Chapter 880 National Song
Kossuth had long been accustomed to the bluffing tactics of these nobles. In fact, the more he came into contact with them, the more pitiful he felt about these people.

They can only live in their own circle, use some standardized words, and live within a certain range.

It's really ridiculous, how can a person without freedom be called a noble?

"I don't mean to force you. If you don't want to listen, you can leave and leave a place for those who want to listen."

Naturally, the conservative congressman did not have the courage to go out, but his status as a nobleman prevented him from letting go of his arrogance. Although he was panicking inside, he still had to pretend to be angry.

Kossuth smiled slightly mockingly and began his speech.

"Three hundred years have passed since the Austrians stole the crown of St. Stephen.

For us Hungarians, this is a hell of constant pain.

God has blessed this country with all the elements of wealth and happiness. It has an area of ​​284898.69 square kilometers and a population of 500 million.

It was strategically located at the center of Europe, its resources were rich, and its land was fertile enough to feed the entire Austrian Empire.

It can be said that without us, Austria would not be what it is today. It was we who blocked the Arabs. Without us, Western civilization would have ceased to exist! "

The audience immediately burst into warm applause. All this was under Kossuth's control. He pressed his hands and continued.

“But the sacrifices of our great nation and great country did not earn us gratitude, but only gave us a pair of shackles!
It was our support in the War for the Austrian Throne that allowed the Lorraine-Hapsburg family to secure the throne, but after they made peace, the first thing they did was to suppress us!

This is blatant betrayal!

In fact, there has never been a family in the world as lucky as the Habsburgs. They can enjoy the benefits as long as they don't hinder the development of this country.

But the Austrians are afraid, they are afraid, and dare not give us a constitution and moderate liberties.

They are jealous of the freedom of the Hungarians, jealous of the power of the Hungarians, and they want to bind us forever!

Just like all the other peoples who were deprived of their freedom, they locked us in the tank of slavery!
They want to kill our creativity!Kill our freedom!Take away the power given to us by God!
In order for us to benefit Austria!In order to let their fool emperor spend extravagance! "

"Mr. Kossuth is right! It is said that Ferdinand I only ate the brains of animals, which were as big as a whole cow. He ate the brains of the cow and fed the rest to his hunting dogs.

A cow for one meal is such a waste! "

A Hungarian parliamentarian said while gesturing as if he saw it with his own eyes.

A group of people who didn't know what was going on were immediately filled with indignation. They really couldn't imagine that someone would be so wasteful at this time when they were not picking up porn.

But some opponents scoffed.

"Have you been to Vienna? The Emperor invited you to visit?"

"Do you know how much a cow's brain weighs? You wouldn't be able to bear the brains of three cows a day."

"Isn't His Majesty the Emperor unable to move? Can he still have dogs?"

Kossuth was helpless because of the poor ability of his subordinates to praise him. After all, most of these people were from humble backgrounds, and those genuine college students could not do such dirty deeds.

So he could only pretend not to hear and continue speaking.

"I am not a fan of rebellion, but I feel that when a country is forced to ally itself with its enemies for a long time it is natural that we should expel the evil ruler.

In addition to this, the Austrians were guilty of many crimes, hiring foreign armies to murder their own people.Although Hungary ostensibly had an independent government, they were nothing more than puppets of the Vienna cabinet.

They are the means by which the Austrians rule us!They use the blood and money of our people to please their Austrian masters, putting our interests behind palace intrigues, and we are nothing more than an Austrian colony.

The Italians have succeeded in Sicily, and the French and Czechs will raise the flag of righteousness against their masters!
What are we waiting for? ! "

(The speech is a bit rough, but the original version is rougher.)
The Kossuth faction in the Pest Parliament was naturally excited, but the conservative and liberal bosses were a little worried.

Because this is different from what they had agreed before, what they want is the opportunity to negotiate with the Austrian government, rather than actually going to war with the Austrians.

At this time, they all turned their attention to Bojani Lajos, who was both a Hungarian noble and a commissioner sent by Austria.

The new governor, Baujani Lajosh, stood up and began to take the lead in applauding, and the others could only stand up and applaud.

The big nobles and big capitalists were very depressed. They never expected that such a speech would actually impress the Hungarian governor.

But what they didn't know was that Bojani Lajosh had exchanged many letters with Kossuth when he was in Vienna, so the latter would act like this on this occasion.

In fact, if there was no such relationship, Bojani Lajos would have detained Kossuth without any reason or killed him directly, and those Hungarian nationalists would have been unable to do anything.

But without this relationship, Kossuth would not be so stupid as to fall into the tiger's mouth.

Outside the Pest Congress, Petofi hardly said a word along the way, just lowering his head and thinking about something.

Many people were afraid of their leader, but in fact, Petofi completed the greatest work of his life, "Song of the Nation" along the way.

(I will publish a separate free chapter about the National Song for everyone to read, so I will leave it here to count the words.)
".Swear to the God of Hungary,
We swear an oath,

We swear, we

No more slavery! "

Petofi's impromptu poem infected the marching crowd, and people began to sing the catchy lyrics.

Thousands of voices recited with him, and the crowd gathered more and more, but the noisy voices disappeared and were replaced by reciting in unison.

The spectacular sight and momentum of tens of thousands of people singing in unison cannot be compared to the concerts of later generations of singers, but the same is the same crazy crowd.

The marching crowd sang the "Song of the Nation" over and over again while tearing down the fence and storming the parliament hall.

The overwhelming momentum frightened the war horses so much that they raised their hooves high, and the military police could only keep retreating under the impact of the people.

At this time, Kossuth inside the court took good advantage of the commotion outside. He shouted loudly to those members who were still hesitant.

"Hear this is the cry of Hungary! Either obey it! Or be swallowed up by it! Decide for yourself!"

The overwhelming voice outside cannot be deceived. Those nobles naturally know that power is stronger than others.

A quarter of an hour later, Kossuth appeared in front of the Grand Council of Pest.

The crowd immediately burst into loud cheers, knowing they had won.

(End of this chapter)

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