Chapter 902 Entering Rome
Franz brought not only Pius IX this time, but also the monarchs of various countries in Central Italy.

Although conservatives in various countries returned to power at this time and began to attack liberals and nationalists, Franz did not want these people to return to power.

After all, foreign nobles were not Franz's capital, and it was easier to control the capitalists.

The monarchs of Central Italy were also troubled by the persistence of local forces, especially Tuscany, which was induced by the nobles and politicians to abolish the death penalty.

This means that theoretically, even if someone assassinates the Grand Duke, they will only receive a life sentence.

At the same time, since torture and labor were abolished, it meant that the murderer could rest in peace in a Tuscan prison, just like the devil who completed 77 murders in Norway.

When the law loses its binding force, it becomes toilet paper, especially in the turbulent year of 1848.The cost of killing is ridiculously low, and the prison guards are afraid that the prisoners will die.

So a prisoner only needs five florins to get the right to go home, and it only costs ten florins to buy a murderer in Tuscany.

Under such vicious competition, the killer industry in Tuscany collapsed one after another.The Assassin Brotherhood, which had plagued Central Italy for thousands of years, disappeared.

Grand Duke Leopold II of Tuscany once did not dare to go out in his own country. He once wanted to reinstate the death penalty, but the nobles and capitalists would not agree. After all, this would weaken their power.

Francesco V, Grand Duke of Modena, had a similar experience. Although the Principality of Modena had the death penalty, as the Grand Duke, he did not have the power to sentence people to death. The parliament composed of nobles and capitalists would oppose all his actions.

After years of famine, the nobles and capitalists united to raise food prices, and they made a lot of money.When public dissatisfaction boiled, Francesco V had to issue orders to suppress and maintain stability and protect the rights and interests of the nobility and capitalists.

But when the uprising broke out, they were the first to betray him.

At the request of Francesco V and Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Franz decided to help them solve the problem.

In fact, this is also helping Austria solve the problem. After all, the stronger the local power is, the less conducive it is to Franz's infiltration.

As a result, the Austrian Imperial Army was divided into two groups. One was led by Franz and defeated the four countries of Parma, Tuscany, Lucca, and Modena. The other was led by Albrecht and successively recovered the lands of the Papal States and approached the city of Rome.

The monarchs of Central Italy returned to their old places in this way, but it was not the glorious return that the conservatives hoped for, but a complete liquidation.

Franz didn't want to worry about how to settle the matter, because the monarchs should have more ideas than him.

Within the city of Rome, the new Roman Republic was in chaos.

They were not recognized by other parts of the Papal States, so the Papal States at this time had dozens of governments, large and small.

The long-standing food problem in Rome has naturally not been solved, but before, it was just the civilians who had no food to eat.

After they successfully drove away Pius IX, even the new rich like them had nothing to eat.Although Pius IX has been criticized by others, the local government is still willing to provide him with food.

The new Roman Republic obviously did not have this weight, and Angelo Nebuti was already scratching his head out of the Mediterranean Sea.

But there was no way. It was his final decision to drive away Pius IX, and he proposed it in front of the people and supporters.

So at this time, everyone hopes that Angelo Nebuti will be responsible, but now even if he is killed, food cannot be produced.Angelo Nebuti more than once ordered other provinces in the country to transport grain to Rome at all costs, but at this time those provinces did not even have governments and who would carry out his orders.

The leaders of those provinces were also busy fighting for power and had no time to care about Rome's affairs.

At the same time, there was a more difficult matter, which was that Angelo Nebuti thought that the French would help him after he ousted the pope and established a republican government.

After all, they were all of the same kind on the European continent at this time. However, the reality was that the French provisional government did not mention any assistance.

Instead, it immediately announced that it was incompatible with the Roman Republican government, not only cutting off diplomatic ties but also interrupting normal trade.

The result is that the already serious famine becomes even more serious. Although the French food is expensive, at least it can give hope to the bottom class.

But when the French merchant ships sailed away, the Romans were completely desperate.As for the assistance from the British, it is even more distant.

Although the British did not oppose the Roman Republican government as fiercely as the French Provisional Government, their successive defeats in the Mediterranean naval battles caused them to lose control of the sea in the Mediterranean.

Similarly, the supplies accumulated by the island of Crete over the years have also been incorporated into the pockets of the Austrian Empire. At this time, even if the British wanted to support the Roman government, they had no food.

As for shipping from the mainland, their domestic economic crisis and food crisis will continue to worsen.At this time, Ireland was in chaos due to a severe food crisis, and there were also signs of unrest in Scotland.

Rebellions in Scotland have never stopped throughout history. They have always believed that they should be an independent kingdom and have been fighting for it. Therefore, the British have a very high tolerance for Scotland.

Since the start of the famine, the British have been continuously purchasing grain from overseas and sending it to Scotland. However, the locals still believe that the English poisoned their potatoes and even asked the British government to compensate them, otherwise they would do it themselves.

In addition, even if the British wanted to sell their heads to aid Rome, their distant water could not quench their near thirst unless they transported food from the Ottoman Empire.

However, the Ottomans themselves were also suffering from famine, and Magid might not take the risk.Even if Magid was willing to take this risk, it would still take a month with the mobilization capabilities of the Ottoman Empire.

On the other side of the ocean, things were going well in the United States, but at this time, the Americans took advantage of Britain's deep political and economic crisis at home and abroad to make matters worse and once again proposed to rebuild the border.

After so many years, John Russell became prime minister, and he still wanted to do something big.If he really agrees to the Americans at this time, then he will stink.

However, due to the chaos at home and abroad at this time, coupled with the destruction of the Mediterranean fleet, John Russell was destined to be nailed to the pillar of shame.

Angelo Nebuti was not the only one in Rome who was worried. Mazzini, who came all the way from England, was also worried.

The latter was excited by the news of the Italian Revolution and the Jihad of Pius IX from the UK, and later readily agreed to the invitation of the Roman Republican Government to serve as a consultant and honorary mayor.

But reality gave him a blow. When Mazzini arrived in Rome, he saw no crowds of people welcoming him, only hungry people everywhere.

His supporters were equally gloomy because even they could not afford to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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