Chapter 815
It only took a week from the declaration of the German Confederation and France to the end of the war, and there was almost no resistance from the Free States.

Because the war in the past few months has emptied Switzerland's wealth, in fact, Switzerland's wealth is not rich. One is due to natural reasons. Switzerland can be said to be surrounded by mountains and rivers, with pleasant scenery, but it can also be said that the poor mountains and rivers breed unruly people.

The mountainous country was already poor in products, coupled with the second reason, the rise of industry in the Austrian Empire.

Whether it was textiles, printing and dyeing, iron processing, or the watch industry that the Swiss were proud of, they were all defeated by Franz.

On the contrary, the agriculture, wool, and breeding industries have bucked the trend and have risen, and the tourism industry has ushered in great development. However, due to some "sheepherds" and illegal shops, the reputation has been extremely poor and it has not been able to realize its full potential.

In fact, it is not uncommon for tourists to be ripped off in tourist areas, but some places are asking for money, and some places are asking for lives. The depths of the inaccessible mountains can not only appreciate the majesty of nature, but it can also be a good place for murderers to kill people and abandon their bodies.

In addition, the Alps are not only in Switzerland. You can also enjoy the beautiful scenery in Austria. And under Franz's planning and rectification, Austria's tourism industry is also not comparable to Switzerland.

Austria's tourism industry is almost entirely in the hands of Franz. The economies of scale can make costs lower and gain more bargaining power.

Standard, professional, safe, high quality and low price, the new travel company adhering to the modern concept completely surpasses the private travel company that has just started.

However, the phenomenon of ripping off customers also exists, but professionals have many ways to make those people willingly be ripped off.

As for transporting passenger flow to the Royal Shopping Mall, this is one of the important reasons why Franz engaged in tourism.

Under the blow of the dimensionality reduction of the tourism industry in the Austrian Empire, the tourism industry in Switzerland is also in danger.

Also because of the rise of Austria and the thickening of trade barriers by France and the Kingdom of Sardinia, it is very difficult for Switzerland to support itself by making extra money as it has in history.

Under the constraints of many parties, it would be strange if Switzerland could still have a rich family fortune.

During the war, local officials in Switzerland had great power, which exceeded their capabilities. Therefore, whether it was their intention or not, the area under their jurisdiction was in chaos.

Chaotic soil will always breed all kinds of monsters, and Switzerland is no exception. The damage they cause will eventually be passed on to ordinary people.

After this period of baptism, no one among the people at the bottom wants to continue the war.Therefore, no matter how beautiful the speeches of those free state officials were and how sincere their feelings were, they could no longer impress ordinary people.

In fact, Swiss local officials will not continue the war as long as they have some conscience, except for warlords such as Frey Holoser. They have tasted the sweetness of power and do not want to look back, or they are unable to turn back.

Franz didn't want them to turn back, let alone give them a chance to turn back. It was not easy for these garbage borers to find opportunities to clean up in a caught area like Switzerland, so Franz would naturally not leave any room for them.

These small warlords initially wanted to negotiate alone with the German Confederation, but the German monarchs who had been beaten to death by Franz did not want to reduce their chances of receiving land.

In fact, some states hope to stay in certain places by creating a fait accompli. For example, the three South German states are relatively close to Switzerland. If they can get those nearby lands, who wants enclaves?

So there was no room for negotiation at all, either surrender or fight.Frei Holloser even came to Franz's temporary military camp in person.

The Austrian troops were greeted as they entered the canton of St. Gallen, and those who wanted to resist and those who might resist were rounded up by those who did not.

Franz still had to pay attention to his image, so he decided to hand over the power of trial to the people.Public sentencing usually starts with the death penalty, so Franz is not worried about what harm will be left behind. Of course, this only refers to this moment, and we will talk about the future.

But this kind of national fanaticism made him a little uneasy. These Swiss people were still part of the German Confederation, but they had already started shouting "Long Live Germany".

The advantage is that Franz does not have to worry about the Germans in Switzerland being unwilling to join the German Confederation, because under the influence of such fanatical emotions, the torrent will sweep away everything whether they want it or not.

It was impossible for Franz to meet the so-called interim president of the Swiss Confederation, Fray Holosse. Even if he refused in person and scolded him, it would definitely be passed down as a legend in the future: "The prince of justice rejects the enemy of evil." temptation."

However, Franz does not lack this kind of reputation, and he can make up whatever he wants after the other party is dead. There is no need to take this risk.

In fact, this period of time is not suitable to meet the other party, let alone whether Frei Holosei is sincere or has a conspiracy.

Merely meeting him could be misinterpreted by fanatical German nationalists as a symbol of weakness and lack of firmness.

As for the deduction, it is completely unnecessary, because the opponent's strength is not enough to stop the entire German Confederation.

The last generation of warlords who succeeded in usurping power in troubled times only served as interim president for less than 10 days before setting himself on fire in his own presidential palace.

The death of Frei Holoser was just a microcosm. Because Franz had set an example in front of him, other German Confederate armies also followed suit and wiped out the top leaders of the Free States in a very short period of time.

Franz was warmly welcomed all the way to Allgäu, but Franz did not ride a horse, but sat in a specially made carriage.

In fact, it is better to say that it is a special carriage than a special carriage. The entire carriage is made of 10cm thick bulletproof glass.

This thickness can already block the bullets of all rifles in this era. Even in later generations, it will still require a 12.7mm bullet to penetrate.

Theoretically, a rifle can shoot ten shots at the same point to penetrate it, but considering the rate of fire of rifles in this era, Franz didn't think the attacker had that chance.

The advantage of such a transparent carriage is that it allows the public to see Franz while ensuring his safety to the greatest extent.

We did encounter an attack along the way, but the attacker's weapon was a dagger.
Moreover, the attacker was not professional. He was shot dead before he could reach the carriage. The dagger he threw before his death did not even scratch the glass.

Austria occupied Allgäu, Baden occupied Thurgau, Bavaria occupied St. Gallen, Württemberg occupied Unterhausen, and William I of Prussia led his army to occupy Jura.

The most interesting thing is that the Archduke of Liechtenstein led [-] warriors to successfully capture Graubünden. In fact, the local defenders did not know that the opponent only had such a few people.

The South German countries are the first to win, and they will not let go of this opportunity for expansion. Of course, this is also the acquiescence of Austria.

As for the Jura state occupied by Prussia, this was even more what Franz expected.Let the Prussians guard the Swiss Pass and block the French from Austria. Killing two birds with one stone is perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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