Chapter 981 Old Bastard

Compared with being unpopular in the Fourth Republic of Rome, Garibaldi was respected in the Austrian recruit camp, and his officers appreciated him even more.

The food was also far superior to that of Rome and the Rio Grande Republic before. At least he finally got to eat the delicacies of his hometown - fish soup macaroni.

Although it felt a bit strange to be made of carp, he couldn't help but shed tears. Garibaldi has not eaten this dish for more than ten years, and he does not even dare to contact his family because he is afraid of harming them.

The family thought he was dead, and Garibaldi thought of the stooped figure of his mother who had worked hard to raise him and his younger siblings.

Garibaldi's father was a brave sailor and a drunkard who spent almost all the money he earned in taverns.

At the age of ten, Garibal had to become a trainee sailor on the Constanta. Although he received almost no salary, he was responsible for the food.

This was enough for Garibaldi at the time. The first turning point in his life was when he was thirteen years old when a group of pirates attacked the merchant ship he was on.

The sailors resisted desperately, but were still outnumbered. However, the reason why the legend is a legend lies in his experience and courage that surpass ordinary people.

Garibaldi, who was only thirteen years old, killed the arrogant pirate leader with a dagger in a fight, and then used the gun in the pirate leader's hand to kill the mole mate on the ship.

However, Garibaldi had a different view at this time. The government of the Austrian Empire was much cleaner and more efficient than the government of the Fourth Roman Republic.

After learning all this, Garibaldi seemed a little confused, but his wife Anita was very happy, after all, she no longer had to fight.

He felt that if he could burn this place, the Austrians would no longer be able to use food to win people's hearts.

After many inquiries, Garibaldi finally found the location of the Austrian Empire's grain depot. The food here was enough for the entire Lombardy people to survive this year.

In the Austrian military camp, there were Lombards, Venetians, Goni (a derogatory name for the residents near Romagna), Neapolitans, Sicilians, Germans, Croats, and Bohemians.

Everyone works together, trains together, eats together, sleeps together, eats the same food, wears the same clothes, and wants to live a good life together.

Although many innocent people will die, the flame of hope for the Italian nation will be rekindled

However, Garibaldi was destined to be a hero, not a hero. He could not let thousands or even millions of people be buried with him for the sake of his own righteousness.

The remaining pirates saw that the situation was bad and fled one after another. The captain was grateful to Garibaldi for his bravery and gave all the pirate leader's bounty to Garibaldi.

The latter had already planned to wait until the storm passed, and then return to the tribe in South America with Garibaldi to live with their four children.

The difference is that this time Mazzini did not leave. He sent away his mistress Mrs. Sang, and then took his adopted daughter Yidali to start planning a new uprising.

From then on, the life of Garibaldi's family improved, and he finally had the opportunity to study.

The Austrian Empire's generosity to its troops and citizens lay in its sea lanes and its food reserves that had been established in advance.

The Austrian Empire built hundreds of grain depots like this over the years in order to one day be able to cope with possible disasters.

Because Mazzini felt that the Great Revolution across Europe was coming, and Italians must set an example for Europeans.

Neither the army nor the government quite understood what the royal family was doing. The church called it the fear of God, and even called those secret granaries Arks.

If it were just a sugar-coated bullet, Garibaldi had repeatedly rejected high-ranking officials and generous salaries offered by the enemy.

In the end, Garibaldi left the grain depot in despair, and soon his German commander told him an even more shocking secret.

His extensive reading and what he saw and heard at sea convinced him that only Mazzini could save Italy, so he resolutely joined the Carbonari.

More than ten years have passed, and the Fourth Roman Republic has placed the hopes of countless people, but it was dashed by its creators.

However, it seems that the God of Destiny does not intend to let them go just like this.

"The United Kingdom, France, and the Ottoman Empire issued an ultimatum to the Austrian Empire. If the Habsburg family does not give up the title of Emperor of the German Empire, then the three countries will work together to implement justice."

This news was undoubtedly a shot in the arm for Italian nationalists, but Garibaldi only heard angry denunciations and fear of war in the military camp. "There's going to be a war again!"

An old man said sadly.

"What are you afraid of! The empire's army is invincible! Last time I had no choice, this time I must make a difference!"

A middle-aged man said angrily, his eyes full of ecstasy. He was on the wrong team before. After the Italian coalition was defeated, he was abandoned.

At this time, the old man spoke again, with a sad tone.

"As an old man, I have nothing to be afraid of! I am thinking of my son and my grandson, they are both dead!

I don’t know how many of you young people will die in this war. I heard that only tyrants like war. I don’t think this Austrian Empire can last long. "

"Fart! How can anyone not die in a war?"

"Don't listen to his nonsense. With his looks, no army would want him! He eats here all day and waits for death to destroy our morale. If there are no military regulations, I really want to kill this old bastard."

"You old bastard who picks up the bowl to eat and curses your mother when you put it down! People bully you right to your doorstep, why don't you fight back and wait for someone to shit on your head?"

"I heard that the French came to liberate us. They talk about human rights and democracy."

Publicly known science time in the 19th century——

"Really? It's great! You don't have to pay taxes and you get land."

A young boy with missing teeth smiled stupidly. The old man touched the child's head kindly and said in a positive tone.

"No! France is the beacon of the world! Those nobles and kings are most afraid of France's righteous teachers!

When the French come, hang all these noble gentlemen, and then give us all their land! "

"Really? Will Sergeant Barron be hanged too?"

The articulate little boy continued to ask, and the old man laughed happily.

"Of course! The noble's lackeys should also be killed!"

"Great! I want to join the French army too!"

The little boy clapped his hands happily, and the old man became more and more enthusiastic as he talked.

"Good boy! When you join the French army and you have white bread to eat every day, you won't have to eat bread like we do all day long."

The little boy instantly felt that the macaroni in his bowl was no longer fragrant. He gritted his teeth and was about to pour the macaroni in the bowl to the ground when a big man on the side snatched it away.

"If you don't eat it, don't waste it. I'll eat it!"


The little boy was obviously a little annoyed, but he didn't dare to say anything because of the other person's size.

"Don't worry, there are no such people in the French army!"

"Have you ever seen French people be so nice?"

"of course!"

The old man answered very proudly, but the surroundings suddenly became quiet and no one responded. He looked back and met the eyes of Baron Marcelo.

(End of this chapter)

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