Chapter 375 Suits (continue asking for monthly votes)

There was a huge crowd outside the court, and a group of reporters were also waiting there early, looking forward to it.

"Is there really such a lack of news recently?" Hannah was not used to this crowded scene. Except for Jack, she still resisted physical contact with most men.

Jack recalled that if the infectious disease that lasted for several years had not occurred in the original world, it seemed that Ami would not have any big news until the end of the year. After all, the presidential election would not start until the end of the year.

In other words, there will not be a lot of scandals until the second half of the year. In addition, not long ago, a violent law enforcement case occurred in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The death of an African-American drug dealer and former robber named George Floyd during law enforcement triggered some protests and conflicts, but it did not cause a big fuss.

After all, they are two different worlds. When Jack saw the news on the Internet, he secretly rejoiced. Maybe Ami in this world would have such a day sooner or later, but as a law enforcement officer, such a day would never come. The later the better.

After passing the security check and showing their IDs, the two entered the court smoothly. When Jack was habitually looking for an empty seat in the back row, he was surprised to see the old Hunter couple sitting in the middle, who were smiling and waving at them.

Next to Hunter and Didi, reporters Dupree, Wesley and bald Frank sat.

"Why are you all here?" Jack was a little confused. He leaned forward and asked in a low voice. Shouldn't they be busy rescuing Joe Mason at this time?

"The lawyer Wesley helped find is the plaintiff's lawyer, so we came over to 'investigate' it first." Didi and Hannah kissed each other, and then explained in the same low voice.

Jack looked around curiously. There were two white men in suits and leather shoes sitting at attention on the plaintiff's table. Because their backs were turned, their faces could not be seen clearly. One of them should be middle-aged, and the other looked very young and seemed to be middle-aged. Human helper.

"That's the best lawyer at Pearson Spector, Harvey Specter." Wesley introduced in a low voice.

Jack was slightly startled. Both the name of this law firm and the name of the lawyer sounded so familiar.

Just at this time, the young man turned his head and exchanged a few words with the middle-aged man. Tsk, Jack suddenly realized, this is not Mike Ross, then the other one must be Harvey Spector, "Suits" He still followed it for two seasons.

Jack looked at Uncle Cage who was sitting in the dock. He looked so young. This Uncle Cage, who was at most 30 years old, was so handsome that he was almost catching up with him.

The innocent and lovely Miss Yifang whom I met yesterday sat on Uncle Cage's left hand. On his right hand was the defendant's lawyer, a balding old man with a passerby face.

Jack sighed secretly, there was no suspense about this lawsuit.

As the jury and judge arrived, the trial officially began. This divorce case that has attracted much attention in New York has been held for the third time. According to the usual procedures, this is almost the last time.

At the request of the judge, Uncle Cage, or Charlie Lang, was invited to the witness stand. After swearing an oath with his hand on the Bible, he began to be questioned by the plaintiff's lawyer.

Harvey Specter straightened his tie, left the plaintiff's bench, and came to Charlie.

"Excuse me, did you force your wife to make the proposal to share the bonus equally with Miss Biasi?"

The lawyer must have rehearsed questions like this with Charlie before going to court. He had an expressionless face and tried to answer in a calm tone.

"I'm just saying we should do the right thing."

Harvey Spector blinked and continued to the next question, "Mr. Lan, were you carrying a gun at the time?"


"Objection, leading question, Charlie is a police officer."

Just when Charlie was about to blurt out an answer, his lawyer stood up in time.

"The objection is valid. Plaintiff's lawyer, please pay attention to the way you ask questions." The superior judge knocked the hammer and then signaled to continue.

Jack saw Charlie's older defense lawyer sitting back almost clutching his heart. He seemed to be very frightened.

Thinking about it, as long as Charlie answered of course, even if he immediately added that he had just arrived home and had not had time to put away the gun, it would leave a psychological hint to the jury.

His wife agreed to part with the money under some degree of intimidation.

"This lawyer is too cunning." Hannah obviously understood and muttered to the side.

After a series of unhelpful questions, Harvey Spector suddenly asked a question.

"So, Mr. Lan, have you ever touched your wife during your marriage and daily life these years?"

"Of course not, never." Charlie shook his head and replied affirmatively.

"You have sworn an oath, Mr. Lang." Harvey Spector suddenly interrupted his next words loudly.

Charlie hesitated at this time, "Okay, I once grabbed her arm and wanted to stop her."

"I have no more questions, your honor." Harvey Specter turned to the judge before he could finish his sentence.

"What a wonderful little trick." Wesley praised in a low voice, but was knocked on the head angrily by Aunt Didi beside him.

Then, amid the buzz of discussion below, Yvonne Biasi was called to the witness stand.

Harvey Spector stepped forward again and walked up to the pitiful Yifang. He was slightly startled, and then looked back at Muriel Lane at the plaintiff's table, with a strange expression on her face for a moment.

"Cough!" Assistant Mike Ross, who was also sitting at the plaintiff's table, coughed hard, reminding his boss to come to his senses. "Sorry, Ms. Bicia, could you please describe your financial situation before Mr. Lan shared half of your bonus?"

"I'm trying to maintain a balance of payments, but it's not ideal." Yifang spoke in a low voice. Compared with her bustling look when she was busy in the coffee shop yesterday, she seemed like a different person.

Harvey asked, shrugging and turning in the direction of the jury.

"Is it true that you still owed $1 on your credit card at that time?"

"That's what my ex-husband owed. He took away my credit card at that time," Yifang explained quickly, but was immediately interrupted by Harvey.

"Just answer yes or no."

Yvonne was obviously smarter than honest Charlie. She tried to use euphemistic words, "Theoretically, yes, but I have never used the money."

"So, on the same day you went bankrupt, Mr. Lan appeared in that coffee shop and promised to give you half of the bonus, right?" Harvey continued to ask.

Yifang took a deep breath and glanced at Charlie in the dock, "Yes, but that's just a coincidence."

"Ha, coincidence." Harvey nodded in a strange tone.

"Yes, coincidence." Yifang forced out a smile.

"Then let me ask." Harvey took a step forward, walked up to her, put his hands together on his chest, "When Mr. Lan proposed that you should share half of the winnings in the lottery, what was the relationship between you?"

"It has nothing to do with it. It was the second time we met. He took the initiative to come to the coffee shop and found me." Yifang looked at the jury's position, trying to make her sincerity felt by these people.

It was in vain, however, because Harvey's next question put her in a dilemma.

"Then, please describe your current relationship with Mr. Lan."

Yifang hesitated for a long time, pursed her lips, and finally summoned up the courage to confess in court, "I love him more than anything in the world."

The buzzing sound of everyone in the courtroom murmuring among each other rang out again, forcing the judge to bang the wooden hammer in his hand.

"Oh, I like this girl." Aunt Didi intertwined the fingers of her hands and made them into a ball, pressing them against her chin, as if she was knocking her head.

Hannah also had a starry-eyed look, while several men around her rolled their eyes in unison. This lawsuit was unwinnable, and they were going to lose.

Sure enough, Harvey hit the nail on the head, "So that day you rushed to the hotel to go on a date with him, which was the time you were photographed by reporters. This was also the reason why he left his wife."

"Objection, the two have nothing to do with each other." The defense lawyer stood up again and objected.

"That's the motive." Harvey retorted expressionlessly.

"What's the motive? Charlie was kicked out of the house by his wife at that time, and this marriage has come to an end."

The defense lawyer angrily tried to refute, but was blocked by the judge's objection.

However, Yifang woke up. She looked very angry, but she still spoke in a soft and waxy tone.

"If you want to imply that I am one."

"Ms. Biasi!" the judge reminded in a warning tone, now was not the time for her to speak.

"Your Honor, he is trying to describe me as a..." She paused, but she still couldn't say a certain word.

".Liar, this man, and the media!"

"Ms. Biasi, please control your emotions." At the critical moment, it was Harvey, the prosecutor's lawyer, who spoke in time to cover up her behavior that was likely to be judged as contempt of court.

“I had been working hard to escape the misfortune my ex-husband had brought upon me, and finally this blessing came unexpectedly.

I met a kind, loving, and upright man who changed my life. It was definitely not a matter of money. He made me believe in the goodness of human nature again. I will not allow you to distort or vilify our relationship here. This feeling. "

At this point, Yifang burst into tears.

Harvey was silent for a long time and then asked in a sullen voice, "Were you divorced at that time?"

Yifang was stunned and looked around at a loss.

In the dock, the thin-haired defense lawyer looked pained and seemed to have foreseen the outcome.

Charlie beside the lawyer had been in a state of confusion ever since she confessed her love in court. He always had a dazed look on his face and a fascinated smile on his face. He had no idea what he was thinking.

Yifang obviously understood that she had fallen into the trap set by the opponent, and finally lowered her shoulders in despair.


There was a lot of noise in the courtroom. The judge banged the hammer several times and shouted for silence before suppressing the discussion.

 Stop talking about me. After working diligently for a month, you have the nerve to ask for a monthly ticket, and you still talk about me, ugh.
(End of this chapter)

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