Chapter 875

March 1848, 3, Western Mediterranean.

According to London's plan, Edward Princeton dispatched ten main battleships and twenty auxiliary ships of various types to Durrës to prepare for the blockade of the Adriatic Sea.

His plan was to use the main force to suppress the French Grand Eastern Fleet, and then use the squadron and the favorable position of Durrës to blockade the Austrian Navy.

Although this would put the British Mediterranean Navy at a relative disadvantage compared to France's Great Eastern Fleet, it is difficult to ensure that they have sufficient combat effectiveness now that the French regime has changed.

Moreover, Edward Princeton had enough confidence in his own fleet. Not to mention the Great Eastern Fleet, even if the French transferred the Great Western Fleet, he could escape even if he couldn't defeat it.

After all, the speed of British naval warships was the fastest in the world at this time. In the windless zone of the Mediterranean, the French could not create miracles, so he was so confident.

As for the blockade of the Austrian navy by twenty battleships, Edward Princeton felt that it was a bit of a fuss.

He was not questioning the intelligence of the Austrians, but the Austrian naval commander must be an idiot because he actually wanted to build an iron-hulled ship.

In fact, Edward Princeton still did not believe that iron-hulled ships could float on the sea. Not only did he believe that iron-clad ships could float on the sea, but at this time, most of the generals of the British Navy thought that iron-clad ships were nonsense.

Then combined with some not-so-good rumors about the Habsburg family, Edward Princeton easily concluded that Frederick was a fool.

Especially after the latter married an Arab woman, he could already conclude that Friedrich had some serious illness.

And to put it another way, even if the Adriatic Sea Battle was lost, the British Navy could still withdraw into the port of Durrës.

Unless one side has an absolute advantage in the battle, this kind of port attack and defense battle may last for several months.

Moreover, the Austrians' target was Pius IX of Rome. Even if they succeeded, it would not be a big deal. The British government could just unite other countries to continue to sanction Austria.

The most difficult thing is the small boats that the French use to transport supplies.
March 1848, 3, fog.

Edward Princeton hated foggy days the most, because his view of the sea was almost completely blocked, and he didn't know what would happen after the fog lifted.

In the port of Toulon, the French Grand Orient Fleet came out in full force. Fleet Commander Backaway Reynaud refused the appointment of the provisional government, but he would fight for France until the last moment of his life.

Baqueway Reynaud first threw the marshal's scepter and medal awarded by the French Provisional Government into the sea, and then tore off the royal coat of arms symbolizing the Orleans Dynasty and also threw it into the sea.

"Brothers! The British warships are showing off outside the port of Toulon! This is our French inland sea. As French soldiers, can we tolerate it?

The enemy is running rampant right at the gate of our country. Why should they intercept our ship?Why don't you recognize our country?
The thing is, the British never lose!The British think their navy is the best in the world!But they met us today!They're doomed!
They think we don't dare to challenge!But we just don’t have the Nile Estuary, Copenhagen, or Trafalgar!They must pay for the centuries-old blood feud!

Today we are neither kings nor conquerors!We are only here for France!Even if we are buried in the sea today, we will die for honor.

This battle is related to the honor of our French nation, the life and death of millions of French people overseas, and the dignity of our French nation!
We are only allowed to win and not lose. Anyone, including me, who takes a step back can immediately implement military law! "

When the fog cleared, the situation that Edward Collinston least expected to encounter happened. An entire French fleet appeared in front of them.

"Damn it! Can't they just stay in the port? That would be good for us all!"

Edward Princeton roared hysterically, because at this time he only had thirty battleships in hand, and splitting his forces has always been a taboo in naval warfare.

However, as an experienced naval officer, he immediately ordered the fleet to spread horizontally to seize the T head.Although the British Mediterranean Fleet is not as elite as the North Sea Fleet, it is still a fleet with high hopes. In addition, with an excellent commander like Edward Princeton, the tactics are implemented very resolutely, and the formation is deployed immediately. .

But they soon discovered that this was completely unnecessary, because the French had no intention of playing T-grabbing tactics with them, but dozens of ships rushed straight towards the British fleet.

The T-fighting tactic has its advantages if it can last for hundreds of years. The British army that grabbed the T-head severely damaged France as soon as they came up, and two [-]-ton battleships were directly severely damaged.

Buckway Reynolds' flagship even had one mast broken. Edward Collinston discovered the opponent's flagship in the telescope. He immediately ordered a semaphore and concentrated all firepower to sink the enemy's flagship.

"You asked for it!"

Edward Collinson said coldly.

Buckway Renault watched the first mate who had been following him for many years fall in a pool of blood. Just now, this old friend used his chest to block the flying deck for himself.

However, he didn't even have time to grieve for a moment before he pushed away the dead helmsman and shouted.

"Everyone! Right rudder! Prepare to engage the enemy!"

The French flagship's sudden change of direction evaded most of the British fleet's firepower, but still suffered heavy losses.

But that doesn't matter anymore, because Buckway Renault's flagship has been inserted directly into the center of the British Mediterranean Fleet, next to a British third-class battleship.

The two sides immediately started a bloody and cruel artillery battle at zero distance. The gunners on both sides could see the sweat and tears on the other side's face.




The commanders on both sides shouted heartbreakingly, but their voices disappeared in the next second.

The huge solid projectile shot through the side of the ship, splattering sawdust and flesh everywhere.The destructive power of the artillery at almost zero range is unimaginable, and some soldiers were directly beaten into a mist of blood.

But it was just the beginning. While the British army was still looking for living gunners in the ruins and preparing for the second round of shooting, countless anchor hooks were thrown at the British ship. The French were going to fight desperately.

This is just a microcosm of the battlefield. The French soldiers are not lacking in blood. In fact, they have been suppressed by Guizot and Louis Philippe for too long.

In addition to making France's diplomatic situation unprecedentedly bad, the new French provisional government was also very afraid of the British and strictly ordered the Great Eastern Fleet not to go to war.

Like all the navy soldiers, Baqueway Renaud could only get drunk day and night in the Port of Toulon, and at the same time he had to endure people's criticism. Even some prostitutes laughed at them as weaklings without seed.

But one day the Count of Chambord found them, and at first Buckway Reno thought he was just another usurper trying to win over him.

But Count Chambord said that he could help France get rid of the British fleet, just to see if they had the courage to take a gamble.

(End of this chapter)

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