Chapter 760 Jokes
When the first skeleton was found, people in the square began to dig the soil one after another, digging with tools if they had tools, and digging with hands if they didn't.

Soon hundreds of bones were found, and at this time the dungeon was also found.It's just that there were more people than Franz had imagined, and it even made him wonder how Vikhliu Yasuski could support so many people.

As more amputated people and mutilated bodies are found, the mystery speaks for itself.

The people brought down by Bordeaux are almost all veterans who are used to fighting. To them, the smoke and blood of the battlefield are commonplace. In the eyes of ordinary people, these guys are no different from butchers.

However, it was the executioners in the eyes of ordinary people who were vomiting, trembling, and holding their knuckles white.

"Is there a doctor?"

Franz shouted that there were doctors in the army, but they were far from enough.A few people in the crowd raised their hands, and Franz counted only a dozen.

And needless to say, there is a high probability that these people do not have a doctor's license, or even a doctor who treats people, but it is better than nothing.

"Please follow the command of the military medical officer, those poor people need help."

The doctors and "doctors" were busy saving people, but the rescued didn't "appreciate" them, and the latter hoped to stay and watch the sentence.

However, under Franz's persuasion, most of them decided to receive treatment first, because Vikhliu Yasuski was left last.

There are 800 people in the entire Yasuski Manor. Even if minors are excluded, it will take at least a week to go through the trial one by one.

However, Franz felt that it would never be too late for a good meal. Compared with digging a pit and burying him directly, or letting the serfs beat him to death, the value of a public trial was much greater, and the effect was much more lasting.

If you want to completely defeat Poland, only the Poles themselves can do it.Compared with military conquest and economic control, national identity is efficient and cheap.

In fact, there are cheaper and more efficient ways, and that is religious deification and idolatry.However, the side effects of doing so are too great, which is equivalent to drinking poison to quench thirst.

And it will irritate others, and at the same time stimulate the ambition of some people.In case I did not do a good job in the aftermath, or the successor is not capable enough.

Then the contradictions accumulated before will burst out at once, and it is easy to cause qualitative changes because the magnitude is too large.

The results ranged from changing flags to changing flags, and from severe ones to shattered into pieces.

Franz has enough capital, he doesn't need to deliberately let some people go, and at the same time, as the spokesperson of the aristocratic class, it is even more impossible to encourage the people to target the aristocratic class.

For the sake of the so-called progress, he will revolutionize his own life, and Franz does not think that the world has only one way of development.

Franz decided to save the trial of Vikhliu Yasuski until the end. Death is often a relief for the mortal, and the real suffering is the process of waiting for the death sentence.

And the person who is the first to judge often decides the tone of the normal trial, so Franz chose the butler known as the "Sven Beast".

The name of this butler was Vladimir Wuster, and he was the white glove of Vikhliu Yasuski, the person whom the latter valued the most, and also the person in charge of contacting the Polish Restoration Army.

Mere treason and collusion and intent to murder a member of the royal family were enough to condemn him to death, but the gentle beast was far from guilty.

Although he has only been here for five years, there are 135 households who were persecuted at the scene alone. The crimes include murder, injury, robbery, fraud, arson, rape, collaborating with almost all known crimes.

In order to make this gentle beast suffer more, Franz specially made full plate armor for the four guards escorting the prisoners.

Furious mobs threw debris, dirt and stones at Vladimir Wooster as he made his way through the crowd.

Ordinary people in this era live very poorly, and they will not use precious eggs and tomatoes to punish prisoners, because they are reluctant.

Before being sent to the gallows, Vladimir Wooster was already covered in mud, with blood stains from the corners of his eyes.

It was a man who desperately jumped into the prison car and smashed it out, but at this time Vladimir Wuster was completely indifferent.

He raised his head and shouted in the direction of the man, "Your wife is amazing! Your sister is also amazing! Your two daughters are the best!"

Then he laughed wantonly, laughing until tears flowed out. Two guards beat his liver desperately but couldn't stop Vladimir Wooster from laughing. In the end, the executioner couldn't stand it anymore and stuffed a ball of rags into it. Only then did the laughter stop.

The results of the trial will be read out by local officials, after which the priest will offer his final prayers.At the end of the ceremony, the criminal should confess his last words, and the priest should record them on his behalf.

It's just that Vladimir Wuster's mouth was gagged at this time, so it was obviously impossible to confess his last words, and according to the laws of the Austrian Empire, prisoners have this right.

The priest removed the rags from Vladimir Wurst's mouth, who immediately shouted: "You damn hams! You natural slaves colluding with the Austrians, you all go to hell go!"

There was another commotion on the execution platform, and Vladimir Wooster was cut in the throat with a hand knife before he shut up.

At this moment, the priest seemed extremely dissatisfied, and he directly shouted, "Prisoners have the right to confess their last words before they die, you can't do that!

God will not forgive your atrocities! "

It's the letter of the law, and it's God. The guards and executioners on the side obviously dare not be tough.

Only then did the priest raise his brows slightly, but just now the executioner greeted Vladimir Wuster's throat specially, causing the latter to be unable to shout at this time.

Vladimir Wuster lowered his head and spat out a mouthful of blood foam, his lips moved but he couldn't hear the sound clearly, the priest had to get closer.

But the voice of the man who was still alive just now was so low that the priest could only get closer to Vladimir Wuster's mouth.

The executioner on the side didn't have time to stop, the gentle beast bit the priest's ear, and the latter screamed in fear from the pain, and the people around flocked to him but it was too late.

Vladimir Wuster directly tore off the priest's ear, and then swallowed it under the watchful eyes of everyone, his face was full of pleasure, and he raised his head like a winner.

Facing the next gallows is like an ancient warrior who died generously. At this time, the public execution has become a joke.

The criminals all knew that even the most heinous crimes were nothing more than death, so seeing the gentle beast behaved so bravely, the heinous ones felt a sense of pleasure, bragging about their usual "achievements".

Those accomplices also beat their chests one after another, annoyed why they didn't kill more people and do more bad things, so that they were looked down upon by their brothers.

And those who were coerced without any subjective wishes, all cried bitterly. They hated it very much, but no one knew what they hated.

(End of this chapter)

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