"Don't withdraw!"

The French war team was still very intimidating in the army, but the cavalry commander on the front line was very angry. He questioned the officers of the war team.

"Who gave the order! Can't you see that this is a muddy field? Our cavalry is forced to shoot at several times our infantry, and the other side also has artillery. If this continues, sooner or later all my people will be responsible here! "

"It's General Compaoré!"

"Who is Compaore? Where is Marshal Oudinot?"

"Marshal Oudinot has been dismissed! Now he is under the command of General Compaoré!"

The cavalry commander was stunned. He had heard of changing generals before a battle. This was the first time he had heard of changing generals on the battlefield.

"Damn it! Go tell that Compaore! This is a muddy field. My cavalry can't run at all. If we continue fighting like this, we will be completely wiped out!"

"Are you saying you don't have the ability to defend this place?"

"I mean if he keeps fighting like this, he will bury France's most elite cavalry troops in this muddy pond!"

"I will truthfully report your disrespect to General Compaore after the war. Now please go back and stand your ground. The great French army does not need cowards."

Hearing the word coward, the cavalry commander was instantly furious. He was a genuine general, but the officer in front of him was just a lieutenant colonel and he dared to talk to him like that.

"Boy! Who are you calling a coward? When I went into battle to kill the enemy, you were still playing in the mud!"

However, the young officer supervising the battle team did not give the general face, he just said indifferently.

"Whoever leaves his post without permission is a coward!"


The cavalry commander repeated this sentence viciously, but obedience is the bounden duty of soldiers, especially for cavalry officers who have received aristocratic education since childhood. This concept is even more deeply rooted in their bones.

"Okay! Then you are responsible for this war!"

The young officers supervising the team just responded with silence. They had all received special training and would not be threatened by this kind of thing, nor would they take any responsibility on their own initiative.

The cavalry commander looked at the other party's expression. He just felt that it was not worth it for his subordinates. He would fight with his life, but he would not get any promises from the other party.

He suddenly felt sad in his heart, but he still gave the order that he would regret for the rest of his life regardless of victory or defeat.

"No retreat!"

However, at this time, the officer of the supervising team spoke again.

"Your Excellency, your communication is incorrect. General Compaore's order is to disperse this enemy force. You should attack with all your strength."

"You" the cavalry commander was almost speechless with anger.

"If you can't explain clearly, I can do it for you."

The supervising team officer cleared his throat.

"The entire army attacks! Those who retreat will be punished on the spot!"

Hundreds of members of the supervising team shouted in unison: "The whole army attacks! Those who retreat will be punished on the spot!"

The sound was so loud that even soldiers in a normal life-and-death struggle could hear it.

These supervising team members are all carefully selected tough men, with a minimum height of 1.8 meters. At the same time, they have the best weapons in the army, the best supplies, and the highest wages.Naturally, they were devoted to the government and the direct officers, but other troops in the French army had very strong opinions on this group of devils.

However, those soldiers also knew how dark the hands and hearts of this group of supervisors were. The death penalty for being targeted by this group of people was light, and most of the people targeted by them would be worse off than dead.

The military police are more terrifying than the military police in those cities. The latter also respect the law, while the former can directly torture you to extract a confession as long as they think you may be a deserter.

No matter what kind of tough guy he is, when he enters the special cell set up by the supervising team, he will beg like a pitiful man to be let go.

Although this French elite cavalry had great resentment at this time and knew that they had little chance of winning if they continued to attack, they could only bite the bullet due to the presence of the war supervisory team.

In grief, anger and despair, some French cavalry wanted to rush over and fight the German allied forces in front.

But the muddy ground in the middle made those brave and fearless warriors die in a ridiculous way on the way to charge.

Relatively speaking, the German Allied Forces were not as panicked as when the war first started. General Vincent Morris was the commander of the German Allied Forces at this time.

Vincent Maurice was not a Luxembourger, but a Bavarian Guards officer.

After the revolution of 1848, the young officer took the initiative to join this torrent.

Although Vincent Morris was young, he was not incompetent. He went to Vienna and Berlin to study, and both graduated with excellent results. He was retained by the two governments.

However, Vincent Morris rejected the high-ranking officials in both countries and decided to return to Bavaria to carry out military reforms.

However, when this great reformer returned to Bavaria, he discovered that he had no way to rise at all. Let alone reform, if he wanted to join the army, he had to give gifts to others first, otherwise he would have to start from the bottom.

Vincent Morris thought about his past experiences, and he didn't find it difficult to start from scratch.

When he first arrived in Vienna and Berlin, his classmates looked down on him and even laughed at him, and none of his tutors thought highly of him.

The Austrians would always laugh at his mountain accent and call him a northern barbarian, while the Prussians liked to call him a southern barbarian.

Especially when his hometown of Bavaria is mentioned, the students' disdain will be even stronger. That backwater country that can only farm?A country where men are all coolies and women are some kind of birds?
But those are only temporary. He is better than anyone else and he will prove himself.

In the end, both the arrogant Viennese and the arrogant Prussians will bow to him.

Those teachers will praise him lavishly, those classmates will look at him with envy and jealousy, and even those officials from other countries who are superior will condescend to win over and retain him.

However, it was only in the Bavarian army that Vincent Morris knew what reality was.

The Bavarian army was poorly equipped and training was out of the question.If you want to get promoted and make a fortune, you won't join the army. You'll become an artist.

After all, the King of Bavaria at this time preferred art. It was said that every palace minister had his or her own unique skills, and the witch who had brought disaster to the country had managed to reach a position above one person and above ten thousand people by virtue of her outstanding talents.

Other avenues seem to have been blocked.The European continent has been at peace for a long time. Although there are occasional small-scale wars, most of them are far from Bavaria.

Even if Vincent Morris wanted to work hard, he had nowhere to go. After wasting several years, he finally waited for an opportunity-the Luxembourg crisis broke out.

Vincent Morris thought this was a good opportunity to make a great contribution, but wrong intelligence, failed command, and politicians pushing each other led to hundreds of thousands of troops being chased by thousands of Frenchmen.

Vincent Morris himself became a prisoner of the French, but he found the meaning of his life in the peak showdown between Jean Dourde and Albrecht.

On that day, he witnessed what it means to be truly devastated. The French army, which had previously been defeated by one against a hundred, was crushed and torn apart like weeds in front of the real German army.
Later, whether it was the unity of the people during the Alsace-Lorraine crisis or the thousands of miles of aid during the Swiss Civil War, Vincent Morris' blood boiled.

Eventually, these events gradually transformed Vincent Morris into a staunch German nationalist.

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