Chapter 804 The Gears of Destiny

Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

Franz had a new guest, Virawise Adani, one of the richest businessmen in India at this time, who had greater power in Trivandrum than the Maharaja.

However, Villawise Adani did not rise up, nor did he ask the British for the position of prince, but chose to continue to be an obedient citizen.

This is somewhat elusive, and his shadow is behind almost everything that has happened in the Indian subcontinent in recent years.

The Governor-General of India, Henry Harding, specifically stated the threat posed by this man before leaving office. However, his successor soon gave the opposite evaluation. Coupled with the change of government, this matter did not attract the attention of senior officials in London.

However, this man who has everything to do with the power of the Indian subcontinent is currently lying on the ground, not even daring to breathe.

If Lakshmi Pai on the side had been in the past, she would have been curious about why Veerawais Adani, the uncrowned king of the Mughal Empire, was so humble.

Now she understands that the so-called uncrowned king is just a puppet on strings.

Austria, a small country, has energy that is not inferior to that of the British. If it were a land battle, I am afraid that even the warriors of the entire Mughal Empire would not be able to match it.

Lakshmi Pai is from Zhangxi, and Zhangxi is actually a state of the Mughal Empire in name, so she feels that she is a subject of the Mughal Empire.

In fact, in the past two years, Lakshmi Pai has gained a new understanding of Britain and Europe. She understands that these people cannot be defeated by one or two warriors or heroes.

And if you are not strong enough, if you kill one, there will be another one.But the reform was not something she could complete alone. Perhaps this was why the prince sent her here.

Although Villawise Adani's performance this time was much more submissive than before, this careerist still did not tell the whole truth. What is even more disgusting is that he actually wants to replace the Sassoon family.

Franz doesn't like this kind of greedy and smart-assed ally who doesn't have enough strength at all.

Henry Harding was a direct descendant of Robert Peel, so it was not surprising that he was replaced by John Russell. In fact, another point was that the governor with a military background was unwilling to make concessions on many issues, which affected the interests of too many people.

Henry Harding's departure from India was in some ways a good thing, but in the short term it was troublesome because his successor, Earl Dalhousie, was a workaholic.

In fact, the Earl of Dalhousie was promoted by Robert Peel, but the former was also a good friend of John Russell's cousin, Baron Palmer.

"Never avoid relatives when promoting good people", so Earl Dalhousie became the new Governor-General of India.

His methods were very radical, and his crazy expansion and total Westernization triggered a series of wars and ethnic conflicts, and eventually triggered the Indian National Revolt.

But it is undeniable that Earl Dalhousie is very capable, and this person is very xenophobic. I am afraid that Austria and France's colonies in India will be uncomfortable.

(Previous review: The British forced Denmark to sell their colonies in India, and Franz temporarily intervened.

In the end, the British were in vain. Not only did they become enemies with Denmark, but their colonies were also divided among Austria, France, and the Netherlands, giving themselves two competitors in India.

Among them, Austria got Tranquiba, France got Serampore, and the Dutch got the Nicobar Islands. )
But now Franz is not in the mood to pay much attention to the affairs of the Indian subcontinent. There are still a lot of bigger troubles after the Swiss Civil War, and the Year of Storm is approaching step by step.

He didn't want Queen Zhangxi, who would stir up troubles in the Indian subcontinent in the future, to die in the turmoil of the Austrian Empire. As for people like Verawise Adani, it would be fine as long as they maintained the interest relationship, and there was no need to invest too much emotional chips. .

Treating the latter too well will only cause them to have unnecessary fantasies. Franz is not here to help the poor.

Lakshmi Pai bowed to Franz with her palms clasped together. "You are love, abundance and auspiciousness; I am also love, auspiciousness and abundance."

Franz hated this kind of religious ceremony and just waved his hands as a farewell.

Little Maria on the side was very sad. After all, she didn't have many friends, and even fewer silly friends could make trouble like this.

I won’t write about the farewell of the two girls.
In short, Franz took his sister away, and Lakshmi Pai also returned to India and walked towards her destiny. However, the difference this time was that she was not forced to have no choice but to actively embrace her destiny.

Three days later, the Prime Minister's Office.

Metternich understood what Franz meant, but his appetite was a bit big, but he finally understood why those southern German monarchs had to participate.

One day later, Metternich summoned Baron Pasquière. The latter was worried because the information the former gave him was true and had been confirmed by his own intelligence.

However, France's domestic attitude towards the Swiss issue remains tough, and the military does not accept Austria's further expansion of its territory.

King Louis Philippe even secretly hinted that if France cannot get land that satisfies itself, then no one can get it.

In fact, after coming to Vienna, Baron Pasquière discovered the amazing changes in the city. Although the streets of Paris have also undergone great changes in the past ten years, they have not reached the level of changing the world.

Vienna has almost doubled in size, and almost all of it has been replaced except for the ancient buildings in the city center.

Only a small section of Vienna's city wall remains as a memorial, and the rest was torn down and rebuilt.

The exaggerated glass windows on the street are almost unbelievable, and the prices are even more incredible.The price of the same piece of display glass in Austria is only one-twentieth of that in France.

It is no wonder that almost all shops in Vienna can afford it, while in Paris only the most luxurious places use such huge glass.

Those department store buildings were even more exaggerated. Such a huge four-story building, no matter how he jumped, jumped, and rolled, it didn't shake at all.

The railways along the way are even more exaggerated. In France it is common for people to chase trains on foot, but in Austria this is almost impossible.

Not to mention the road protection teams patrolling back and forth, even if ordinary people chase them, they can only be helpless when faced with a train traveling at a speed of 50-60 kilometers per hour.

Baron Pasquière specializes in espionage work. According to his experience, there must be a more powerful violent organization behind such prosperity to maintain it.

Therefore, Baron Pasquière now doubts whether France and Austria are still on the same starting line, and whether he still has a chance to negotiate fairly.

"Baron Pasquière, please take a seat."

"Thank you, Prime Minister."

After a brief exchange of greetings
“The main reason I invite you here this time is to convey our country’s intentions to your country.

The Free State of Switzerland has affected the peace of Europe, and we, the big countries, should shoulder the responsibilities of big countries.We should eliminate this hazard permanently. "

(End of this chapter)

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