Chapter 895


The witch who brought disaster to the country, Lola Montes.The only person in the whole of Germany with a worse reputation than her is our Prince Metternich.

Ludwig I was indeed not a good king, but Laura Montes was not a good person either. Her extravagance and waste were also one of the black hands that pushed Bavaria's finances into collapse.

What can a woman buy that will make a country financially unable to support it?There must be some who feel that Franz’s impression is too stereotypical.

But what if this woman likes to create spectacles?Build the Emperor's Avenue, renovate the Munich Palace, collect cultural relics from ancient Rome and ancient Greece from all over Europe, and build a luxury villa modeled on the Palace of Versailles in Paris.
Ludwig I was originally a romantic and show-off king. Laura Montes and a group of traitorous officials in Bavaria completely hollowed out this already poor country.

But Laura Montes was obviously smarter than her partners. At least she was not burned by the angry people of Bavaria or hung from a tree.

In 1848, Bavarian Minister of the Interior Birx and Chief of the Interior Hunter Berg and other officials were liquidated. People rushed into their estates, looted their property, and burned these people and their homes together.

Although Lola Montes escaped, her belongings were also lost.At this point, Lola Montes was just looking for a new meal ticket that she could live with.

And Franz, the Crown Prince of Austria, a saint in the church's mouth and a good man in the hearts of refugees, naturally came into her sight.

First of all, there are many rumors about Franz's former squire. It seems that he was an exiled nobleman from France who once worked as a dancing girl.

This is very similar to the experience of Lola Montes, after all she was a dancer from Paris.

Secondly, there are many true and false rumors about Franz. Some people say that he was born knowing everything and could learn everything without a teacher. He could even teach professors as a child and answer questions in the scriptures for bishops. Confuse.

However, some people say that Franz actually suffered from a serious mental illness and was an uneducated bastard. Those professors were threatened and had to say so, otherwise they would not be able to stay in Vienna.

As for the so-called achievements of leading expeditions, everyone in the aristocratic circle knows what is going on, and it is just gilding.

However, Bavaria where Laura Montes is located is Mrs. Sophie's natal family. As her elder brother, Ludwig I naturally knew some things that outsiders did not know.

And this kind of half-truth and half-false rumors are most likely to attract people like Laura Montes, and she doesn't mind taking a gamble.

In the end, no matter how you look at it, Franz seems to be a kind and kind man, which can minimize the danger.

But Franz doesn’t want this fly. Not to mention her ambition, fame alone will put Franz in a disadvantageous situation.

Secondly, Laura Montes' so-called ability is not worth mentioning in Franz's opinion. It is not easy to guess Franz's movements from the national level, but it is not difficult to just follow him.

Even if you only stay at a few key points, there is a high chance that you will encounter Franz's convoy.

The most important thing is that as Franz's strength continues to grow, the era of relying solely on individuals to control intelligence has passed.

At this time, there are four intelligence agencies in his hands that are not under each other's control. This kind of workload cannot be completed by one person.

Moreover, the day is approaching for Franz to come to the stage. He must keep clean and forget about such things that damage his reputation.

Therefore, Laura Montes's value to Franz is negative, and telling her to get out is considered polite.

Franz can capture him and interrogate him strictly, and maybe he will get some unexpected surprises, such as some palace secrets, or hidden gold, cultural relics, etc.

Then it can be sent to Munich and handed over to the nationalists, so that Franz can earn another favor.

However, considering Franz's relationship with the Wittelsbach family and his personal position, doing so may cause some unnecessary trouble, so out of sight is out of mind.Laura Montes was a little stunned, but she didn't say any cruel words such as "I will come back!" or "You will regret it!" and just left the motorcade in despair.

"Archduke Franz, she knows your location, doesn't it need to be dealt with?"

Mia Artiles asked politely.

"No need, the Venetia region has been basically pacified at this time, and with the size of our team, it will be useless even if she brings all the rebels in Venetia."

In fact, Franz hoped that Laura Montes would spread his news to the rebels, so that he could save some energy.

However, Laura Montes did not have the courage. She left Austria as quickly as possible, and then she was going to try her luck in the Netherlands.

Of course, flies will not bite seamless eggs. The scandal that William II relied on his mistress to govern the country has long spread throughout the European aristocratic circles. Lola Montes felt that she still had a chance.

One day later, Venice.

Before Franz entered the city, someone sent a message: "The Pope has come down."

This news caused a burst of exclamation in the team. The Austrian officers and soldiers looked at each other. They couldn't believe their ears and were a little at a loss.

In fact, most of them are Catholics, so they still have some respect for the Pope.It's okay to let them fight the troops of the Papal State, but if they really fight the Pope, they are still afraid of going to hell.

Franz was not surprised. After hearing that the Pope had handed over all his power, he knew that this day would come to Pius IX.

When Franz heard that the Pope had sent all his followers to the battlefield, he knew that this day was not far away.

Both Bordeaux and Monta looked at Franz. Although they were also Franz's cronies, they did not know about this, so they both looked at Franz with questioning eyes.

"Now that the Pope has crowned himself, we naturally have to entertain him well."

Venice city, town hall.

Franz finally met Pius IX himself. Although the latter wore a gold-rimmed robe and held a scepter that had been passed down for thousands of years, he still could not hide his haggardness and decline.

"Hello, Your Majesty the Pope. Please forgive me for the long absence."

Franz knelt down on one knee very respectfully. This was the highest courtesy a royal family could give, and only the Pope could bear it.

This made Pius IX a little surprised, but what followed was a surprise.To be honest, he has been the pope for so long, and no one with real status has ever treated him with such courtesy.

However, at this time, Pius IX was no longer the political novice who released all political prisoners without thinking when he was in Rome.

Then the Pope felt a rare moment of fear, and he quickly leaned down to help Franz up.

"Child, I think you should know that our faith and my holy city are in danger."

"of course."

(End of this chapter)

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