Chapter 367 Self-defeating
Fortunately, Joe Mason is an action agent after all. Although his 80-year-old age prevents him from confronting those strong security guards and caregivers, many skills have not been forgotten.

After spending two weeks paralyzing the caretakers, the old man finally found an opportunity, obtained a mobile phone, and called Frank Moses for help.

At this time, Frank had just retired for less than a year. He was still trying to adapt to retirement life. He hurriedly came from Texas. After some investigation, he was shocked to find that there was nothing he could do about it.

Yes, Frank can easily sneak into Marla Grayson's house, break her neck and leave without leaving any traces. The method is so clean that neither the CSI nor the BAU can do anything about it.

But it was obvious that Joe Mason's purpose in asking him for help was not just to leave this damn nursing home. He was 80 years old, but he was not too old to move.

As long as you give him some time, it's not particularly difficult to leave.

What Joe Mason wants is freedom, to restore his old life. He wants to return to the small villa where he has lived for more than ten years, and he wants to drive his antique car on the road with those who still have charm. Aunts strike up a conversation.

What he wants is to be able to wander along the ancient railroad in the town of Cold Spring again, stand by the Hudson River, and overlook the West Point Military Academy in the distance.

But obviously, neither Joe Mason nor Frank can do this.

Although Marla Grayson's methods were despicable, in terms of procedures, she did not go beyond the law and what she did was completely legal.

She rationally took advantage of the loopholes in the guardianship system and turned hundreds of old people like Joe Mason into her own cash cows.

However, once powerful action agents like Joe Mason and Frank became people without any social connections after clearing their identities and landing on shore.

Frank was helpless to find that there was no way to deal with the vicious woman except using extraordinary means to defeat her.

In the end, he could only reassure Joe Mason to stay honest for the time being, so as to avoid being long-term injected with sedatives or locked up in the basement and tortured like several other uncooperative old people.

Then Frank found the old Hunters for help.

It's not that he doesn't want to find the CIA. Firstly, it feels too embarrassing. Secondly, being able to break away from the CIA and successfully retire is already very rare. Old agents don't want to be remembered again unless necessary.

R.E.D. have participated in too many secret missions that cannot be mentioned, and have seen too many unlucky people who have been silenced, some of which were even carried out by them themselves.

Fortunately, compared to others, Frank is lucky enough to have a few old friends with whom he can still get in touch. For example, when he was young and an ordinary New York policeman, he met old Hunter and his beautiful friend in Los Angeles. Female partner.

Although the three old guys were a little vague when talking about how they met, Jack could roughly guess that the plot of "Die Hard" was interpreted to some extent.

However, what Frank didn't expect was that although it was not difficult to say that a strong dragon could defeat a local snake, it was obvious that this retired veteran policeman from the West Coast did not seem to be very effective on the East Coast.

Marla Grayson seems to have opened up the world in Putnam County, where Cold Spring belongs, and everyone from the doctor to the family court judge has been bribed.After another court session that lasted less than 10 minutes, the lawyer hired by Old Hunter lost the case cleanly.

They later investigated the tax situation of the guardian company opened by Marla Grayson through Chris' girlfriend Dana, who had joined the IRS.

They originally planned to force Marla Grayson to surrender through means similar to tax inspections, but an unexpected situation occurred. Dana's investigation results were too ideal, which caused more problems.

After more than a month of investigation, the IRS investigation team led by Dana discovered that behind this humble small company was a consortium with 80 overseas registered branches.

These companies invoice each other, hide profits, and have their own real estate teams, legal teams, training teams, medical teams and even pharmaceutical teams.

The scale of these companies is not worth mentioning compared to the big players who monopolize the market, but they form a quite complete nursing home industry chain.

In this industry chain, there are hundreds of professional guardians like Marla Grayson. They wantonly extend their tentacles in this "sunset industry" that no one seems to pay attention to, and extend their black hands to those rich and lonely elderly people. Use various means to appropriate their property.

The IRS has its eyes on this big fish, but it cannot quench its immediate thirst. The investigation is still being carried out secretly, and it may take several months or even more than a year to finally close the net.

But Joe Mason is already 80, and his liver seems to be having problems recently. God knows how long he can last. Frank is worried that this old guy may not live to be free.

So the three old men, who had no choice but to find Jack, decided to try their best to become a doctor and see if he could do anything. After all, young people have more flexible minds and are FBI, so they might be able to think of some good solutions.

Is this a test?Jack murmured secretly in his heart. He had not forgotten the scene when the old Hunters and Zoe's grandfather Anderson were whispering at the police station's New Year's dinner when he was still in the LAPD.

The Anderson family is a powerful force that can exert influence in Washington. If they want to get Marla Grayson and force her to vomit out what she has eaten, it is just a matter of making one or two phone calls to a certain congressman.

After all, it's just giving up a money tree, not the entire forest, and it's not going to hurt at all. A woman like Marla Grayson, who relies on officialdom for her livelihood, will weigh the gains and losses.

His eyes swept over the faces of the three old men. Frank, the bald man, looked resolute and nonchalant. He seemed to be saying, it's okay if you can't help me. At worst, I'll go in and rescue the old guy, and then call the CIA. Change your identity again.

Old Hunter, in turn, stared at Jack with a slumped expression, a bit like "the boys in the south village bullied me into being old and helpless. When I returned, I leaned on my stick and sighed."

Quite good at acting, Jack complained in his heart. Otherwise, the look on the face of his childhood goddess, Officer Dee Dee McCall, had already given away the old Hunter.

Dear Aunt Didi seems to always have her head lowered and wearing a sweater, but the corners of her mouth can't stop turning up. Although her face has long been marked by time, her smart eyes are always the same as in Jack's memory. shining.

(End of this chapter)

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