Chapter 306 Water Drop Punishment

Justin brought a high-power signal receiver so that everyone could easily monitor the security guards' walkie-talkie channels. She also cracked the camp's wireless network signal and controlled all the surveillance cameras without anyone noticing.

The surveillance operation continued for another two days, and on the fifth day, when Jack was about to ask Hotchner and Rossido for a few more days off, the security guards at the drilling camp finally couldn't hold back.

After some disputes, Sergey Meyers couldn't suppress those under him after all.

They were divided into two groups again, one group stayed behind, and the other group got into the car, and drove all the way to the bar in the town to get drunk. Among them was Jack's chosen target - "Big Mouth" Pete.

When Pete and his accomplices walked into the only bar in town, Sheriff Ben Shawe, Deputy Sheriff Brandt and two other police officers all changed into civilian clothes and drove their cars. Tucked away on two streets before and after the bar.

Braxton first entered the bar to confirm the target. Not long after, a text message was sent to Jack's cell phone. Aaliyah, who had been waiting in the back seat, opened the door and got out of the car.

Watching her walk into the bar, Jack and Jane in the co-pilot also got out of the car, went into the alley, and walked around to the back door of the bar.

In less than half an hour, Pete, who smelled of alcohol, was less than 1 meters tall, and walked with a bow-legged Aaliyah, staggered open the back door of the bar and walked into the back alley.

"I like you Indian girls the most, but it's a pity that you can't see them in the bars in the town. Where are we going now? I promise our boss, we must go back before dawn, eh?"

While talking, Pete saw a couple kissing in the alley, and couldn't help laughing.

"Hey man, you have a nice girl, would you like to switch?"

"Okay, why don't we have something more exciting, and I'll trade it with her?"

Jack's answer made Pete tense, and he was about to yell, but he felt tight at the moment, Alia pinched his vitals tightly, and before he could scream out, a big hand covered his voice completely go back.

Jack held Pete's carotid artery with his other hand and easily brought him down. At the same time, Braxton's Ford Raptor appeared at the entrance of the alley.

"Gougou, Aaliyah, you are too powerful, you tricked this guy out so quickly."

Jane got into the back seat, blushing all over her face. Someone said that she had a girlfriend, but her body was very honest. She just stuck out her tongue accidentally, and was kissed in all manner of things.

She was originally the bait, because she was worried about being recognized by the accomplice who came out to fool around with Pete, and finally replaced it with Aaliyah who volunteered.

For this reason, Braxton kept his face dark all the way here. Seeing Jack throw Pete into the back seat, he turned around and gave him an old punch, sending the guy into a deeper sleep.

Aaliyah, who was sitting in the co-pilot, wiped off the heavy makeup on her face with a wet tissue, and gave her fiancé a hard sip on the face, which made his face soothed a lot.

Half an hour later, in the forensic anatomy room on the first floor of the tribal police station, Pete, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, was left with only one inner bag, which was firmly tied to a stainless steel dissecting table by restraint belts.

"We don't have much time. They will find out that this guy is missing before dawn."

Outside the anatomy room, the old sheriff seemed worried, but the deputy sheriff Brant seemed confident in Jack.

"They are the FBI, and they have many methods. In Guantánamo, when the military personnel were interrogating the terrorists, they would put on suits and pretend to be the FBI to intimidate those guys. It was usually very useful."

Jane on the side widened her eyes, with an expression of why I don't know the department I work for is so awesome.

Jack rolled his eyes angrily, was that a threat?That's called framing, well, for this reason, the FBI and the military have been fighting for several years because of this "prisoner abuse" scandal.


A basin of cold water awakened Pete from his coma. He was horrified to find that he could not move, the surrounding was very cold, and there were rows of morgues against the wall.

"Peter, hello."

A soft male voice came from his ear, and he tried to twist his neck to look in the direction of the voice. A young man was standing by the dissecting table looking at him.

"Who are you, Fakyu, and what do you want to do to me?"

"Don't be so irritable, I just have some questions to ask you, about the girls you hurt." Jack showed him a standard business smile, and under the light of the shadowless lamp, he looked more and more like a pervert.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Let me go. I am innocent. You have found the wrong person." Peter struggled desperately.

Jack put gloves on himself slowly, and picked up a neck collar to fix his head.

"Don't worry, our FBI has many ways to deal with stubborn people, and today I will let you see the most 'gentle' one."

"Fakyu, what are you going to do to me? My friends will find me, and when they get here, you're dead, Fake, let me go, you bastard."

Pete shook his head desperately, but couldn't stop Jack from fixing his head.

"Don't be afraid, you have several days, take your time and enjoy it."

Jack tried to recall in his mind the appearance of the perverted serial killers he had come into contact with. However, he had only been in the BAU for a short time and his experience was really limited.

He pulled a universal tube over Pete's forehead, which was supposed to flush down the dissecting table, and removed the shower head.

"Have you ever heard of the FBI's waterboarding? It is to cover a towel on a person's face, and then soak it with water a little bit, and then you will gradually feel difficult to breathe, and then breathe desperately."

"But as the moisture in the towel becomes more and more, the air entering your lungs will gradually decrease, and then you will slowly suffocate." Jack's voice became more and more sinister.

"I don't know what you are talking about. You are dead. What are you going to do? Stop, you bastard. I want to kill you. I will definitely do it."

Pete watched helplessly as Jack unscrewed the water valve, and a stream of water gushed out.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not such a cruel person. Let's change the game today. Waterboarding is too cruel. Let's try to only drop one drop of water at a time."

As Jack said, he closed the water valve again, but did not tighten it tightly, and the universal pipe was dripping water at a rate of about one drop per second.

"Do you know how powerful a drop of water is? Have you ever heard the story of a drop of water piercing a stone?" He pulled the water pipe to the center of Pete's forehead.

Drops of water slowly fell from a height of tens of centimeters, and landed on Pete's forehead drop by drop.

After finishing all this, Jack moved to his forehead and whispered in his ear, "Guess how long it will take for these water droplets to drip through your skull and make a hole in your head?"

(End of this chapter)

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