The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria's Mandate of Heaven

Chapter 817 Compromise between Britain and France

London, Whitehall.

The constant, distraught banging on the table was a good representation of John Russell's state of mind, as he had no idea what British intelligence was doing.

After so many years, Vienna's fast communication network has not yet been built. At this time, news from Paris can be sent to London within a day.

You must know that with the density of railways in Austria and the German Confederation at this time, it would only take less than five days to take a train from Vienna to Rotterdam and then take a boat to London.

However, the intelligence agency of the British Empire took five days, which made John Russell have to doubt its professionalism.

However, this is because the new Prime Minister is unprofessional. All intelligence transmissions must be approved first. Just two reviews alone will take two days. In addition, plus changing cars and waiting for the ship on the road, three days is already very fast.

However, this also reflects from the side that the UK still does not pay enough attention to Austria as an opponent, and it pays more attention to its old rival.

Just like the way intelligence is transmitted, the intelligence from Vienna to London must be reviewed at all levels. Even important information such as Austria's dispatch of troops to Switzerland must be confirmed first according to the process.

However, the news from Paris can go through the wartime mechanism. Only preliminary confirmation will be done, bypassing the complicated review and confirmation process, and the information will be sent to the Prime Minister's Office first.

There is another thing that makes John Russell very depressed, that is, it was obviously a stalemate two weeks ago, but why suddenly the war is over and everyone starts to divide the spoils?

What the hell is the German Confederation?Shouldn't this be a problem for Austria and France?Why did Austria, the German Confederation, and Sardinia suddenly join forces to fight against France?

Palmerston was very annoyed that his script had been tampered with, but in any case the feud between France and Austria was settled.

John Russell was very dissatisfied, but France was obviously weaker than the Triple Alliance at this time, and Louis Philippe was not a very courageous person. Could it be that Britain wanted to serve as a pawn for the French?
That is of course impossible. At this time, Palmerston’s advice is:
"We should send people to Vienna to thank various countries for their efforts for European peace. This can reduce the resistance to our diplomacy in the future."

John Russell rolled his eyes at his Foreign Minister. It was hard for him to imagine that there was such a shameless person in the world, and that this person was sitting next to him.

However, this is indeed in line with the British diplomatic strategy at this time. After all, Russia is Britain's biggest enemy, followed by France. As for Austria, which spends all day in the Adriatic Sea, it is not yet in the eyes of the British.

He wanted to laugh when he mentioned the so-called German Confederation. It was strange that this alliance composed of dozens of countries was really capable of fighting.

As for Switzerland’s allies?Sorry, I, the British Empire, only make friends with the victors.

In contrast, Louis Philippe was very determined in agreeing to the Vienna Agreement. In fact, France did not lack brave men and militants.

The Napoleonic elements were staunch militants who desperately wanted to regain power, and the best way was through war.

However, France's finances were on the verge of bankruptcy at this time, and the continuous consumption of domestic and foreign wars made its troops stretched thin.

Moreover, the Orleans faction headed by Louis Philippe did not want to see the military take power, let alone the return of the Napoleon family.

There was great confusion within the Orthodox faction. Some people wanted to instigate Louis Philippe to go to war, and then take the opportunity to promote Count Chambord to the throne.

Some people want to avoid war, because starting a war at this time is not good for France. The war may not only fail to support the Count of Chambord, but may also repeat the mistakes of the French Revolution.

The reason why some people want to go to war is because the goods they have hoarded cannot be sold, and the reason why some people don't want to go to war is because they still have a lot of business abroad.In the end, Louis Philippe chose peace because the enemy was too powerful and the domestic rebels were too arrogant.

There were secret societies of workers, and pamphlets on various social ideas were everywhere, even attracting two great men to watch. However, the speaker was not a black man, but a group of famous sociologists in history.

Orthodoxy, the Church, and Pius IX were connected in tandem. For Louis Philippe, it was simply disgusting and opened the door to disgust. It was so disgusting.

Louis Philippe personally appointed 77 bishops in the hope of diluting the influence of the church, but this intensity was not able to eliminate the influence established by the church for thousands of years at once.

On the contrary, it brought the church and the Orthodox together firmly. Pius IX even took the opportunity to collect debts and demanded that France pay back the tithes it had owed for many years.

The Orleans faction was also unstable, such as the Barrot faction, which wanted Louis Philippe to rule without rule.

In addition to those who openly expressed their hope that the king would hand over power, there were also a large number of small factions with their own agendas.Louis Philippe has gone through 18 cabinets in his 17 years in office, and the degree of turmoil is evident.

"Democrats" and republicans also appeared on the stage of history at this time. There were also many mountains in the army, and personal factions were more common than political factions.

For example, the fence-sitters led by Prime Minister Sirte do not want to offend anyone, but at the same time they firmly safeguard their own interests.

Domestic worker strikes and peasant uprisings also occurred from time to time, and the chaos in the colonies reached a terrifying level.

But at this time, Louis Philippe felt that the situation at this time could still be barely controlled, but if there was another war, he didn't know. He didn't want to take any risks, not even once.

There is also a lot of land in the two states, which is better than the time in Belgium. At least he did not lose troops or generals.And Louis Philippe felt that he had discovered a talent, Charles Duchardt, a general who was rising from the grassroots.

The former feels that the latter can be used to divide and disintegrate the Bonapartists, and the latter also feels that the former will be its biggest stepping stone.

As a result, the Vienna Conference in 1847 was successfully held and achieved gratifying results, making a huge contribution to peace in Europe.

All the five major powers sent people to participate. Except for Britain and France, the heads of state gathered together. It was the first grand event after the Congress of Vienna in 1815.

From then on, Switzerland disappeared from the map, and most of the participating countries received new territories, and even if they did not get land, they were given money as a consolation prize.

Franz was sitting in the Eagle Castle in a daze. In history, Austria had tried to regain its ancestral land three times, but all ended in failure.

In the end, in order to prevent the Longxing Land from being turned into a public toilet by the Swiss, the Habsburg family had to pay repair funds to Switzerland every year to protect this long-lasting building.

Later generations of Eagle Castle, which Franz visited, was an inconspicuous small castle built in the mountains.However, by this time it was in ruins, and Freyr Holothel's last order was to burn the Eagle Keep.

If Franz had not wanted to take it back, this small castle would have been preserved as a monument until the 21st century.

But the reality is that our enemies are so shameless, either taking advantage of their own people or venting their anger on a building that won't move.

So when Franz learned that Frey Holosa did not burn himself to death, but chose to escape halfway, Franz had some special ideas.

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