The Earl of Chambord was once the child who saved the Bourbon dynasty. Both the Bourbons and Habsburgs in the nineteenth century faced the same problem, that is, the issue of successors.

The Bourbon dynasty was almost extinct before the Earl of Chambord was born (Louis Philippe actually belonged to the Orleans dynasty), and the main Habsburg branches in Austria were similar during the same period. Fortunately, Mrs. Sophie was able to survive.

Chambord's uncle Louis XIX called him the "Son of Miracles", and the orthodox royalists liked to call him "Lenihart" by his last name, which means miracle.

People have high expectations for him, hoping that he can restore the glory of Bourbon.Historically, he has been evaluated as "French Washington", "the savior of French democracy", and "the founder of the one-vote republic". He surpassed the Count de Chambord.

The closest moment to the throne in Count Chambord's life was not when his uncle abdicated, but when the Napoleonic faction was discredited after the defeat of the Franco-Prussian War, and the throne of France had been sent to him.

And this miracle son lived up to expectations and created a miracle. The reason why he failed to become the king of France was actually because of a flag.

The Count of Chambord firmly resisted the tricolor flag and must restore the "white flag" of Bourbon.Even Pius IX complained about him "just for such a piece of rag!"

This "king" was born in 1820. His father was assassinated before he was born. As a posthumous son, he received education from his mother and uncle since he was a child.

The Earl of Chambord received a standard eldest son's education. At the age of ten, he began to attend various reviews, banquets, and various royal and religious activities with great intensity.

Therefore, he and Franz had the same problem. Count Chambord's mother was also a strongman. She had been operating in France through her identity as the Duchess of Berry, the mother of the legitimate heir to the throne.

The turmoil within the Orleans Dynasty at this time was closely related to it, especially the cooperation of the orthodox faction.

The Earl of Chambord was not stupid, but the education he received since childhood and his mother's example had impressed him with orthodox ideas.

At this time, even the Earl of Chambord was an outlier in the aristocratic circle. After all, times had changed, and many things in the past no longer existed.

It was not difficult for Franz to persuade Count Chambord to attend the Congress of Vienna, because the experiences of the two had many similarities, and the latter had experienced great joys and sorrows in life, so he could sympathize with the former.

Count Chambord also liked Vienna very much because it was more luxurious than Edinburgh and more glitzy than London.

Note: The Earl of Chambord went to Edinburgh, Scotland, when he was in exile, but he was not particularly fond of Britain.

At the same time, the cleanliness of Vienna is unmatched by the UK, whether it is air, water, or streets.

Vienna is a city where it is easy to forget your sorrows, especially after Franz's renovation, the whole city is full of vitality.

As a wealthy, depressed, and healthy adult man, Count Chambord quickly became the star of the Dark Moon Theater.

There was nothing Franz could do about this. After all, their identities were too sensitive. If they had direct contact, there would be much more that could be interpreted.

In order not to magnify the incident as much as possible, Franz decided to ask his staff in the theater to help pull the strings.

Count Chambord was very interested in Franz's plan, and he also wanted to see what his opponent was like.

There is another reason, that is, after Count Chambord heard about Franz's deeds and experiences, he felt that the two had the same problem, but the latter had better luck than the former.

"Franz, since you want to help me, I won't hide it from you. The situation inside Orleans is very bad, at least worse than you expected. As long as Austria can defeat France on the battlefield again, Louis Philippe will have to agree to it. conditions of."

Franz looked at Count Chambord, who was speaking nonsense seriously, and sighed.

"I understand what you mean, but war can only be used as a last resort. War is not good for either country, and a war between countries of equal strength is a disaster. And believe me, you are not the only one who wants Austria and France to go to war."

"You mean the British? They are busy waging wars around the world right now and should have no time to care about things on the European continent.

Americans, rebels in the Viceroyalty of La Plata, Maoris in New Zealand, Boers in South Africa, Qing people in the East, and the Irish next door to them.

In fact, the Scots also hate the British, but they were appeased by Robert Peel before. It would be interesting if the current British Prime Minister John Russell ignored this matter. "

At this time, Count Chambord looked at European affairs with a completely entertaining attitude. He gave his own opinions based on what he saw and heard, but he was not entirely correct.

"The British are certainly busy, but it's possible that because they can't get away, they want a conflict between France and Austria so that it can maintain its supremacy."

"What about the Russians?" asked Count Chambord.

"The Russians have their troubles, the rebellion in the Caucasus, the cholera pandemic, the chaos in the country, and coupled with the Russian pattern, there shouldn't be any big moves in the short term."

"Well, what do you want? Although I can only live in exile across Europe, I will not do anything that endangers the interests of France."

Speaking straight to the point like this, Count Chambord might not be a good politician, but he might be a good king.

"I want peace."

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple. Europe has been at peace for too long, and people don't know how to cherish it. Have you heard those horrific casualty figures?"

"It's only tens of thousands, what's the fuss about?"

“It may be affordable for France and Austria, but Switzerland is a small country with only a few million people.

Such a casualty ratio is already staggering. Imagine if the two sides in the Swiss civil war were replaced by Austria and France? "

Hearing this, Count Chambord couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine. He had been exposed to the army since he was very young. At that time, the French army still had the imprint of the Napoleonic era.

There are many veterans with missing arms, legs, and one-eyes in the Invalides. When Count Chambord came to Vienna, he specifically went to the Invalides in the Austrian Empire.

The life of the veterans at the Les Invalides in Austria was much better than that of the French veterans at the Les Invalides in Paris. At least they were not hungry.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Count Chambord felt that trusting others was a virtue, and the young man in front of him should be a trustworthy person.

Franz played the Count of Chambord card just to force Louis Philippe to come to Vienna, and then the two sides could solve the Swiss problem in an honorable way.

However, Louis Philippe did not play his cards according to the routine, so the direction of the world quietly changed again.

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