The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria's Mandate of Heaven

Chapter 976 Same people but different fates

Chapter 976 Same people but different fates

At the same time, rumors about the French raising ogres in the army and liking to eat human hands and feet also spread within the German Allied Forces.

Max Weismann's crazy look gives people every reason to believe that he must have seen some too exciting scene to become like this.

Priests took this opportunity to trumpet the sanctity of this war, that they were fighting the devil and doing the will of God.

Nationalists jump out to preach that resisting national oppression and rescuing compatriots are selfless and just acts.

The propaganda machine of the Austrian Empire sang praises for the country and the royal family, promoting the correctness of the country's actions and the greatness of the royal family.

In fact, Franz also wanted to visit the military camps one by one like other time-travelers, and even have a drink with everyone.

However, the Austrian army's barracks was so big that he couldn't finish it even if he walked all night. Not to mention 142 glasses of wine, even using a 21.3-gram small cup adds up to tons.

In the end, he could only symbolically visit fifteen military camps, and took a series of historic pictures while being surrounded by people.

But even this took him a full eight hours, and it was already three o'clock in the morning when Franz returned to his camp.

The abandoned French troops naturally had only one fate, and that was death.

All the French soldiers who fell on the battlefield were stabbed to prevent them from pretending to be dead or not fully dead.

However, in the first head-on confrontation between the two sides, he knew that his troops would not be able to defeat the army in front of him in an encounter.

The intense fatigue made him fall asleep

Several ladies who accompanied him all night were expecting something to happen, but they were asked out of the temporary house by two maids on the grounds that "it might interfere with the Grand Duke's rest."

At this time, the Austrian Empire was booming. If Franz traveled without two famous ladies, on the one hand, he would become the talk of the upper class after dinner, and on the other hand, the person who came to court Franz next time might no longer be a beautiful woman. But a handsome man.

An aristocratic young man of Franz's age would be considered incompetent if he was not surrounded by ladies or mistresses.

However, for these ladies, being able to travel with the Crown Prince of the Austrian Empire is already a capital. In addition, it is so dark and so late, it is completely reasonable for them to be jealous.

Since both sides marched in secret, there were no military observers from other countries in the armies of both sides.

Facing the pursuit of the coalition forces, Lamosilière did much better than Bono de Cullen.

Instead of wasting his precious cavalry to block the gap, he sent out a war team to directly separate those who could not escape the pursuit from his main force.

The nationalist wars of this era were even more cruel than the wars of the barbaric era. Especially those soldiers who were deeply influenced by nationalism saw their compatriots who were helping the elderly and young to escape, as well as those who had stayed for several days and left with corpses and wounded soldiers. After becoming brothers, their blood has already been ignited.

Unlike Franz, who was always merciful, Archduke Albrecht and his army had nationalism in their minds at this time, and showed no mercy to the main force of Lamosilier in Salburg.

Lamosilière felt that Albrecht's troops were not many, and he occupied a favorable terrain. Even if he could not win, there would be no problem in holding the fortress.

Take prisoners? nonexistent! They just want to kill each other or be killed by each other.

Lamosilière's decisiveness allowed him to lose only a small number of troops, so he was still confident in holding Salburg.

It's not that his family can't do it, it's that he himself can't do it.

As for why Franz had to bring these flies that he didn't like, the answer is to do as the Romans do.


Listening to the constant sound of heavy artillery outside, Lamosilier suddenly felt that his M1841 six-pound Napoleon field gun was no longer good.

"The Austrian heavy artillery is so powerful!" The Lamosilière Army suffered two defeats in a row. At this time, the command system was almost full of new faces, and more than half of them died in the previous attack.

"The Austrians' cannons are all copied from ours!"

"Those are just scrap metal, they're just loud!"

"If you like it, Marshal, I will send someone to steal a few doors when it gets dark."

Blind arrogance and following the crowd were caused by the bureaucratic atmosphere of the Second French Republic at this time. Lamosilier could only sigh helplessly.

He still missed his old subordinates. These newcomers only talked about insignificant big words and empty words.

But no matter what, as long as he holds Salburg, then he will at least have the merit of regaining Lorraine, and at least he will still be a hero of France.

The coalition's artillery shells and rockets poured into the ruins of Salburg as if they were free, and the French army's main six-pounder had no chance to fight back.

Lamosilière had made up his mind to develop larger-caliber field artillery to adapt to the new battlefield environment after this war.

"Your Excellency, Marshal! The continuous bombardment by the German Allied Forces has caused a lot of casualties to our army. More importantly, the morale of the soldiers is also very low."

Lamosilière looked at the staff officer with a worried look on his face and said.

"Young man, I know you are scared. But the Germans have no wings and they cannot cross us. As long as we stay here, Lorraine is ours.

For the glory of the Second French Republic! We must hold on until the very end! "

The staff officer still said with some concern.

“But according to intelligence from the Italian region, the Austrians have indeed mastered a flying weapon, and it has been confirmed by the Papal State.

Pope Pius IX himself even gave him the title of "Archangel of Slaughter"

Lamosilière couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"If you listen to those magicians, you might as well believe that Pius IX is the spokesperson of God! They just like to use gods and ghosts to deceive the stupid people.

I suggest you read more "Nature" and "Science", which can keep you away from those magicians. "

“Aren’t these two magazines Austrian publications?”

The young staff officer asked with some confusion.

Lamosilière could only smile awkwardly.

"As long as it's useful to us, it doesn't matter which country it's a magazine from! Anyway, Austrians can fly, and I, La Mosierier, don't believe it!"

However, what Ramosilière didn't know was that just when he thought he was holding Salburg impregnably, small units of the German Allied Forces had already circled behind him.

The Swiss Expeditionary Force of the Second French Republic only had more than 20,000 people, but Emenabre Pellissier felt that he could at least reach Tyrol.

After all, according to the previous records of French military observers in Switzerland, the so-called Swiss Civil War was not even a fight between rookies, it was simply a war between indigenous tribes.

Apart from being bloody and cruel, it is almost useless. No French military cadet would fight such a stupid battle.

An army of hundreds of thousands of people was actually being thrown around by tens of thousands of people. His elite troops must be far superior to the Austrian's motley troops.

(End of this chapter)

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