adjust his emotions, Hotchner still rolled his eyes at him angrily.

"You realized this problem earlier than me, didn't you? Otherwise, what are you busy with every day? Do you think I like staying in a separate office all day long, watching you guys making trouble outside?"

Then you can join in, and you don’t know who to show off your airs every day.

Jack cursed in his heart, but of course he could not say this even to death.

But thinking back, since he entered the BAU, Hotchner has not participated in any of the activities he organized. He also brought his wife and children with him in the previous one, so he must have realized it a long time ago.

After all, this is the real world, and we are all real people. Every day we are either dealing with perverts, witnessing tragic crime scenes, or communicating with the heartbroken families of the victims.

Although everyone tries their best to consciously divide the work and cooperate, it is inevitable that inner demons will arise over time.

In professional terms, it has more or less caused some psychological problems, just like the knot that Rosie had at the beginning. Such a professional psychologist would also be unable to sleep at night because of an old case from 20 years ago.

"I think this is a normal reaction." Jack thought hard about his words.

"We are just mortals, not bodies of steel. No matter how strong a mortal is, there is always a soft place deep in his heart.

Hotchner, you may be too harsh on yourself sometimes. This is just normal empathy. I think it makes you feel more real to me. "

Hotchner rubbed his face vigorously, then forced out a smile that was uglier than crying, "Like this?"

Jack was so frightened by him that he trembled subconsciously, "Who are you? Bring back the Hotchner I know."

"I'm so glad Rosie found you, lucky boy." Hotchner sighed, ignoring his stunt.

"I always feel that I am very lucky." Whether it was in the previous life or in this life, Jack added in his heart.

Hotchner returned to his usual expression, paused for a long time, and then whispered, "No, I mean we are all lucky to have met you."

"I'll take it as your compliment to me." After Jack said this, he turned the steering wheel and the Saber drifted, stopping between another Saber and several police cars.

When we arrived at our destination, we saw a two-story building standing alone not far from the beach. It was some distance away from other sporting goods stores and small supermarkets selling swimsuits and food.The sign hanging on the small building said "Wood's Bar", and there was a row of outdoor tables and chairs at the door. Seven or eight police cars surrounded the bar.

"Where are they?" Jack got out of the car, wearing a body armor with FBI printed on it, and grabbed a nervous little policeman who was on guard with a gun and asked.

"Here, inside, the suspect was suspected of kidnapping a child. They said they couldn't wait for SWAT, so they went in with Chief Parker." The young policeman was covered in sweat, and he looked like a newbie at first glance.

"Damn it." After hearing this, Jack drew his gun and rushed in. The two main combatants were not here, so why did these guys go in?Especially the old man and the young man, there are not two girls who can fight.

"Hey, we're in, how's the situation inside?" Jack didn't bother to search up and down, and yelled directly at the stairs.

"It's safe upstairs." The responses from Rosie, Emily and Chief Parker came from upstairs.

"Jack!" Red's anxious shout came from the wooden door leading to the wine cellar from the side of the bar, followed immediately by the sound of a gunshot.

Jack held up the bar with one hand, swung his two long legs over into the bar, and opened the ajar wooden door.

Behind the door is a downward step, leading to a rather large semi-underground wine cellar, almost as big as the entire first floor.

There were several shelves and wine barrels piled up in a mess near the door. Jack was in front and Hotchner was behind. The two of them quickly walked around these debris and moved forward quickly. Then they saw a man standing frozen with a gun. Red of the land.

Red faced three people, one of whom fell to the ground with his crotch covered, a middle-aged white man with a face full of pain, who was the suspect they had been looking for, Michael Genasco.

What is surprising is that the person standing in front of the suspect is Jiejie. She turns sideways to face a teenager and blocks the gun he points at the suspect.

"Henry, give me the gun." Jiejie was still trying to appease the other person's emotions.

Jack estimated the distance between himself and the other party, reached out and pressed the pistols that Red and Sheriff Parker pointed at them, shook his head slightly, and signaled to leave it to him.

Red put the gun in his holster simply, and he was greatly relieved when he saw Jack appear here.

Although everyone in the BAU is well aware of Jack's strength, Red is probably the only one who has truly experienced someone's fear.

"Nobody got shot, right?" Jack asked quietly.

"It was just a misfire. Jiejie subdued Genasco, but the child picked up the gun."

"He killed Doug, and he also wanted to kill me!" The teenager who should be named Henry still pointed the gun at the two of them.

"I know, but if you pull the trigger, it's your turn to go to jail." Before Jiejie finished speaking, a sneer came from the side.

Jack put away his gun and walked over to Jie Jie, examining her pretty face that was somewhat disfigured with distress, as if there were no bullets in the gun pointed at them.

Not to mention Jiejie, the child named Henry was also confused by his actions.

"Hey, get out of the way, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do? I also want to know what you want to do?"

Jack directly turned his back and asked angrily, "You think you are a victim, so you point a gun at him? Everyone here can point a gun at him, but you can't."

"What the hell are you talking about? Get out of here, he said he killed Doug, and Doug is my father." The kid named Henry was still trying to explain.

Jack laughed angrily, "Are you angry that he killed your biological father? Do you think this man is crazy? He is definitely crazy. He killed six innocent people just because he thought He was showing 'mercy' to those poor people and helping them end their pain, because he felt the same pain.

But do you know why he is crazy?He lived for most of his life, but sadly found that he had nothing. He lost everything, his friends, his wife, he struggled for half his life to buy real estate, and finally his favorite son. "

Seeing tears welling up in Henry's eyes, he blinked several times in succession. At this moment, Jack took action.

The time it takes for a person to blink once is 0.2-0.4 seconds, and the time it takes for a person to blink two or three times in succession may be less than a second, but it is enough for Jack.

Before anyone could react, the sleeve of the pistol was firmly held by Jack and unable to move. After a tug and a tug, Henry's wrist was dislocated, the pistol fell out of his hand, and he was pinned to the ground by Jack.

 Get some monthly passes, I'm dying
(End of this chapter)

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