Chapter 267 Collapse
"This is the fastest way we can think of, but no matter what choice you make, we will not give up looking for your daughter." Rossi's tone was sincere and her voice was calm and powerful.

"Sorry, I can't do it, I'm sorry, Bruce, I can't do it" Mrs. Owen struggled to leave her husband's arms and staggered out of the room.

Jack winked at Hannah at the door, and she immediately followed.

No matter how heartbroken the parents on both sides are, before the truth is found out, the parents are also suspects, and self-directed and self-acted acts also account for a large proportion of kidnapping cases.

Asking Hannah to follow Mrs. Owen is not only to prevent her from accidents, but also a form of surveillance in disguise.

"Kison, I don't think this is a good idea."

The middle-aged fat man Pat Mannan, who claimed to be Keeson Vaughan's friend, kept whispering in his ear, but Keeson Vaughan kept his face cold and didn't make any response.

Jack squinted at this guy, and became a little curious about his identity. It seemed that Keeson Vaughan didn't like this guy very much. Is there really such a friend?This guy looks a little overzealous.

"Then let's begin."

Seeing that the two fathers did not object, everyone gathered in front of the computer, and Hotchina clicked on the audio file sent by Garcia.

"Stop. Don't stop, please, stop, Dad, help!"

"Don't resist!"

"God, stop, help, stop!"

"Don't let them know you're scared!"

"Let go of me. Don't do this to me. Stop daddy, help daddy save me. Dad save me!"

While Jack was listening to the recording, he never took his eyes off the two fathers. Pain, gratitude, sympathy, and worry were the expressions that appeared on Keeson Vaughn's face in turn.

Unbelievable, sad, painful, heartbroken, doubtful, this is Bruce Owen.

"Play it again." After listening to the recording, Bruce Owen was already in tears.

At this time, there is no need to say more, everyone in BAU has the answer in their hearts.

"Mr. Owen." Hotchner wanted to say something in a low voice.

"That's not Katie, I know her voice, it's not Katie, play it again, please, play it again."

Bruce Owen kept shaking his head, trying to deny everything in front of him.

Mrs. "Bruce" Owen was supported by Hannah at some point, and appeared at the door again, already crying out of shape.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Owen." Emily walked to the door, trying to comfort her, but didn't know how to speak.

"No honey, it's okay, it's not her, I can hear her voice, it's not her, trust me"

Seeing that Bruce Owen was about to collapse, Keeson Vaughan stepped forward and hugged him.


"Kiesen, that's not Katie, is it? You know that. Kissen, that's not Katie's voice."

Bruce Owen's voice was half pleading and half wailing, and finally he was sobbing.

"That's Katie." Keeson Vaughn's words finally crushed his last chance.

"No!!! My Katie!!!" Bruce Owen let out a painful and desperate roar like a wounded beast.

"Let's go out, come, come with me." Keeson Vaughan was not tall, but he was quite strong, and he helped a collapsed adult man out of the office with little effort.

After sending the two families out of the office, Hotchina turned around and gave orders to Hannah who was in charge of assisting the work.

"Post a picture of another girl, Lindsay, right away. I want her picture to be in every corner of the city and in tomorrow's papers and TV morning news before dawn."

"No problem." Hannah nodded.

"Let's go together. I have some business cards for the media." Jiejie took the initiative to take her arm.

Two beautiful girls left the office together like close sisters.

Rosie's gaze focused on the evidence board again. "They abused and tortured Katie. It took a long time, very cruel and violent, and the phone recording told us that the girl kept screaming."

"But it didn't alarm the neighbors around, why?"

"I confirmed the call to the police during this period, and there is no relevant record." Emily showed the information in her hand.

"The basement?" Jack immediately denied his conjecture.

Because of the sandy soil in California, basements are usually expensive to build. When land costs are not high, few people dig basements, especially in the southern area of ​​Los Angeles where housing prices are not high.

"I'm done." Reid, who had been silently busy in the corner, threw away the oil-based pen in his hand and stretched himself.

On the transparent map board, densely packed symbols and various lines are drawn.

"The location where the girls were abducted was on the southern edge of the city, close to the suburbs, nine miles from where the bodies were dumped, and I presume the murder scene was somewhere in between."

Rhett said and pointed to the big circle on the transparent map board.

"The range is huge, but if you take the secluded and controlled environment into account, you can narrow it down to wooded areas, industrial areas, and abandoned houses"

As he spoke, he crossed out some of the framed places.

Although the remaining area is still very large, it has been reduced by more than half compared to before.

Seeing Rosie and Hotchner looking at him, Jack, as a person from the LAPD, naturally understood in seconds.

"Understood, I will coordinate. The southeast branch must not have enough manpower. I will communicate with the Wilshire branch and borrow some manpower."

Of course, the FBI can communicate directly with the higher-ups, or simply assign search tasks and let the Southeast Bureau handle it by itself.

But whether it is execution effect or search efficiency, it is definitely not as good as Jack's direct contact with his natal family. This is the advantage of local products.

Hochner raised his wrist and looked at the time on his watch, "Tomorrow morning, Rosie, you will take Reed and Jack to Keeson Vaughn's house to investigate."

"Emily, you and I go to the movie theater where the two girls disappeared."
The process of contacting the black-faced Police Superintendent Gray went very smoothly, probably because the yacht of a certain drug cartel was almost sent into low-earth orbit by unknown good guys.

Although as street patrols, they will always have endless work, but the old guys are very respectful and all the members are present, and Tim leads the team himself.

After greeting Tim and John, Jack went home to rest after arranging the search mission. It was already midnight when he got home, and after four hours of sleep, he got up and started working.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, the delivery man Jack delivered more than a dozen steaming chestnut cakes, donuts and large cups of coffee to the LAPD police officers who had been busy all night.

 The chest is still stuffy, especially in the afternoon, I see a ghost, I will find a time to go for a physical examination next week.

(End of this chapter)

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