The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria's Mandate of Heaven

Chapter 919 Central and North America, and the Prime Minister of the Caribbean


The seaport, which had been depressed for many years, became lively again, with cargo ships flying the Austrian flag parked on the pier.

People are working tirelessly to carry boxes of heavy goods, most of which are grain, and the rest are building materials, clothing, cloth, and some daily necessities.

The residents of Rome have not had enough to eat for a long time. Thanks to the rations brought by the Austrian army, Rome's urgent need was finally solved.

Before the Austrian army besieged Rome, people starved to death every day in the city.

The Fourth Roman Republic themselves collapsed their economy, and then with the interruption of sea traffic, their death was actually pronounced.

Therefore, when the Austrian envoy entered the city of Rome, he easily instigated the rebellion of the entire city's residents.

It is said that people die for wealth and birds die for food. This is probably the case.

However, if Pius IX cannot solve the food crisis in Rome at this time, then sooner or later he will be driven out of Rome again.

Rabbits will bite people when they are anxious, let alone the 10,000+ living people in the city.

At this time, in order to solve the food problem in the city of Rome, one was to mobilize food from outside to meet the capital's urgent needs.

However, during the disaster year, there was not much food in the provinces. Coupled with the previous "Italian Jihad" and the Italian coalition forces passing through the border like locusts, the Papal State completely cut off the possibility of solving the disaster on its own.

Another solution is to rely on strong suppression, fully pay the military, and let those with guns solve the problem.

The advantage of this is that it has the lowest cost in the short term, but it will undoubtedly be a loss-making business in the long run.

Because the Papal State is different from those secular regimes, the Pope is not only a secular monarch, he is also a religious leader. If the methods of that secular regime are adopted, the results may be even more disastrous.

In addition, the Pope does not have a violent force that is strong enough and trustworthy.

Solving the crisis in the Papal States at this time was also one of the contents of the deal between Franz and Pius IX.

However, this account will naturally be recorded on the Papal State. After all, Pius IX is the actual ruler of the Papal State, and Franz just proposed a solution.

Although Europe was in a mess at this time, the food harvests in America and Africa were great.

Especially in Mexico, the war caused a large number of civilian deaths, but the statistics will not tell you that those dead were mainly the old, weak, sick and disabled.

The casualty ratio of young people who should have been the main force in the war was not high, because both Americans and Mexicans regarded the massacre of civilians as a routine operation.

The result is that the demand for food decreases as the population decreases. However, the decrease in the labor force relative to the total population is not obvious. In addition, the arrival of immigrants from other regions supplements the labor force, resulting in overproduction of food.

Logically speaking, surplus food can be exported.However, the surrounding countries are either not short of food or have no money at all, and they don't even have a national government.

The United States also had a bumper harvest, and it was even more exaggerated compared to Mexico.There is so much food in the United States that it can't be eaten by livestock. Naturally, it is impossible for them to buy Mexican food.

As for the Central American Federation, it had become a colony of the great powers at this time. What is even more terrible is that Guatemala and El Salvador, which are close to Mexico, entered a state of anarchy after the fall of the Orleans Dynasty.

The guerrillas, warlords, and the British expeditionary force turned into a mess.

In such a chaotic situation, arms are easier to sell than food. Moreover, the local products are relatively rich and the population is small, so there is really not much demand for food.In addition, Tasan Anna's diplomatic level is also very problematic. Coupled with the situation deliberately dominated by Franz, Mexico's relations with surrounding countries are very poor.

In particular, the French colony of Texas and the United States were sworn enemies to the Mexican government.

After all, the three kingdoms were at each other's throats, and Prince Metternich, who arrived in North America, once again showed his expertise and frightened the country bumpkin Tasan Anna into a daze.

On the stage of North America, Prince Metternich only has a famous name, and there is no negative news. Even if there is, he will only be said to be "really good at playing".

In fact, the North American stage is more suitable for Metternich than the European stage. Without domestic constraints and excessive shackles, Metternich once again became the butterfly that wears flowers and is active on the diplomatic stage.

At this time, Metternich had a new title, "Prime Minister of North and Central America and the Caribbean."

Since the fall of the Orleans Dynasty, France's Texas colony has become a piece of fat in the eyes of the surrounding powers.

In particular, both Britain and the United States were determined to win this territory, but this also gave Metternich an opportunity. Driving tigers and devouring wolves was what he was best at.

On the Texas issue, it united with the United States to exclude the United Kingdom. On the Central American issue, it united with the United Kingdom and Mexico to carve up the French colonies.

Jumping up and down, so happy.

As for tricking Mexicans into selling grain to Austria as feed, it's even less of a problem.

The price of feed is only a quarter of the price of grain, but the actual goods are the same.

With the exception of Mexico, the Central American colonies of the Austrian Empire developed at a higher speed than before due to the development of Japanese labor.

This is not because the short and thin Japanese are better and more capable than European immigrants, but that they are more suitable for the climate here and have lower human rights costs.

According to reports from officials stationed in Central America from the Austrian Empire, the Italians were the most difficult immigrants to deal with. They were characterized by clinging to groups, cheating, cheating, and having high requirements for the environment and food.

The second most difficult thing to deal with is the Germans. Most of these people come from the North German region, and most of them believe in Protestantism, so there are often some inexplicable conflicts.

In addition, these people generally have a certain level of education, which makes them more difficult to deal with than ordinary immigrants, and they also have high requirements for the environment.

The remaining Hungarians are similar to the Irish, but relatively speaking, the former are better. After all, they can understand part of German, and most Austrian officials can speak Hungarian, making it easier to communicate.

Although the Irish could hardly understand German, these people were almost as honest as the Hungarian serfs. They only needed food, whether it was feed or bushmeat.

As for the living environment, as long as there is a roof, it doesn't matter whether there are walls or not.

In fact, Austrian officials give similar treatment to non-Germans, but the treatment of Europeans is definitely better than that of Japanese.

Moreover, after so many years of development in Central America, they will not really be allowed to eat feed and live in unfenced houses.

However, the Hungarians and the Irish were relatively warlike. They often clashed over trivial matters, and blood revenge was prevalent.

Once one of the two families dies, it will be a never-ending situation, and one of the families must die.

As for Japanese workers, they are the most manageable group of people. This group of people are good at learning and have a good "self-management awareness" (there are more Japanese rapes).

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