"Another reinforcement is coming!"

The Belgian soldiers shouted excitedly, and the French soldiers on the opposite side were stunned.

"Come again!?"

"Hey hey hey! You're surrounded! French guys!"

The Belgian soldiers who were still very depressed in the morning were gradually becoming arrogant at this time.

"Damn the Belgian capon! The warriors of France will not surrender!"

"Frog! Frog, don't back away! Frog!"

Belgians and French people actually dislike each other, with the latter finding the former's accent to be weird, like a castrated rooster.

Likewise, the former feels that the latter eats everything and is as disgusting as a frog.

There is a classic joke in Belgium that France is too perfect, so God created the French.

The Belgian army's messengers kept running behind the team shouting "Reinforcements are coming! Reinforcements are coming again!"

While this boosted the morale of the Belgian army, it also undermined the morale of the French army.

Generally speaking, in wars between countries, it is difficult to directly affect the enemy's language.

But the Belgians in Wallonia are deeply influenced by French culture, and almost all of them speak French.

As soon as King Leopold I learned of the arrival of reinforcements, he sent all the people around him to the battlefield to spread the news of the arrival of reinforcements.

He himself may not have imagined how much of a blow this would have to the morale of the French army.

Originally, Oudinot's tactics caused huge casualties to the French army. Just imagine, the soldiers on the front line were exhausted after fighting all morning and were informed that the opponent's reinforcements had arrived.

He wanted to retreat, but his own team of supervisors also arrived. The soldiers could only bite the bullet and fight the Belgians.

However, it was another bloody battle, and our own casualties were increasing. At this time, the enemy's reinforcements arrived again.

Before the war started, the French soldiers heard that Marshal Oudinot was going to distribute canned food to everyone after the battle was won, so many of them didn't eat much or even nothing for breakfast.

Just imagine how it feels to fight on the muddy ground after the rain all morning, hungry in the belly, and the enemies are beating more and more.

Finally, as the No. 1 French soldier's confidence collapsed and began to retreat, the entire French front began to collapse.

The disadvantages of pressing offense have been mentioned countless times before, and now they are finally revealed.

However, I have to say that the French supervising team is still very professional.

Even in the face of a torrent of defeated troops, they resolutely raised their guns and prepared to drive the defeated troops back.

"Go back! Go back! Don't retreat! If you take one step back, we will shoot!"

The French army supervisory team pointed their guns at their own people without any hesitation.

However, the infantry in front of them did not have the discipline of the elite cavalry before. The defeated soldiers did not want to care about that. Anyone who stood in front of them was the enemy.

"Niang Xipi! It's not like we don't have guns! Who is afraid of who?"

Then gunshots broke out, and the supervisory team and the defeated soldiers fired at each other at the same time without any hesitation.

However, how could a war supervisory team of several hundred people be able to withstand a rout of tens of thousands of troops?

The battle was over almost instantly, and the well-equipped supervising team was directly crushed by the dashing troops.

Seeing the collapse of the main battlefield, everyone knew that the French could not win this battle. There were only two thousand reserves rushing to rescue them, so they naturally collapsed.

On the other side, the French elite fighting against the Luxembourg-dominated German Allied Forces fell into a greater disadvantage. And no matter how elite they are, people are still people, and a complete collapse on the battlefield cannot be saved by this lone army.

In the end, the elite French army collapsed, and the cavalry commander died in the hands of his most trusted subordinates.

"General, I'm sorry. We don't want to die!"


The cavalry commander fell from his horse, and countless soldiers and horses trampled over his body.

He was a soldier who was loyal to his duty, but his death was neither dignified nor valuable.

At this point, the officer who had previously prevented the cavalry from retreating had already fled with his men.

However, the cavalry who escaped from the mud pit easily caught up with them. At this time, the elite cavalry of the French army vented their full anger on this group of supervisors.

In fact, the reason why the cavalry attacked this supervising team was not just to vent their anger, but also to eliminate witnesses.

After all, running away is a serious crime. If they want to escape the blame, they must kill the group of supervisors in front of them.

Then a strange sight appeared. The French army supervisory team was running in front, the French cavalry was chasing behind, and there was a group of panting German allied troops in the distance.

Vincent Morris spent a lot of effort to stop the allied pursuit.

In the eyes of Vincent Morris, this was not a good time to pursue. In fact, it was unlikely that the two-legged infantry could catch up with the cavalry that was fleeing with all their strength.

What's more, it would be a pity not to collect the spoils all over the ground. After all, this was the main income of the soldiers at that time.

However, the main reason was the fear of other changes, such as an ambush. At this time, Vincent Morris's mission was to support Brussels, not to pursue and annihilate the remaining enemies.

If a hasty pursuit leads to a loss of a good game, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Everyone loves a chase, but not many are as calm as Vincent Morris.

Both the Belgians on the main battlefield and the new reinforcements were chasing the remnants of the enemy like chickens.

Charles Rogier and King Leopold I of Belgium collapsed on the ground. The battle just now was too dangerous. They knew that they were just a little bit close to being crushed by the French.

If the main battlefield in the center collapses, the reinforcements will have no choice but to retreat or fight to the bitter end.

However, most generals will choose to retreat safely rather than choose to fight to the end in a desperate and bloody battle.

"Your Majesty, we have won. We have finally defended our homeland."

Charles Rogier laughed heartily. He was not only talking to Leopold I, but also to the soldiers.

"Yes! The price we paid was also high. But this is only a temporary victory. The French have not left our land yet, and our battle is far from over."

Leopold I was also an excellent politician, and his words were naturally not just for Charles Rogier.

But no matter what, the battle was won at this time, the soldiers were very happy, and they were willing to listen to other people's opinions.

At the same time, a large number of reporters are recording all this at high speed, and they will deliver the news here to all parts of the world.

However, these reporters were not hired by Leopold I or Charles Rogier, but they were all smart people. They quickly understood the role of these reporters and took correct actions.

The elite French cavalry showed no mercy when killing the supervisory team, and would kill them no matter what explanation the other party gave.

Naturally, it is impossible for the supervising team to stop this cavalry force for too long.

But when these angry cavalry rushed back to the barracks to tear Major Compaore into pieces, they found that the barracks was already empty, and Compaore was nowhere to be found.

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