Queenstown, Ireland.

In a small courtyard, Franz and Jennings' family were eating porridge made of sorghum rice and beans.

In fact, Franz doesn't cook much, and his level is naturally not very high, but he hasn't eaten this kind of food for more than ten years, so he still eats it with relish.

Since the Jennings family can't even fill their stomachs, they have no resistance to this kind of rough food, or they are very happy to eat some.

Scathach scratched his head.

"You're right, but we're going to lose our lives this year. At best, it's better for you."

She still wanted to sell her hair to Franz, but the latter had no choice but to hand over two pounds to the former.

Scathach was very excited because this was the first time in his life that he was exposed to huge sums of money. After carefully putting away the two large silver coins, he handed the scissors to Franz.

Seeing that the latter did not act, the former had to give himself a haircut.

Franz had no choice but to stop him.

"Let's leave it on your head, and I'll get it when I need it."

Franz's words were very strange, Scathach thought for a while and said.

"Then you should still pay the storage fee."

The former was almost choked, and looked helplessly at the simple and shrewd peasant girl in front of him.

"Pay and deliver. If there is anything to exchange, come to the Old Church tomorrow."

After Franz left, sister Ella reacted.

"That gentleman just now is so handsome."

Scathach nodded, "I can still do farm work."
This is an unrealistic dividing line—
After confirming the situation of the entire village, Archbishop Rauscher found the local village chief.

The archbishop's beard and hair are all white and he has lost a strand of black hair. He has a kind face and a big belly, but what is not commensurate with his body shape is a pair of bright and deep eyes. It feels like they are full of wisdom, and there is an aura in his gestures, which makes people unconscious Bow down and listen.

Rauscher said that he wanted to borrow the abandoned church in the village, and the old village chief agreed almost without thinking. The former said he hoped all the villagers could come, and the latter also agreed.

After that, he was so busy that he was so active that he even surprised himself.

When the villagers came to the church with their private possessions, they found that the rich old businessman had turned into a benevolent old monk.

Although Franz had some complaints about Archbishop Rauscher, it is undeniable that the old magician preached the scriptures and preached more than enough to deal with a few villagers in a lifetime, and even made some people cry bitterly and immediately began to repent.

Afterwards, every sentence and every word of the archbishop was carefully crafted by the best agitators in all of Austria.

Although there is no sentence that makes Ireland rebel against the British Empire, it goes straight to the core of the contradiction everywhere, and the final guide is that only when it is independent of the United Kingdom can Ireland obtain real relief.

Of course, apart from those futures floating in the sky, how to survive this disaster is the core of this sermon.

"Sorghum" This is the root of the Irish people's survival and independence from the British Empire.After all, food is the most important thing for the people, so how can we talk about independence if we can't even fill our stomachs?

Although the yield of sorghum is not as good as that of potatoes and sweet potatoes, its yield is far superior to other crops of the same period, and it is relatively easy to feed and is less restricted by land.

In fact, if the normal development follows the historical track, the Irish will lose all their arable land in 20 years, and no one inch of the 3942 million acres of arable land in Ireland will belong to the Irish.

Those lands will belong to 300 landowners from the British mainland, some of whom have never set foot on Irish soil in their lives.

This life of Franz will leave some sparks on the island of Ireland, so that their inheritance will not be cut off.

As for whether to remain silent until death, or to fight out, it depends on their own choice.

There are actually quite a few parties on the island of Ireland, and they all think they are radical, and the history books written by the British also describe them as radical.

However, in terms of actual performance, it is not as good as African blacks, and its combat power is similar to that of African wild animals. Before the Easter Uprising in 1916, it was truly lackluster in scale.

In fact, whether it is Young Ireland, the Irish Liberator, or the Orange Order formed by Irish Protestants and the Catholic Association led by Daniel O'Connell, after all, they still need the British to pay wages, and they are not economically independent. Not straight.

Moreover, the Irish are deeply influenced by British parliamentary politics, and as a result, they like to go through the process.To put it simply, there is loud thunder and little rain.

Many actions may seem grandiose, but in fact they are harmless.

On the contrary, although the Defenders League funded by the French has few people, it has been ruthless several times. However, with the fall of the July Dynasty and the rise of Napoleon III, the relationship between Britain and France changed from confrontation to cooperation, and this organization naturally disintegrated.

Due to the oppression of the British, countless resistance and protest organizations were born in Ireland, but it was difficult to exist for a long time before World War I.

What if the Irish could support themselves?What if the Irish try to develop industry and agriculture and want to stand up?What if a strong leader emerged from among them?
Franz is still very interested in experimenting with the British Empire. As for Ireland, whether they succeed or fail, they should thank Franz for at least giving them a chance.

In fact, whether it is a radical violent uprising or a so-called peaceful protest, it is a drain on Britain's national power.

Generally speaking, it will not have much impact, but the premise is that the United Kingdom can remain strong without external interference.

However, Franz obviously will not stand idly by, or that there will eventually be a war between Austria and the British Empire in the future, and it is impossible to stay out of it.

Therefore, Franz needs some people to live strong, and they will continue to provide raw materials and motivation for those rebellious organizations.

At the same time, he also needs to take away a group of people, because he doesn't want another potential enemy to become too powerful.

In fact, those Irishmen who have been to Austria will make the best propagandists, better than Franz can send any grain to the island of Ireland.

As for why the food is not distributed for free, the first is to bring down the British economy, and the second is to make the Irish jealous, at least to let them know who is cutting off their way of life.

It's just that the carrying capacity of Austria is limited, and war will break out soon, so most of the rescued Irish will be sent to the colonies.

Of course, the Austrian side will not do things like sending them to the colonies themselves, so an agent is needed.

Like Mr. Daniel O'Connell on the wharf in a rage.

This old gentleman has been engaged in parliamentary politics all his life, and the British military and police can't do anything about him with the ribbon on his body.

But lip service alone cannot change the status quo, and no matter how economical the Irish are, they cannot conjure up food out of thin air.

However, the food problem was not difficult for Franz.

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