Andres Pretorius knew very well that he could not fight against the British invasion. He had been to Europe and had seen the power of the British, so he knew very well that even if the Boers fought to the last man, they would not be able to defeat this powerful enemy. .

However, Andres Pretorius retreated again and again, while the British advanced again and again. Every time the Boers developed a piece of land and conquered a piece of pasture, they had to pay blood and sweat.

The migration path is never easy. On the way, they have to face various poisonous insects, ferocious beasts, and terrible malaria.

Many Boers lost their lives on the road, and not all land was suitable for development, at least not according to the level of technology at the time.

The land was too poor to support the large population and livestock, and famine soon occurred.As people and animals starved to death and the plague arrived as expected, they were forced to abandon the land they had just acquired and continue to migrate inland.

Among them, the experience of Louis Trica was the most representative. At first, there were nearly 200 people when they left the Cape Colony.

In order to avoid the British and indigenous people, they chose a relatively remote land.Louis Trica and other Boers worked hard for a year, and as a result, many wheats did not bear ears during the harvest season.

So they could only make a living by hunting wild animals, and soon the animals became scarce. At the same time, a disease called "sleeping sickness" began to break out among livestock.

Cattle were the Boers' most valuable asset, so they had to move again.As a result, there was a problem on the route and they deviated from the original route.

First came Louis Trica's father, then his wife, and then his two children. When his team came to the Portuguese colony of Mozambique, he was the only one left among the dozen or so members of the family.

The indigenous people also caused big trouble to the migrating Boers. Under the influence of Black Lives Matter, the Battle of Blood River by the Boers was portrayed as a massacre.

But in fact, before that, the Boer leader Retief negotiated with the Zulu people. The latter claimed that as long as the Boers could help them recover their lost herds, they could allow the former to settle here and allocate some land to them. grazing.

So Retief excitedly went to war with another tribe and recaptured the herd.

When Retief took the herd and his army (less than 100 people) to the Zulu people to fulfill their promise, the Zulu leader Gundin asked the Boers to put down their weapons and go to the big hut according to Zulu tradition. waiting.

So Retief put down his weapons and took the people to the big hut (a place similar to the tribal meeting hall), and then a group of Zulu warriors rushed in and executed all the unarmed Boers.

Crackling the head with wooden sticks and stone hammers seems to be related to some kind of taboo ritual. In the end, after Andres Pretorius won the Battle of the Blood River, he could only identify the deceased from his clothes and belongings.

It was precisely because of these blood, tears and sweat that the Boers were unwilling to give up their hard-won land. Andres Pretorius heard about Luxembourg by chance.

He thinks that he also speaks German, so does that mean he is also German?As a result, Pretorius went to find the Dutch businessman again, and by coincidence, the latter happened to be a Dutch businessman, but he was actually a Luxembourger and an extreme nationalist.

Under his instigation, Pretorius decided to go to Vienna, but he did not know where Austria was, so he had to take a boat to the Netherlands first.

King William II of the Netherlands was not interested in such non-Dutch colonial matters. In fact, Pretorius had no one to introduce him because he did not have enough money to pay the bribe.

After traveling to Luxembourg, the people of Luxembourg were moved by his deeds and even donated a sum of money to him. Speaker Kurdre Jr. even personally took him to Vienna to attend the German Confederation Conference.However, due to the matter of land division, young Kurdre temporarily put aside the matter of Pretorius.

Pretorius also had a good look at Vienna, the most prosperous city in the German Confederation.

In his eyes, this place is much better than the gloomy London, and national sentiment is very contagious. It happened that the German Confederation Congress was convened and nationalists from all walks of life gathered here.

Then came one victory after another. The streets and alleys of Vienna were bombarded with good news. Propaganda was everywhere in the streets and people were talking about these things. Old Pretorius was also successfully brainwashed into a German nationalist.

When the young Kurdrey, who was full of gains, remembered the incident of old Pretorius, the Congress of Vienna had ended, all the monarchs had left, and all that was to be held was a regular meeting of the German Confederation.

But the latter's mood at this time not only did not subside, but a strong sense of national pride arose spontaneously. He had never been so proud in his life.

So the old Pretorius made an impassioned speech and spoke loudly at the German Confederation Congress.The scalp of Count Pillersdorff, the representative of the Austrian Empire, exploded with anger.

Looking at the silent venue, Earl Pillersdorf let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the guy from Lens was sent to California, otherwise we don't know what trouble would have happened.

If young people are angry and say something random, you must know that they are the British, the world's hegemon.The most critical thing is that the Austrian Empire has no navy, and the damn Boers live on the other side of the world.

If a war breaks out between Austria and Britain, then the good times for the Austrians will be over at this point.As a high-ranking figure in the government, Count Pillersdorfer knew exactly how much benefit the colony would provide to Austria every year.

In addition, the overseas trade of the Austrian Empire has experienced an extremely exaggerated increase in recent years, and the market has expanded to all parts of the world.

All of these require smooth sea routes, otherwise resources cannot be transported in, domestic goods cannot be transported out, and overseas markets and colonies will be lost sooner or later.

The British rose up on the corpses of the Spanish and French, and Count Pillersdorfer did not want Austria to be next.

At this time, he discovered that the young man he was taking was acting strangely, as if there was a prehistoric power running around in his body.

Fortunately, Earl Pillersdorf quickly restrained the young man next to him. He hated this kind of intern policy where the old leads the new.

Some young people always can't control their hands and mouths. Fortunately, he is a mature and steady diplomat.

However, he miscalculated, and what Franz least wanted to see happened happened. One "Lens" fell down, and thousands of "Lens" stood up.

The original Confederate Congress turned into a nationalist feast, with young people in the audience shouting, "Down with the British, save our African compatriots, long live Germany!"

The German nationalists made a fuss at the German Confederation Conference and demanded the dispatch of troops to Orange, which cast a shadow over the original victory of the Congress of Vienna.

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