Chapter 829 Mercury seals the coffin
St. Michael the Archangel God.

Protecting me is like an enemy.

Help me and wait.To defeat the evil schemes of the devil.

Pray to God.

The fate demon retreats far away.

Your great god.Commander of the heavenly host.

With the main divine power.Bring Satan and his parade around the world.

A demon that harms human souls.

Drive them all into hell.


——Excerpt from "The Book of Exorcism"

Vatican, St. Peter's Square.

Residents of Rome, ambassadors from various countries, senior leaders of the Papal State, 48 cardinals in red robes, and even His Majesty the Pope will attend in person.

The identity of the exorcists in the Papal States has always been very mysterious, especially the chief exorcist who only listens to the call of the Pope himself.

It is said that he has been leading his disciples outside the territory to fight against the 740 evil spirits in hell.

Some people say that together with mysterious organizations from all over the world, they are guarding a seal related to the fate of mankind.
Some even say that this exorcist has lived for more than [-] years and has witnessed mountains rising from the ocean.
Under the scorching sun, a pale-skinned man wearing a black robe accompanied the Pope onto the high platform. His hair was gray, but his face was firm, and there was no trace of hesitation in his movements, making it impossible to judge his age.

There is no doubt that the man standing next to the Pope is the legendary chief exorcist. The cardinals all stood up.

Holy hymns resound through the sky
Pius IX raised his scepter, and the whole place was immediately silent. He solemnly announced.

"Our brother, the beloved Bishop Minofil, has left us, but instead of ascending to heaven, his soul was taken away by the devil."

The whole place immediately erupted in exclamations, and people began to whisper. After all, the theory of ghosts and gods has existed since ancient times, but it is rare for it to come from the mouth of a big man like the Pope.

"Quiet! We know you feel angry, scared, and helpless, but the Lord will bless you. No evil spirit can harm you in this holy city!"

(Omit lengthy leadership speech)

"We have caught the two devils who started the Swiss civil war. The crimes they committed are too numerous to describe."

A whole box of files was brought up.

"Every volume, every page, every word here is an indictment of them!"

Pius IX picked up a volume at random, opened it and read aloud.

"On February 1847, 2, Joseph Loy ordered the arrest of all Catholic monks in the canton of Friborg and the seizure of all monasteries."

Pius IX picked up another volume.

"On March 1847, 3, Frei Holoser ordered the village of Interla that refused to pay taxes to be burned down. All the men were killed, and the women were sent to the labor force. He actually didn't even spare the 21-year-old old lady!"

Every time Pius IX said this, the audience would exclaim. He felt that the fire was enough, so he raised his scepter.

Several strong priests escorted two men with black hoods onto the high platform, and then removed their hoods. The two men immediately struggled as if they were afraid of the scorching sun.

"They are Joseph Loy and Frei Holosa, the initiators of everything!"

The audience immediately let out earth-shattering shouts, including fear, anger, and excitement.At this time, the man in black robe spoke, his voice hoarse like the friction of rusty gears.

"This is not their real name, and they are not the initiator of everything. There is someone else who is the real black hand!"

Hearing this, the British ambassador couldn't help but swallow his saliva. At this time, he only listened to the chief exorcist continue to preach.

"Their real names are actually Agni and Rudra, the two demons under Satan!"

The crowd in the audience once again exclaimed, "It's really the devil. No wonder they are afraid of the sun." Then some people began to pray silently, and the British ambassador breathed a sigh of relief as if he was surviving the disaster.

Although Joseph Loy and Frey Holoser were prisoners at this time, they were once heroes after all, and one of the important causes of the Swiss Civil War was religion.

So they immediately started talking back and forth.

"Why do you call us devils? Are you going to nail us to a cross and roast us?"

In fact, the tactic of hunting witches and crucifixion was done by Protestants in order to plunder the wealth of those widows and carry out primitive accumulation of capital.

The Holy See does not recognize the existence of witches at all, but the exorcists are obviously experienced and will not get entangled in meaningless matters.

He directly took out the cross and raised it in his hand and shouted, "Look directly at me!"

Joseph Loy and Frei Holosa could not open their eyes when facing the chief exorcist holding a cross.

This was seen by the people around them, and they couldn't help but believe that the cross really had the effect of exorcising demons.And those two men who could not look directly at the cross must have been caught by the light of the Lord.

In fact, they guessed half of it right. It was indeed because of the light. The chief exorcist had his back to the sun, while Joseph Loy and Frei Holloser were facing the sun and the cross.

And in order to make the effect better, the priests, at the instruction of the chief exorcist, locked the two people in a small dark room 36 hours in advance, deprived them of water and food, and wore black hoods on the way there.

One way to do this is to make the prisoners have no energy to shout, and the other is to prevent their eyes from adapting to the strong light at this moment.

Of course, this is not a smart approach, nor is it a long-term solution, so the chief exorcist decided to cut the knot quickly.

"Bring me the holy water!"

The deacon on the side carefully held the aspalesorium (a tool for spreading holy water). The chief exorcist took the aspalesorium and poured the holy water on Joseph Loy and Frey. On Holosei.

Only a scream was heard, and the skin on the two people's faces was visibly necrotic, with traces of white gas coming out.
This time it was the cardinals' turn to scream, and the deacon was so frightened that he rolled over.

They are afraid of holy water and will reveal their true colors when exposed to it, which is in line with people's stereotypes.

So the crowd in the audience immediately shouted "Burn them! Burn them!" Joseph Loy and Frei Holosai wanted to defend themselves, but they had no strength, and the pain prevented them from speaking out. Sounds other than howling.

Seeing this scene, Pius IX felt angry and surprised at the same time. He was angry that he actually encountered a demon who killed his general, but he was happy that he had such strange people under him. It seemed that he must be the one chosen by God.

"What do we do? Burn them?"

Pius IX asked in a low voice, and the chief exorcist answered respectfully.

"No, Lord Pope, they are the incarnation of evil spirits. They are not afraid of ordinary fire or swords. Even if they are killed, they will possess other people."

The Pope was horrified and asked.

"Then what should we do?"

"There is only one way, and that is to put them in a crystal coffin, add mercury to seal it, and place them underground in the Holy City under guard day and night. Only in this way can we prevent them from causing trouble in the world again."

"it is good!"

As a result, with thousands of Roman residents watching, the two demons were sealed into mercury coffins.
(End of this chapter)

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