Chapter 913

Of course, it was impossible for Franz to go to such great lengths to eradicate just a small Fantero family, let alone those gang members and the scum of the city defense army.

In fact, in addition to the large execution ground in the city center, there are also a large number of smaller execution grounds around Vienna.The people responsible for these areas are naturally the Bavarian Mutual Aid Association and the underground forces cultivated by Franz.

What they have to deal with are those nobles who usually have bad reputations. These people have long been on Franz's blacklist.

It was just a good opportunity to wipe them out completely, but Hainau was not the one to take the blame.

Those who will bear the blame for these crimes are those who started the rebellion, such as Lieutenant General Molka and Duke Fantero.

As the saying goes, there is no proof until death, so they will bear the blame.

However, the two of them could not afford the Vienna Rebellion, the deaths of so many civilians and nobles, the destruction of the city and streets, and the charge of colluding with the Hungarian rebels to conspire to overthrow the Habsburg royal family.

Therefore, after this, the Austrian army and secret police forces had to knock on doors and visit homes. One was to conduct liquidation. Franz did not want to keep any of those who were directly involved in planning the rebellion.

Secondly, it was also to shock the enemy. In addition to the nobles who directly participated in the rebellion, there were actually a large number of people in Vienna who were on the sidelines.

Now that the royal family has won, they will naturally not do anything, and will even help the royal family to eliminate the rebels.

But if the rebels win, then they will also help the rebels.

In addition, although many noble families did not directly participate in the rebellion, these people actually provided a lot of help to the rebels, such as arms, supplies, and intelligence. For example, they also deliberately transferred Vienna's security forces away from the central area to deal with the rebels. The military's actions turned a blind eye.

Franz wanted to push all the way, but his own class attributes and status determined that he could not do this, or even think this way.

However, Franz did not want to play the game of drinking poison to quench his thirst. He had long known that this situation would happen today, and he knew the fundamental point of the contradiction, which was the mismatch between rights and responsibilities.

Franz didn't like to use the word obligation. After all, the compulsory nature of this word has been diluted, and later generations also interpreted it as a behavior that should be done.

But in fact, the so-called feudal obligations cannot be easily rejected. Refusing it often means war and paying the price of life.

What Franz has to do is to restore order. Killing is not the purpose, it is just a means.If they are willing to have a good talk, then everything is easy to discuss.

If they don't want to talk, then Franz doesn't mind killing the chicken to scare the monkeys.

In fact, most of the great nobles are willing to accept Franz's conditions, or they have long been prepared to cut off their tails to survive.

The bottom line is the surrender of family members who aided in the rebellion, but some have tried to challenge this bottom line.

This kind of behavior that adds fuel to the fire will only cost them blood.

For a long time after that, the coffin shop business in Vienna was quite prosperous.

1848 5 Month 2 Day.

Hofburg Palace, Hall of Mirrors.

"My stupid brother, why are you here?"

"My poor brother, you were most afraid of thunder when you were little. I'm afraid you will be afraid."

"My stupid brother, there are cannons outside, not thunder!"

"My poor brother, does it make any difference? Anyway, your hands are shaking again."

"I'm not shaking!"

"You're shaking!"

"I'm not shaking!" "You are shaking!"

"Okay, my stupid brother, I'm scared, but I'm even more scared of seeing you here. Didn't I order you and your family to leave a long time ago?"

"My stupid brother! Even my dog ​​doesn't listen to your orders. Am I going to obey it?"

"My stupid brother! Isn't it the one who usually leads you to hunt?"

"Yeah," Archduke Franz Karl said, grabbing his remaining hair.

"I have to admit that it is indeed more talented than me in hunting."

Ferdinand I sighed helplessly and tried to sit up as straight as possible.

"Where are Sophie and the kids?"

"I have already left the city to visit relatives in Tyrol."

"That's good, that's good. My edict has been sent over. They came at the right time and can give us a decent reason."

Explosions and screams still came from the window from time to time, but they became farther and farther away.The two brothers didn't care, they were just thinking about themselves and recalling the past.

In the queen's bedroom, Queen Anna was frantically smashing the decorative porcelain in the room to pieces.

"Where's Slote! Where's Slote! Where's Slote!"

At this time, the queen's maid ran in, and she hesitated when she saw the queen's appearance.

When Queen Anna saw the maid's appearance, she knew what had happened, and her face became more ferocious. However, she could do nothing at this time.

When the news that Franz had been crowned King of Rome by Pius IX returned to Vienna, Queen Anna began hysterical opposition.

Since Ferdinand I was sterile, Queen Anna's status was never high. Later, an assassination occurred, which brought Queen Anna's status to the bottom.

In fact, the old emperor also set up many restrictions to prevent Queen Anna from intervening in politics, so she was completely unable to accept the news that Franz became King of Rome.

Although she did not know the content of the edict, she was certain that the Habsburg family wanted Franz to succeed as emperor.

And once Franz becomes the emperor, what awaits Queen Anna will be a life of dark confinement.

However, the former felt that the latter was thinking too much. After all, he had never regarded Queen Anna as a rival.

Queen Anna was more frightened by the fighting outside the palace at this time than the life of confinement she might face in the future.Since the outbreak of the French Revolution, there has been no court in Europe that was not afraid of revolution.

Especially for a woman like Queen Anna, who grew up in a deep palace, the tragic experience of a princess after being captured is not uncommon.

However, Queen Anna, who is nearly fifty at this time and usually does not pay attention to her private life, may not even have that opportunity.

For the first time, she felt that it was good to leave this whirlpool of power. It was much better to go to a Bohemian manor and be a happy hostess than to stay here and continue to be worried.

On the other side, after the battle started, Slote immediately escaped from the Hofburg Palace and returned home, preparing to leave Vienna with the property he had collected over the years as the emperor's chief adviser and the empress's lover.

As for Queen Anna, there is not much affection between them, at least not compared to their own property and life.

But Franz still remembered him, the mastermind who planned the attack on himself and his family.That tree only broke one of his legs, and Franz deeply regretted it.

But this time Slote no longer had a chance. Franz prepared four wagons full of wood for him, which must be smashed, and fifty gunners to ensure that the operation was foolproof.

(End of this chapter)

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