The huge Bavaria only lasted five days. This was all due to the developed railway lines in the German region. At this time, the total length of railways in the German region had exceeded [-] kilometers, while at the same time in history, it was only [-] kilometers.

By the way, at this time, the total length of railways in Britain and the United States had exceeded [-] kilometers, and Austria ranked third with [-] kilometers.

Louis Philippe's ambitions have not been realized. At this time, the total length of French railways was only 2100 kilometers, which was slightly stronger than the [-] kilometers at the same time in history.

Seeing Bavaria fall, other German princes became even more frightened, and at the same time, this greatly strengthened the confidence of the nationalists.

In panic, princes from all walks of life wrote letters to Austria and Prussia asking for help. However, Prussia at this time was also suffering from nationalism.

Various factions are under the banner of nationalism. The historical zoo rally only had more than 2 people, but at this time, nearly 10 people participated, accounting for nearly one-third of the entire Berlin population.

However, the Prussian army was still very fierce. They opened fire on the assembled people regardless of their numerical disadvantage. As a result, the army of more than 2000 people was besieged by fifty times the number of people.

In the end, General Leopold von Gerlach, King William IV's aide-de-camp, and his immediate troops were all killed, and for a time the streets were filled with the corpses of Prussian soldiers.

However, the people did not choose to storm the palace, so the Prussian royal guard breathed a sigh of relief.

However, what was even more chaotic than Berlin was the Rhine region. When this storm swept across the Rhine region, the Archbishop of Cologne directly announced that the Rhine region would gain autonomy.

Marshal Carl von Hagen, the commander-in-chief of the Rhine region, wanted to send troops to suppress the attack, but was placed under house arrest by the German nationalist officers around him.

Most of the senior officials in the Rhine region were nationalists who had infiltrated the Prussian government's "Hydra", and they were about to tear the entire Prussia in half.

All this happened within a dozen days, which was somewhat unacceptable to Frederick William IV.

If he bows his head now, Prussia will inevitably become a dualist country, but if he doesn't bow his head, he may lose his head like Louis XVI.

Finally, William IV decided to write a letter to Austria asking for help.
At this time, Austria was relatively calm and there were no rebellions or forced palace incidents. However, a large number of German nationalists poured into Bohemia, and both sides turned the streets into battlefields.

Several demonstrations broke out in Vienna, with German nationalists demanding the expulsion of the Czechs to join the Russians east of the Carpathians.

However, due to the strong internal inspection system, these small-scale riots quickly subsided, and citizens became relatively law-abiding.

The mainstream media has long been controlled by Franz, and some tabloids that like to spread random news have been dealt with in a timely manner. Overall, there are no major problems with public opinion.

In fact, there is another reason, and that is that the student party, which is the most difficult to deal with, has not yet started school.Franz's plan was to delay the opening of school, which immediately aroused enthusiastic responses from the majority of school scum.

All those who came to the school in advance were sent back to their place of origin, and those who stayed in the name of scientific research had to take an exam. Those who passed the test were sent to Tyrol to continue scientific research, and those who failed were directly repatriated. Under this operation, the combat effectiveness of the rebels suddenly dropped by two orders of magnitude.

College students in the [-]th century were too precious, and Franz couldn't bear the pain of murdering them. However, young people were easily affected by some emotions and thoughts after all, so he had no choice but to take this approach.

The northern Italian region also looks very peaceful under the suppression of strong military force.

At the same time, the huge fines have also made those local tycoons afraid. The poor will probably go to the colonies to pay off their debts, but the rich squires will have their families ruined.

Al Pacino Corleone and his gang, as well as fellow outsiders, exacted massive revenge on the local bullies who bullied them in Northern Italy.

A large number of scandals were exposed, and the news was widely spread in the taverns. The people did not want to be fools and let the gentlemen pick the peaches with their own blood and tears.As for the nationalists and the Jesuits under Pius IX, there were more scandals. Many of the former were wanted, while the latter were typical examples of the unkindness and hypocrisy of wealth.

In fact, not only the media in Vienna, but also most newspapers in northern Italy had business dealings with Franz and were even directly controlled by him.

Therefore, only things that should appear in the newspaper will appear, and some things that should not appear will not appear. This is a unilateral massacre of the rebels by the Austrian government, and there is no counterattack.

Except for some chaos in Bohemia, normal order is basically maintained in other areas, and the country's operations are relatively normal.

Metternich was considering sending troops to the German region, but he quickly rejected it because God knew whether Austria would encounter the same trouble.

While Franz was recruiting troops in Tyrol, he was also collecting intelligence at home and abroad. It seems that after these years of development, Austria will not be as precarious as it was in history.

But it is a pity that the Hungarians did not move. Of course, the Hungarians are not stupid. They cannot act rashly without unrest in Austria.

As for Italy, both Sardinia and the Pope are just clowns.

Franz can guarantee that if Carlo Alberto dares to act rashly at this time, at least [-] troops will invade Turin.

However, it was a clown that Franz could not even look at that changed everything.

1848 2 Month 16 Day.

Pius IX issued an edict denying entry to Austrians and required the Austrian Empire to withdraw from the Papal States.

This edict will be notified to all Western countries, so France, Britain, Prussia, Spain, the Kingdom of Sardinia, and the Ottoman Empire jointly issued a statement demanding that Austria return the territory of the Papal State.

At the same time, Pius IX also authorized all citizens of the Papal States to raise their own armed forces and violently expel the Austrians.

For a time, Austria, which had been peaceful for a long time, was directly pushed to the forefront. After all, at this time, all countries in the world hoped to pass on domestic conflicts.

This was an almost unsolvable situation. Franz thought about it for a long time. Austria had no way to escape unscathed, and had no choice but to abandon its car to protect its leader, otherwise it would be the enemy of the whole world.

But this retreat was too difficult for Metternich. All his efforts for the rest of his life were devoted to the land of the Papal States. He wanted to annex Central Italy to realize the old emperor's and his own dreams.

Franz didn't care about the land of the Papal States, and Metternich was indeed a little too hasty.It would be fine if it was just two pieces of land on the border, but he would dig into everyone's heart.

It was strange that Pius IX had no reaction, but this kind of offending someone to death was indeed not something ordinary people could do.

Based on the Pope's behavior and the corrupt officials under him, the land of the Papal States will belong to Austria sooner or later, and it is only a matter of time before it can be taken back.

In fact, there is another reason why Franz doesn't care much about the land in the Papal States, and that is that the land here is too barren, and he has to spend money on it every year.

However, what Franz was worried about was whether Pius IX would cause any more trouble in the future. At this time, he had already made up his mind to send the Pope to another world to harm others.

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