When Hernan Noy was not embarrassed, it was Lamosierier who was embarrassed.

Lamosilier obviously wanted to delay time, and Hernan Noy was not in a hurry. Although he looked aggressive on the surface, he didn't really mean what he said.

In fact, this was what Franz requested. The so-called German Allied Forces were completely put together temporarily by the armies of various states. Although there was a National Assembly, there was no substantial improvement in organization compared to the Luxembourg Crisis.

When the Austrian army was less than five kilometers away from the enemy, some state armies had not even finished gathering.

This is not to say that the Austrian army cannot defeat the French without the support of other states' armies. On the contrary, in Albrecht's opinion, he can command the army better without the constraints of those states' armies.

However, what Franz was thinking about was exactly what would happen after the victory. Once the coalition forces broke through Saalburg, the front would be the flat Lorraine Plateau.

In the eyes of the Lorraine people under the long-term rule of the Bourbon dynasty, the Second French Republic at this time was undoubtedly an invader, but the so-called German Allied Forces were not much better.

In order not to aggravate this impression as much as possible, Franz needed the troops and officials of the House of Orleans to accompany him.

Under the leadership of Albrecht, and with sufficient military pay, the Austrian Empire's army would not do anything too outrageous.

However, there is no guarantee for the armies of other countries. "The purpose of fighting is to rob and hug" is not a lie at this time, but the creed of many armies.

At this time, the German Allied Forces were playing under the banner of nationalism. If that group of people were allowed to do those unscrupulous things, then the war itself would become a joke, and it would be even more likely to be counterproductive.

Historically, the Alsace-Lorraine region has always been an important source of troops for France and is rich in elite soldiers and generals.

Taking the Napoleonic period as an example, three of France's 24 marshals were from the Alsace-Lorraine region, including two from Alsace and one from Lorraine.

You must know that the total population of Alsace-Lorraine accounted for only 2% of France at that time, but one-eighth of France's marshals came from this region.

The Army of the Rhine, composed of Alsace-Lorraine frontiersmen, has always been the benchmark for the French army. It was not until after the Franco-Prussian War that it gradually gave way to the Foreign Legion.

"March of the Army of the Rhine" even became the French national anthem for a time. The "March of the Army of the Rhine" is the famous "Marseillaise" in later generations. I have mentioned it before and will not go into details here.

In addition, for Albrecht, Saarburg was undoubtedly a very good testing ground, and the French army was an excellent experimental subject.

Austria has a large number of new weapons at this time. Theoretically, these things will change the battlefield and even change history.

However, there is no way of knowing how effective these new weapons will be. The poor performance of the Italian coalition forces on the Italian battlefield gave them no chance to be used at all.

On the other hand, although Salburg was almost in ruins at this time, Lamosilier didn't care, because as long as Salburg was not completely blown to pieces, he would have the advantage.

In fact, the status of the bastion was declining before the French Revolution, and then figures like Napoleon appeared who advocated offense.

Therefore, there were not many critical battles against the bastion at this time, and there were few tactical innovations about it.

However, Saarburg is an exception because it cannot be bypassed.

After Hernan Noy left, Lamosilière's only remaining staff officers (at this time, staff officers were more like aides or adjutants), some even suggested that he go out of the Saarburg and fight Albrecht in the plains.

However, Lamosilier didn't want to go out for a decisive battle, and he didn't care about the bullshit honor. In fact, as long as he defended Salburg, it was a great achievement, and he had already recovered Lorraine for the Second French Republic.

As for the Alsace region, it was a matter of Bono de Coulen and the Academy. The reason for desperately trying to capture Strasbourg was because it was possible to achieve victory in one battle. However, at this time the German Allied Forces had arrived, so it would be better to have a thousand birds in the forest than a bird in hand.

As long as Lamosilière defends Salburg, the Austrians will definitely be the first to fail.

The first was Henry Arsene's frequent successes in Belgium, which took less than two weeks to capture Brussels. At this time, the Northern Army was launching a full-scale attack on the German Confederacy.

At this time in Switzerland it was time for Emenabre Pélissier to start his performance.

Lieutenant General Emmenable Pellissier was also known as the Iron Maniac. It is said that during a rapid march, a soldier accidentally fell into the water.

Emmenable Pellissier did not personally go into the water to rescue people like those famous generals in history, but executed the two soldiers who went into the water without permission and the rescued people together.

The reasons were unauthorized action and impeding the march's speed.

Because of this, he was called a madman, but all officers envied his subordinates' execution and discipline.

Lamosilière believed that as long as the Iron Maniac was around, the vulnerable Swiss states would be turned upside down.

In addition, the combined fleets of Britain and France completely block the Austrian sea routes. When the time comes, the Austrians, who will lose their supplies and have internal and external troubles, will collapse first.

And once the so-called German Allied Forces lose Austria as its backbone, the so-called Allied Forces will cease to exist.

As for Bellevue, in Lamosierier's mind, he was a fool.

An idiot who recruited a group of student soldiers from St. Cyr and wanted to replicate Napoleon's success was simply a pipe dream.

Alsace, twenty kilometers outside Celesta.

Although Franz had long heard that the Celesta people were doing amazing things, he didn't expect them to be so amazing.

As far as the eye can see, there is endless scorched earth, and the ashes on the ground tell the story of everything that has happened and will happen here.

Anyone who sees such a stunning scenery for the first time will be shocked.

What kind of courage can create such a scene? There is only a gray and black sky on the endless fields. Although the ashes have long lost their temperature, everyone feels hot under their feet, like lava rolling.

The locals of Alsace have sacrificed so much for this war, and now it is time for them to show up.

No matter how much the Austrian propaganda machine propagandizes, no matter how much the church fathers preach, and no matter how much the nationalists preach, it is not as good as seeing it with your own eyes and experiencing it with your own eyes.

Everyone's blood is boiling, not for promotion and wealth, not for being promoted to a higher position, not for getting a wife and a son, but only for the illusory righteousness of the German nation.

Of course, if along the way you can get promoted and make a fortune, you can be promoted to a higher position, you can be granted a wife and a son, then why not do it?

June 1848, 6. The Battle of Celesta officially begins.

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