Chapter 993 Chaos Life

Belgium was originally a wedge for the British Empire to penetrate the European continent. However, due to the activity of an ant, this wedge was removed, which put the British Empire in an unprecedented passive diplomatic position.

The diplomatic environment conducive to the British Empire was gone forever, and almost every British diplomatic incident since then was a disaster.

Including the anti-imperialist alliance at this time, the undefeated troops commanded by our own undefeated generals had a bad start, and their whereabouts are still unknown.

The French are working very hard, but it is an indisputable fact that their Great Eastern Fleet stabbed the British New Mediterranean Fleet in the back.

As for Poland, Serbia, and the Ottomans, there was no news. The British Foreign Office has sent people to urge the three countries to join the war as soon as possible.

After Chubais Randall returned to Paris, he told Dan Gila what the British said and their attitude.

The new leader of the Nationalist faction, the actual head of the Second French Republic at this time, immediately came to the conclusion that France was not sincere enough to impress the British.

So he immediately issued orders to various war zones through Congress to win quickly.

However, he naturally did not say that he wanted to let the British see their own value, but that he wanted to show the style of the French nation and reflect the superiority of the new system compared to the old system.

Brussels, Belgium.

Henry Arsène's series of questions left the adjutants and staff in the hall speechless.

"There is not one yet."

"The troops of the German Confederacy invaded from multiple directions, and General Medis has repelled nine enemy attacks."

The staff officer scratched his head and said awkwardly.

Henry Arsène slowly put down the exquisite royal porcelain in his hand, then crumpled the latest order from Paris into a ball and threw it aside casually.

"Of the five lines of defense I deployed, how many did they break through?"

The adjutant on the side quickly picked it up and said.

He was very satisfied with everyone's expressions, and then asked himself.

"How many of those idiots in Congress know military knowledge? How many of those so-called generals have attended military schools? Why should I obey their orders?"

"I am the supreme commander on the battlefield, and I know very well that no one knows better than me how to win.

Another staff officer stood up, his expression was not good.

A qualified general's only duty is to win, not to curry favor with stupid superiors and ridiculous politicians. "

"Yes! Sir!"

"Your Majesty General, this is an order from Congress."

"And you just have to obey."

Henry Arsène sat back in his chair and looked sideways at the crowd.

The officers under Henry Arsène still admired him very much, because among the five French armies at this time, only they had the most victories with the smallest losses.

"Report on the latest battle situation."

Henry Arsène didn't take it seriously.

"Yes, Your Excellency General. Yesterday General Odor defeated the Dutch Antwerp Army at the De River. He should have entered the city of Ghent by now. Our recovery of East Flanders is just around the corner."

"Then what do you have to worry about?"

"But the number of the German Allied Forces is at least three times that of ours, and you allocate half of your troops to General Aldo to attack the Netherlands. I"

"It's just a bunch of rabble, there's nothing to worry about. I'm fishing, catching a big fish. This big fish deliberately released Brussels to us, hoping that we can follow his wishes and walk step by step towards the trap he designed.

If it were my group of colleagues who were stupid, arrogant and didn't like reading, they would probably have entered his circle by now.

But unfortunately I am not, I want to put an end to that old era. "


Lamosilière looked at the orders on the table, then at the demoralized soldiers outside, and he spread his hands.

"When the morale of the army is restored, we will take the initiative. In addition, please tell Mr. Dan Gila and all members of Congress that our army has regained the Lorraine area."

At this time, the hands of the clock pointed to eleven o'clock, and the sound of artillery sounded on time outside. The German Allied Forces would bombard outside for two hours between eleven and one o'clock every day.

At first, the French army thought it was a pre-war preparation by the German Allied Forces, but in fact it seemed to be just a routine matter.

After the first day of the battle, the German Allied Forces never launched an attack again.

The officers did not understand why the dominant German Allied Forces did not launch an attack, because the longer the delay was, the more detrimental it would be to the German Allied Forces.

But Lamosilier seemed to understand something. He still had some understanding of the German Allied Forces.

The so-called German Allied Forces are actually a patchwork of troops from various German states. If they work hard and with enthusiasm, they might be able to fight.

But when their minds are calm, they will worry about gains and losses and hesitate to move forward. After all, they are only temporary allies. After the war is over, they will still be wary of each other.

In fact, Lamosilier discovered the problem in the previous battle. Both the front row and those responsible for the pursuit were Austrian soldiers.

However, the commander of this army is an Austrian after all, and he is also a member of the royal family. It is normal for them to regard the army as their own property and not want to consume it.

Most of the commanders of other countries also have this mentality, so they would rather do these useless efforts than try to win.

The most important thing is that Saarburg is still a fortress anyway. At this time, the French army is undoubtedly in a superior terrain, and the chance of the German Allied Forces winning is still small even if they desperately try.

Now Lamosilier's idea is to keep Salburg impregnable and then wait for the German Allied Forces to crash into it.

Celesta City.

Bono de Cullen could only smile bitterly when he saw the order coming from Paris. The dark German Allied Forces outside were searching for the French soldiers who were hiding.

Royal Palace of Turin.

As an excellent political worker, Bellevue naturally speaks very well.

After expressing his determination impassionedly, he told the envoy from Paris that the Italian Corps would take over Northern Italy as soon as possible to reassure Paris.

A military parade in the morning, a banquet in the afternoon, and a dance in the evening. Food, wine, beautiful women, as well as some priceless works of art and precious metals were clearly arranged for the special envoy.

Austria Vienna.

Promoting peace through fighting has always been Franz's diplomatic principle. The Austrian navy's victory in the Mediterranean was naturally not to anger the British, but to communicate with them in a way that was easier for them to understand.

The composition of the diplomatic mission sent by the Austrian Empire to Britain is also very interesting. There were only a few diplomats in the entire mission.

On the contrary, the delegation was led by Baron Carl von Bruck, Chancellor of Finance of the Austrian Empire and President of the Imperial Central Bank.

The members of the mission were a large number of bankers and actuaries, including Lucen Sina, the president of the Austrian Federation of Industry and Commerce, the president of the Arties Consortium, and economists such as the old Böhm-Bawerk.

(End of this chapter)

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