In fact, the reason why it is impossible to figure out the number of rebels is not that there is too little information, but that there is too much information sent back, making it impossible to distinguish between true and false.

When Franz's troops arrived at the gates of Venice, an ominous premonition enveloped his heart. The gates of the huge Venice city were closed, but there was not a single soldier on the wall.

Colonel Monta sent someone to call the door, but there was no answer after calling several times.

"Blast the city gate open!"

Franz said firmly.

"But Your Excellency, how can we defend the city gate if we blow it up?"

Colonel Monta was in trouble at this time, because they not only had to capture the city of Venice, but also had to hold it with an unknown number of rebels.

Although the city gate of Venice is very thick and reinforced with steel bars, Colonel Monta really has a way to open it at this time.

Since Franz had come up with nitroglycerin very early, the Weapons Development Bureau had also come up with corresponding weapons, but the passivation was not very successful.

Although this kind of early detonator is powerful, it is also very dangerous. The person carrying it must stay away from the team.

The detonator made of nitroglycerin is extremely unstable and is used as a weapon, so it is fully capable of destroying an entire transport team.

Its actual power is even greater than TNT, which is known to later generations. When one kilogram of nitroglycerin explodes, it can generate 715L of gaseous material, and the heat released during the explosion.


This power is more than thirty times that of black powder. Even reinforced concrete cannot withstand the explosion of a five kilogram detonator, let alone the wooden structure in front of you covered with iron steel plates.

"My men can climb up and open the gate inside."

Colonel Monta suggested, but Franz didn't want to hear it.

"Execute the order, we don't have time to waste here."


Seeing that Franz had made up his mind, Colonel Monta immediately ordered the city gate to be blown up. With a loud bang, the city gate, which could withstand direct fire from an 18-pounder gun, was blown away. The remaining wood chips directly beat the people behind the door into pieces. fragmented.

Franz didn't know who they were, but after Franz and his party revealed their identities, they still pretended to be dead and hid behind the door with weapons in their hands. It seemed that they deserved to die.

The two cavalrymen at the front rushed to the city hall carrying the Austrian military flag and the flag of the Habsburg family.

Franz's order was:
"Anyone who tries to stop us will be killed without mercy."

However, the entire street was surprisingly empty, and no fighting took place.

At this time, the scout reported that he had caught a sneaky man. Before Franz could speak, the man shook his head like a rattle.

"I do not know anything."

Franz took out his pistol and shot the man in the left leg.

"Oh! God!" The man hugged his leg and shouted in pain, and Franz pointed the gun at his other leg expressionlessly.

"My name is Marcello, I serve Mr. Ma Ning, and now Mr. Ma Ning is forcing General Li Qi to hand over his military power.

The two sides have already discussed it, but General Li Qi asked that the city be handed over to the citizens' committee after dinner."

Marcello immediately poured out everything he knew. Colonel Monta and Bordeaux looked happy, but Franz remained expressionless. "Take him down and treat him. We will rush to the city hall immediately."

When Monta and Bordeaux heard that General Li Qi would hand over the city after dinner, they were relieved. After all, there were still two hours before sunset.

There are still [-] troops in Venice, and the troops they bring are enough to wipe out the rebellion in the city.

The city of Venice not only has a high city and a deep pool with many artillery, but also the most critical port and fleet. Even if it cannot be defeated, retreating will not be a problem.

But Franz felt that Monta and Bordeaux were too optimistic. Although General Li Qi was incompetent, it was too hasty to directly hand over the city, and it was possible that most of the [-] troops were Italians.

In fact, the reason why the rebellion was difficult to suppress was precisely because many of the rebels were originally Austrian soldiers. They were very familiar with the Austrian army's tactics, so they were able to win by surprise.

Venice, City Hall.

Daniele Manin was a very good orator. He succeeded in convincing Li Qi and his army that the rebels in Venice numbered 10, that Milan had fallen, that Radetzky was finished, and that the Papal States were The army had crossed the Po River and was heading straight for Venice.

But Daniele Manin was not lying at all. Alois Parffy and his army were indeed dispersed.

Daniele Manin has convinced nearly half of Li Qi's troops to join his Civil Guard and will give them official positions on the Citizens' Council.

The reason why General Fernando Lizzie did not hand over the city to Daniele Manin at this time was not because the former insisted on having dinner.

But it was Al Pacino Corleone and his Pier Brotherhood, as well as the Venetian Navy.

Although Archduke Friedrich had followed Franz's advice and moved the naval headquarters to Trieste, there was still a naval branch and naval sanatorium and other facilities in the Venice area.

I have to say that these gangsters and gangster-like sailors were still very loyal at this time. They defended the harbor area, and with the support of naval heavy artillery, the rebel attack was a joke.

For this reason, Daniele Manin had to convince Fernando Rizzi, the supreme commander of the city of Venice, to hand over all the forts in Venice to the rebels.

Because once Fernando Lizi dies, Rear Admiral Admiral Admiral of the Navy will become the highest commander in the entire city.

If Major General Admila guards these forts, no matter how many rebel troops Daniele Manin sends, it will be useless.

The only ones that could sink the warships in the port were the coastal defense guns. As the sun set, the sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded.

"Archduke Franz is here! The army of the Austrian Empire is here! We are victorious!"

A group of cavalrymen with loud voices shouted in both German and German, which confused the rebels and those who were preparing to surrender.

Those soldiers who did not want to surrender were ecstatic, and the cavalry passed through the half-joyful, half-confused crowd.

Fernando Lizzie also heard the shouts outside. The hesitation he had just opened the window disappeared and he shouted excitedly.

"Long live the Austrian Empire!"


A shot rang out. Fernando Lizzie, the commander of the Venetian city defense army, fell forward in disbelief, fell out of the window and fell heavily to the ground.

"Listen! They are lying! Kill all those Austrians! Close the city gates! The heavenly army of the Papal States will arrive tomorrow!"

Daniele Manin roared angrily. This was the only way he could think of to save the defeat at this time. He didn't want to be a prisoner anymore.

Sorry for coming home late, I haven't eaten yet. .

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