Chapter 968 Playing Music

In fact, Franz doesn't like this useless social interaction at all, and at this time, he is qualified and has the right to refuse it all.

But Franz would not pretend to be a villain. Even if his hands were stained with blood, he had to pretend to be approachable.

The actions of the French army were seen as unreasonable behavior by the coalition commanders. They were still waiting for the French to retreat and then pursued them one after another.

As a result, the French not only did not retreat, but began an all-out attack.

This shocked almost the entire command chain of the coalition forces, except Franz.

He knew very well that the French at this time highly advocated offensive tactics, and this situation would continue until World War I, before the French shed their last drop of blood at Verdun.

In fact, Franz could understand that the dignitaries of various states were panicking, but why were these Austrian generals also panicked?

"Why are you panicking?"

Franz finally couldn't help but ask.

However, the answer he got left him even more speechless.

"Archduke Franz, your safety is important. We are only two kilometers away from the battlefield."

Even though Franz had been taught in the court for many years in this life, he couldn't help but kick the bullshit general in front of him away.

In fact, as Crown Prince Franz, he paid great attention to appearance and image on weekdays. Even on the battlefield, the military uniform he wore was highly recognizable.

It’s not that Franz likes it, but image is really important.

The Duke of Zhou spits out food, Cao Cao greets them with his bare feet, Wang Jinglue talks about lice, and Wang Jinggong looks mournful in prison. They are indeed "sincere" and unrestrained. However, their deeds will only be talked about after their death.

Franz could not wait that long because his life span was too long. And the above deeds do not actually mean that image is not important. On the contrary, if you look at the lives of celebrities and celebrities, you will know how important image is.

There is a sentence in the Yuan Zaju "Uncle Fan": "First respect the clothes and then the person, first respect the skin and then the soul."

In his previous life, Franz thought this was extremely superficial and hypocritical when he first read it as a child. However, when he read it as an adult, he had a different feeling.

At this time, Franz, who had lived for two generations, could objectively look at the wisdom of the ancients and absorb it.

In fact, there is a group of people within the palace who are responsible for the image of royal members, and there are even specialized official positions such as wardrobe officer and jewelry maid.

"Escort General Heiligen two kilometers away for medical treatment, and I will personally take over his command."

The surrounding royal guards immediately lifted General Heiligen who was sitting on the ground without any explanation.

Franz's voice briefly overcame the chaotic crowd, and everyone looked at him with doubts, surprises, expectations, and fears.

If he were an ordinary person, he would have been overwhelmed by this invisible pressure, but Franz had already endured too many people's eyes in his life.

"Listen! The French have less than 1371 people! And our army has people! The enemy's artillery is at least three kilometers away from us, and the French artillery range is only meters, so we are absolutely safe, please Don’t worry, everyone.”

After listening to Franz's words, everyone calmed down a little.

However, if nothing unexpected happens at this time, something will happen. Sure enough, a coalition general appeared out of nowhere and said something.

"But the French have already launched an attack! What can we do?"

"Then call him!"

Franz didn't want to give the other person's words time to ferment, so he responded firmly.

At this time, Franz finally realized what it was like for the eighteen princes to attack Dong Zhuo. The so-called 320,000 troops actually still had 120,000 people who had not crossed the river.

Despite the flags waving around the coalition headquarters at this time, the Austrians alone accounted for 150,000 of Franz's troops, and among the remaining 50,000 there were more than 10,000 Orleans Dynasty troops and Alsace troops. Friendly local people.

But because of this, Franz has absolute leadership over the army in front of him. "Fight it!"

"Fight it!"

"Fight it!"

"Skirmishers, get out!"

"Infantry Brigade Advance!"

Various bugles, snare drums, triangles, whistles, and even violins and saxophones kept ringing.

The saxophone was invented in Belgium in 1840. It was a relatively new instrument at that time. King Leopold I of Belgium felt that it had Belgian national characteristics and added it to the military band.

At this time, the military band of the German Allied Forces was directed by a young Prussian student, who was the famous Pavko in later generations.

(I am going to cut a section about this and put it in the group. If there is a group in the future, everyone will see it.)

The military music of the Allied Forces is very complex, with various musical instruments, especially the violin in Bavaria. Such elegant instruments are naturally the work of the former King of Bavaria, Ludwig I.

And Pavko, who can unify these different styles of instruments and musicians into a harmonious tone, is undoubtedly a genius.

It's just that at this time, Pavko did not stay in the classroom and study music with the teacher as he did in history. Instead, he consciously was inspired by the times and the nation to put down his studies and run to the battlefield.

Pavko may never receive a high official or a generous salary in this life, but there is no doubt that this is the most glorious moment in his life.

Pavko led the military band to Franz.

"Your Excellency, Generalissimo, the military band has been assembled. Please give your order."

The marshal Pavko refers to is Franz, but Franz's marshal is not the Austrian marshal rank. He is just a colonel in Austria, but one of the honorary titles awarded to him by the German Empire (National Assembly).

"Very good! Soldiers! For the sake of the empire, for our allies, and to save our compatriots, move forward!"

As Franz roared, the order gradually spread like a wave.

"go ahead!"

In the end, a powerful roar was inspired from the chests of all the soldiers. What they saw and heard along the way stimulated the soldiers' nerves.

In this era of nationality, there is nothing more glorious than fighting for the same nation and unifying the nation. The ashes under their feet reminded them all the time of what had happened here and what should happen in the future.

The attack of the German Allied Forces also began, which surprised Bono de Cullen, but it was not bad for the French army at this time.

Because once the two sides come into contact, the threat from artillery to the front row will be greatly reduced. As for infantry, there is no doubt that French soldiers are the best in the world.

However, Bono de Cullen's good mood did not last long. In fact, Franz had already made plans in advance for the French to take the initiative to attack.

Another row of iron frames appeared in front of the Austrian artillery, which made the French commanders a little confused.

Colonel Cesar, who had a mustache, said with some confusion.

“As expected, they still came to build a house.”

However, the doubts in the minds of the French officers did not last long, because the Austrian rocket troops moved much faster than the artillery.

Rockets were installed on the launchers one after another, and then each rocket flew towards the French square with a sharp roar.

This is not an old antique in the hands of the Belgians and French, but the latest anti-infantry rocket from the Austrian Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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