Chapter 884 Fire in the Backyard
"Where are you, Mr. Major?"

"I will live and die with this place! Take my sword, soldier, and tell them how the [-]nd Infantry Regiment of Udine fought bravely!"

"Mr. Major, your hands are shaking."

"I drank too much, it's okay."

"But all the wine was drunk the day before yesterday."

".Don't you know there is a place called Jiuquan?"

"Sir, I have never heard of it in the three years since I came here."

"Five years!"

"Eight years!"

The other soldiers talked all over the place.

"Hmph! If I can go back alive, I will definitely take you to see it next time."

"Major, don't do it again, we are all going to die. Look, the Italian coalition is attacking again."

"You guys leave quickly! I can delay the city gate for a while longer if I blow it down."

Major Bolining said eagerly, but the others did not respond.The soldiers all picked up their weapons and walked to the top of the city.

"What are you doing? Do you know how many of them there are?"

"I don't know, but I've fought them off many times, so I can do it this time."

A veteran spat out the hard bread in his mouth. The cook ran away, so they had to make their own bread.

These soldiers used to eat porridge (a paste made by mixing edible things into a pot and cooking them).
The other soldiers also looked indifferent.

"If we leave now, there will be no military pay."

"Yes, and if those religious priests rule, the world will become worse. I escaped from the Papal States, and I think my life is pretty good now."

"We are all the same as you, we are all unwanted people. Only this fortress needs us, and now we are willing to live and die with you."


Before Bolai Ning could finish his words, he was knocked down by a soldier with a rifle butt.

"Carry him and go! A fake nobleman works harder than those real noblemen. We have fought for so many days, and we are worthy of those military salaries."

At this time Sentinel Geno ran back.

"No, no, no. It's not good."

"Why are you stuttering again!" Veteran Youzi was very angry.

"I don't have time to fool around with you, my brothers are still busy running for their lives!"

"There are more people behind!"

Sentinel Geno finally finished his sentence.

But as soon as these words came out, the soldiers immediately went into an uproar. They thought they could still escape, but they didn't expect to be outflanked by the other party.

"Damn it! Did it with them!"

At this time, Sentinel Geno spoke again, "I can't do it."

"Why?" "It's one of our own."

Albrecht was not a general who liked defense. In fact, he was just the opposite of his father. He pursued offensive doctrine, that is, offense is the best defense.

When he learned that the soldiers in the Bereni Valley Fortress were still resisting, Albrecht immediately decided to rush to help.

In fact, no officer would give up this opportunity to block the road. He just judged based on previous intelligence and his experience that the Italian coalition forces would get out of the valley before them.

That's why Albrecht built the Po River defense line, but at this time he would not let go of the opportunity to beat the dog.

So this time the Italian coalition was completely unable to attack, because all Albrecht brought were Austrian regular troops.

In addition to some elite troops who were already equipped with lever-action rifles, other troops were also equipped with new rifled guns, which greatly improved the accuracy of shooting.

For the first time, the Italian coalition's casualties exceeded four digits in one day. More than 300 corpses were abandoned directly under the walls of Bereni Fortress.

The gap in equipment firepower and training was too great, coupled with the advantages of the fortress, putting the two sides in a completely unequal position.

If the valley terrain was not inconvenient for pursuit, Albrecht would have even wanted to expand his victory.

However, this crazy behavior was stopped by his officers. It was not that the officers felt that they could not win, but that the soldiers who were marching in a continuous rapid way needed a rest.

Moreover, in this kind of valley terrain, once the Austrian army chases out, then our own side will be at a disadvantage, and it is better to waste it here.

Anyway, the Austrian side has a fortress that can protect them from wind and rain, and the Italians can only pitch tents in the mountains.

At this time, Boral was already confused. He did not expect that so many people would die in one day, but fortunately, these were not his direct descendants.

Although the Austrians achieved a great victory, they did not catch up. What does this prove?It proved that the Austrians were incapable of chasing them out.

After figuring this out, Boral no longer panicked. He actually thought this was good. After all, the military power was now in his hands. Anyone who disobeyed him would be sent to death.

As a result, the Italian coalition forces were no longer in a hurry to attack, which made Albrecht very puzzled.

"Do they have enough supplies?"

The mountain road is difficult to travel and there are disasters, which is not enough, but these will definitely not short-circuit the officer, so Bolar does not feel too deeply about this.

But now a greater disaster is waiting for them
Papal States, Rome.

“As long as Italy was unable to defend itself, the Austrian government committed violence, pillage, and rape, and these barbarous soldiers set fire, killed, and reduced everything to ruins.

I saw Radetzky going to war with the cross of Christ, knocking down the monastery doors, desecrating the altar with horses, violating the remains of our priests
The Holy See has blessed your swords, and together with Carlo Alberto's army, head north!
Destroy these enemies of God and Italy, those who revile Pius IX, desecrate the churches of Mantua, and murder the monks of Lombardy.
Such a civilized war to eliminate barbarians is not only for the country, but also for all Christians. "

The Holy See Secretary of State Joe Thiel has given this speech countless times. The people are tired of hearing it. They only care about when their families can come back and when they can have enough to eat.

No one knew that the Kingdom of Sardinia had declared neutrality at this time and was discussing alliance matters with the Austrians.

Other countries in the Mediterranean naval battle may think that it was the work of the French, but Carlo Alberto knew very well that it was the Austrian navy that did it.

As the saying goes, those who understand current affairs are heroes. Almost at the end of the Mediterranean naval battle, the Kingdom of Sardinia once again announced that it would change its position and support the Austrian Empire in the next war.

At this time, Pius IX was still dreaming of unifying Italy with religious victory, but the Papal State government never thought that the cost of the war would be so huge. In fact, they were already in debt from the first day of the expedition.

Now that all the surplus grain in the national treasury has been emptied, they can only increase the war tax.

At this time, it was a year of disaster, and ordinary people had no food surplus at home. Adding the war tax was equivalent to forcing people to rebel.

And those liberals are even more ridiculous. They still want to make money and have come up with a bunch of temporary laws.

As a result, driven by this freedom, prices in the Papal States skyrocketed and public dissatisfaction boiled.

At this time, the liberal government pointed the finger at Pius IX himself.
(End of this chapter)

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